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Psyche's Muse
8/16/2018 1:32:36 PM
“Ask A Nazi” !!!
There is this “word”...
this Jewish/Yiddish word…
This “term” was used by most “Jews”…
to imply either their “race” or “heritage”…
For instance saying, “I am Ashkenazi”...
Was the same as saying, “I am Jewish”.
This word is pronounced: “ask a Nazi”...
where the “nazi” is pronounced “nah-zee”...
NOT... “knot-sea”!
ya see?
...or not?
I find it rather odd that for a thousand years…
whenever someone asks a Jew…
“What race are you?”
they’d simply tell them, “Ask a Nazi !”...
And then to “not see”(nor “hear” for that matter)...
the irony in this “phonetic debacle”…
(not for several generations at least!)
seems very strange indeed.
And this I find rather disturbing as well…
that someone could ask me…
“What was Hitler and the holocaust all about?”
And I could simply tell them…
“Ask a Nazi !”...
“answering” their question...
“in a way” anyway…
just walking away and saying…
“Ask a Nazi !”...
And they'd get BOTH "sides" of the story too...
IF they only knew...
Jim Acosta
8/22/2018 10:57:51 AM
you make no sense at all, you are hired, come to CNN
Psyche's Muse
8/30/2018 12:39:41 PM
...is that for "Come Now Nazi"?
Jim Acosta
8/30/2018 12:55:50 PM
CNN is the foremost news agency in the world, with hundreds of reporters worldwide doing their job and bringing news to you 24/7, CNN is Cable News Network founded by Ted Turner in 1980
Psyche's Muse
8/30/2018 3:01:36 PM
Oh... OK! So, CNN = Constant Negative Nagging... right... Got it! Thanks! (haha!)
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