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Psyche's Muse
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9/8/2024 6:22:01 PM
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11/23/2018 3:24:09 PM
MOST FEARED “Dinosaur” Of All Time Is:

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Happy Father’s Day...(With Some Potential Vile Language)


IAC Prime Member


Psyche's Muse

11/23/2018 3:24:09 PM

MOST FEARED “Dinosaur” Of All Time Is:

The Anonymousaurus,

Stemming From The Family Of “Sauruses”, An Onymousaurus Could Well Become An Ominousaurus. It All Depends Upon The Saurus… Where It Is From And Where It Is Going. Every “Good” Saurus MUST Be Ominous, But There Are Times When A Saurus Can Only Become “Ominous” Through Being An Onymous… Saurus That Is… Source You Might Say… Or So My Sources Have Said Unto Me… Me And All My... “Sauruses”… “Anonymousauruses”??? Speak Of Them As “Anonymous-Are-Us” If You’d Like… Or Not… At All???

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Bryon Tosoff

11/23/2018 4:03:15 PM

Thesauruses are dangerous too!

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Psyche's Muse

11/23/2018 5:26:56 PM

OMG!!! Yes!!! I forgot all about THAT one! Wait a minute. No I didn't... "VERY" Dangerous INDEED!!!!

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Bryon Tosoff

11/23/2018 5:45:07 PM

what about george soros. could he be lumped in there as a dinosoros,perhaps, he looks like one

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Bryon Tosoff

11/23/2018 5:49:30 PM

trumpasoros is made when two got together and perhaps a clintonsoros after they mated or something .does that count as a dinosaur type being. a whole new breed. of polisaures for the white house. new party emerges as the republisaures and demosaures

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Psyche's Muse

11/23/2018 8:01:18 PM


Republic Of Soros



Republic Of Sorrows...


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Bryon Tosoff

11/25/2018 4:49:51 PM

Migrantsaurous are on the loose, 1000's in an invasion towards the US. but the Americansaurous will put down these new breed of Soros funded invaders

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11/25/2018 6:06:37 PM ---- Updated 11/25/2018 6:07:20 PM

I thought you were going to say Ted Nugent.

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Bryon Tosoff

11/25/2018 7:08:54 PM

lol Nugent

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11/26/2018 1:18:51 AM

What about the sore asses? They seem to be everywhere these days. Smelly sorts they are. Quite sensitive but often well rounded. Sore asses seem to have a need for constant pampering and stroking. But they do tenderize from constant attention. A very needy lot they are. Stay away from sore asses as they can be very dangerous. Dino sore asses are the worst because they are old and very smelly. They reek of ass. The recent election left a lot of sore asses behind. Be wary of them for they plot revenge. Sore asses are very ugly and spiteful. We should all take turns kicking them. Kick a sore ass today and I will pay your legal fees. Harrrrr just joking. Leave those sore asses alone. Never kick a sore ass when it is down. Harrrr, just kidding. The best time to kick a sore ass is when it is down. After all, it's already sore. Right?

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Bryon Tosoff

11/26/2018 1:24:24 AM ---- Updated 11/26/2018 6:24:01 PM


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Bryon Tosoff

11/26/2018 1:26:01 AM

then I will come afterwards lol and feast on da bones

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Bryon Tosoff

11/26/2018 1:33:50 AM ---- Updated 11/26/2018 1:33:50 AM

And this fake prime minister of Canada got to go, we hate him and his liberals he is an idiot of the highest (or lowest) odor I mean odor i mean order .protesters in Calgary our Oil capital fk Trudeau

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Bryon Tosoff

11/26/2018 1:35:29 AM

and screw all you left wingers. keep flapping haha

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Psyche's Muse

11/26/2018 3:29:48 PM

Every one of us has got "sore asses". Both sides! Up side AND down! All Around... and round and round! It's like a plague! "THIS" kinda stuff is likely what the bible was actually implying when it claimed that "homosexuality" would become THE ULTIMATE "SIGN" of mankind's immanent demise! hahaha!(maybe NOT... so funny after all)

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Bryon Tosoff

11/26/2018 4:00:42 PM

True. we are nearing a second dark age. lawlessness. people do whatever they want, no respect of rules .

As for what is happening currently at the US Mexico border ,well The invasion by these lawless migrants is like a bunch of bank robbers surrounding a bank and the bank owner stands his ground and sees no free handouts, not robbing my bank, no free rides, follow the rules, but no, this is all orchestrated and not spontaneous at all. if you think so, you are a fool! this type of thing is like that in an analogy,yet the UN is taking over the immigration policies of all nations ,except for a few who are not signatory to it,

and this mass invasion that has happened in England Sweden and France and othrs with uncontrolled amounts overwhelming those countries has crippled the social programs, and there are no go zones there, the police dont even go into these areas populated by, these migrants millions of them who have over run so many European states.

So places like Hungary, the US and a number of others will not concede or bend to this, but our PM ding dong did. and is leading the way to being the major puppet pitching this new compact and agreement of the UN good on the US and Hungary for saying NO. Soon we too will be over run. so taking my truckload of sardines and shotgun and moving out of this area US wont sign UN compact This is the agreement Canada was sucked into and is going to destroy us with up to 5 million over the next 5 to 10 years , I am all for immigration, but within what we as a country can equip ourselves with and have people with skills and abilities living by our rules, then again, dance boy Trudeau just opens the doors wide and lets the UN dictate when and how many and from where.
G help us all
UN migrants

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Bryon Tosoff

11/29/2018 11:29:33 PM

insane asuarous. thats me

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Psyche's Muse

12/2/2018 7:43:04 PM ---- Updated 12/2/2018 8:46:03 PM

did you mean the Insane Ass-R-Us...
or the Maniacs-R-Us?
The latter one is MUCH more aggressive...
Although, there IS a Many-"Yack"-asaurous too...
NOT the same... just "sounds" the same...
He is simply ALL "talk"(yackitty-yack-yack-yack)...
He IS a bit "crazy" though.

BTW- Me thinks the "Jackass"-saurous fits rather nicely(for "me" hahaha!)... and has a nice "ring" to it too!

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Bryon Tosoff

12/3/2018 11:50:49 AM

well its better then being a mundane-asaurous or a muellarasoros as you spoke of before. anyways gonna continue being myselfasaurus rather then being a fakeasaurus

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Psyche's Muse

12/3/2018 5:47:47 PM


(Fake-Ass-Saurous! or... Fake-Ass-R-Us! yep!)

Amen! ...to "THAT" , Bryon! Touche!!!!

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