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Psyche's Muse
Views for this Topic: 64

9/8/2024 6:22:01 PM
The Chosen People Can Choose To Do Whatever They Choose Unto Whomever They Choose. PERIOD!

8/11/2024 11:02:46 PM
Whitney Webb! Is truly, one helluva Professional Writer, Researcher and Journalist!

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Whitney Webb! Is truly, one helluva Professional Writer, Researcher and Journalist!

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7/8/2024 6:10:12 PM
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7/6/2024 4:25:27 AM
Dr. Phil’s Interview With Donald Trump | Episode 225 | Phil in the Blanks Podcast

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Happy Father’s Day...(With Some Potential Vile Language)


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Psyche's Muse

7/6/2024 4:25:27 AM

Dr. Phil’s Interview With Donald Trump | Episode 225 | Phil in the Blanks Podcast

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Holo Lukaloa

7/6/2024 6:05:55 AM

softball interview. You aren't a Trump siupporter are you?

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Psyche's Muse

7/6/2024 5:26:31 PM

Hell no! I ain't no "jockstrap" or a "bra"! And I don't give him no money either! But I will give him the time of day. I'll "watch" him! He's not nearly as much of a "Father Of Lies" as Joe Biden is! I voted for Reagan. Voted against Clinton. Voted against Bush. Twice! Voted for Obama. Twice! Voted against Hillary too.

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Holo Lukaloa

7/7/2024 12:28:32 AM

You shouldn't have voted against Hillary. Trump singlehandedly caused over 400,000 deaths with his botching of Covid.

By the way, Trump lies 100 times as much as Biden.

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Psyche's Muse

7/7/2024 1:46:58 AM


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Holo Lukaloa

7/7/2024 4:17:28 AM

I don't see how you could possibly think that, Muse. Trump lies at the very same frequency that he breathes.


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7/8/2024 7:45:29 PM

That man never ever stops lying. If his lips are moving and sound is coming out, its another lie! I wish there was a linebacker standing behind him smacking him in the head everytime he lies. by now he would be concussed!

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7/8/2024 7:59:25 PM

Give it up Holo. Debunked means absolutely nothing to these folks. They just keep drinking the kool aid and believing it is wine. No need even arguing with them. They do not care about the truth. If they did, they would never support a liar who laies have been debunked over and over and over again. You know, he once said that he could murder someone in the streets and they would still support him. There is no doubt in my mind that that is the single most true thing he ever said. The convict knows how to con people into believin in him no matter what the truth is or how many convictions he has. They dont care about how many pussy's he's grabbed or the porn stars or the racism or the stolenn docs, civil suits, failed businesses and colleges, bromance with Putin or even the daily calamity that was his presidency. No, they don't care about any of that man. For Trump, they are ride or die chicks!

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Psyche's Muse

7/8/2024 8:17:04 PM

Proverbial saying: How do you KNOW "when" a politician is "lying"? Answer? "When their lips are moving!" Well, Trump ain't no "politician"... and Biden? Well, "He's been one of those most all of his life!" So, GAME OVER! (in that "lying" contest) Biden Wins!

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Holo Lukaloa

7/9/2024 6:23:20 AM

If you dont get what a compulsive liar Trump is you simply aren;t familiar with his ways,

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