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Psyche's Muse
Views for this Topic: 121

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IAC Prime Member


Psyche's Muse

5/31/2024 10:04:18 AM ---- Updated 5/31/2024 2:40:16 PM

Jewish "Family Feud"... "game" has been goin' on for over 1,000 years!(1 Hell Love A Race2)
Ahmed Paul Keeler argues that Zionism has become embedded into the Western mindset through education and culture. It relies upon a Darwinian hierarchy that places Europeans at the top and Arabs and others as savages and less human, terms that have been uttered in recent events with greater frequency. Ahmed was born in 1942 and was brought up in a conservative upper-middle class Anglo Catholic family. He belonged to a generation that was brought up to serve the British empire. Ahmed Keeler is a Visiting Fellow at the Centre of Islamic Studies, University of Cambridge, and was a Distinguished Fellow at The Faculty of Leadership and Management, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia in 2016.

Zionism is the ideology that underpins the barbarism that has been meted out on Palestinians, its latest chapter being the slaughter that is currently happening in Gaza. Yet its ideals remain respectable in establishment circles. In the United States, political leaders fall over one another to declare their un denying loyalty to the creed and in Britain, there has been a long tradition of Christian Zionism that spans back to the early twentieth century and the Balfour Declaration.

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Psyche's Muse

10/27/2024 12:52:30 PM

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