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Psyche's Muse
Views for this Topic: 108

11/26/2024 9:45:12 AM
Just some good ol' boys!

10/20/2024 8:11:58 PM
"Mass Murderers" Get Away With "Mass Murder" Again And Again AND... A "GAIN".

9/29/2024 1:34:58 PM

9/28/2024 10:00:16 PM
Two Sides To Every Story... All "Ways".

9/8/2024 6:22:01 PM
The Chosen People Can Choose To Do Whatever They Choose Unto Whomever They Choose. PERIOD!

8/11/2024 11:02:46 PM
Whitney Webb! Is truly, one helluva Professional Writer, Researcher and Journalist!

8/5/2024 1:17:22 PM
Whitney Webb! Is truly, one helluva Professional Writer, Researcher and Journalist!

7/29/2024 2:42:17 AM
Elon Musk Notices Something About Election Cheating No One Noticed

7/27/2024 8:13:14 AM
We are living in The Last Days! And "This" is "The Final Trump"!

7/14/2024 3:53:20 PM
What In The World? Is The World Coming "TWO"??? ("Divided" ! )

7/14/2024 2:43:50 PM
HISsstory... is HERSss...

7/13/2024 5:59:24 PM
Dang It! They Missed!!!! SHIT!

7/13/2024 12:57:41 PM
"This" IS NOT "Theory". Pedophilia IS "Conspiracy".

7/13/2024 12:09:11 AM
America IS... a "Republic!" ...NOT... a "Democracy"...

7/8/2024 6:10:12 PM
"Conspiracy" IS NOT "Theory"

7/6/2024 4:25:27 AM
Dr. Phil’s Interview With Donald Trump | Episode 225 | Phil in the Blanks Podcast

7/3/2024 8:27:40 AM
"US" Liberty vs. "Jewish" Liberty

7/2/2024 12:26:52 PM
United Nations... you in?

7/2/2024 10:34:16 AM
R. F. Kennedy Jr. is "GOOD"

7/1/2024 6:35:12 AM
Get Rid Of "THOSE Money CHANGERS!"

6/29/2024 3:02:11 PM
Vaccines Viruses Mercury Cancer

6/12/2024 6:13:06 AM
(k)NEW? sss... NEW! NEWS!

6/2/2024 1:38:33 AM

6/1/2024 10:17:45 PM

5/31/2024 10:04:18 AM
Jewish "Family Feud"... "game" has been goin' on for over 1,000 years!(1 Hell Love A Race2)

5/24/2024 4:47:46 AM

5/23/2024 8:39:17 AM
We The People...

5/8/2024 2:15:55 AM
David Icke

2/23/2024 8:41:34 AM
FREEDOM Of Speech...

11/4/2023 2:11:18 PM
Some Old Story/Same Ol' Story : ( "Sum" THAT "Old Story" ! )

4/30/2023 7:14:21 AM
W T F !!!

2/2/2021 5:51:24 AM
Liars Continue Getting Away With Lies

3/28/2020 3:25:20 AM
M A G A ! ???

12/17/2018 1:38:04 AM

11/23/2018 3:24:09 PM
MOST FEARED “Dinosaur” Of All Time Is:

11/20/2018 4:10:30 PM
Opinion Rhapsody

10/27/2018 12:46:50 AM
Election Meddling Again?

10/15/2018 4:18:42 AM
All Is "Insanity"

8/16/2018 1:32:36 PM
“Ask A Nazi” !!!

4/20/2018 3:14:04 AM
Is "Literal" Ambient Music "Legit" ?(the kind WITH singin')

4/17/2018 2:16:54 AM
John F. Kennedy!

10/31/2017 2:40:32 AM
Do Medical Marijuana Users Have Right To Bear Arms? “NO!”, says ATF.

10/27/2017 8:00:31 AM
Fake News! Fake News! Fake News!

9/26/2017 6:58:12 PM

6/18/2017 2:04:47 AM
Happy Father’s Day...(With Some Potential Vile Language)


IAC Prime Member


Psyche's Muse

6/1/2024 10:17:45 PM ---- Updated 6/1/2024 10:22:05 PM

Posted by Mortamore on 5/8/2006 10:52:48 AM Updated 4/21/2009 9:00:36 AM
Views for this Topic: 1375 (posted before there was any Political Pipeline)

At the time of the writing of "Revelation" the amount "666" signified the sum total of the numeric digits found in the Roman Monetary System. There was the D=500, the C=100, the L=50, the X=10, the V=5, and the I=1. The M-1000 came later. When the merchants needed to signify "one-thousand" they would place two of the D's(500) back-to-front like this: (][). This would later transform into the M of today. So the number of the Beast is 666 and you cannot buy or sell without this number... or a sum of "it's" number... bank account, credit account(let me "count" the ways) either in your hand or in your head(memorized). The bigger the number of dollars you possess the more powerful you become. Money transubstantiates into power which you'll wield causing others to do your bidding either by making you a burger or cutting your grass... they'd never do it for you otherwise you see... they only do it for your money.

Let us look at the Capitalists. Their name reveals who their "Leader" really is... "Money"... the root from which their name is derived is king! To Capitalists the flow of Money leads them in making all their decisions. Was this what the story of Judas warned us about? Out of all the things that are being done in this world, how many of them REALLY NEED TO BE DONE? Doesn't the amount of money to be gained make things happen that would not have happened otherwise? I'm not supposing that no things are done to satisfy need. What I am proposing is that "most" everything that is done is to satisfy GREED. What is being honored in this? What is really valued? The money is accepted and acceptable. Who has power and influence in this day and age? The amount of power attained is directly proportional to the amount of money possessed... power to influence and coerce. What is this number? What is it's sum? And what is it's price? Do you know? Do you even care? When I look into the mirror I see not "Christ", but JUDAS! I have apparently found my "price"...

Who is Anti-Christ? ...hmm? "Anti" Christ... "anti" means "against", right? "Christ" means "Anointed" does it not? To "anoint" is to "divinely elect". The anointed one is a King! Surely Monarchists could never be seen as Anti-Christ. Monarchist want a King to take the lead and make hard decisions. The people would be His children! All people should have a wealthy and powerful Father looking out for them and being concerned about their best interest. But, this idea of a "king" is scorned and ridiculed. It is mocked and laughed at. Monarchy has been despised and rejected by mankind. So, what about these anti-monarchists? ... being against the Kingdom and against the King... couldn't they be... wouldn't they in fact be that very beginning of Anti-Christ?

The importance of a thing is usually dictated by the NUMBER associated with it... so let us SUM it up. Is #1 REALLY a "good" thing? How "good" is a "Billion"?? A "Trillion"??? "Si" there? Numbers tend to "numb" ya! They are responsible for the "numbing-down" of society. By numbering the "grey areas" the "distance" is "counted". As a door cracks open the temperature rises. What number, what temperature, what percent open of the door of Hell is "acceptable" unto you??? -M-

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