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Psyche's Muse
7/8/2024 6:10:12 PM
---- Updated 7/10/2024 3:42:34 AM
"Conspiracy" IS NOT "Theory"
Conspiracy IS NOT "Theory"... Truly, "IT" DOES "Exist"! AS Lying! Cheating! and Deceiving! NONE Of "These Things" are merely "Theoretical" at all. So, quit associating the two words, "conspiracy" and "theory" together as being 1st and 2nd "names" for(as) ONE and the "Same" THING. "Theorizing" is a contemplative means of "determining" WHEN and HOW "cheating" is going on and "WHAT FOR"(what is to be gained thereby). Whenever you go to a "magic show" you ARE being a "conspiracy theorist". And what is to be gained by the "magician" IF "he is successful"? "Money!!!" "Fame!"("Power" and "Influence"). MORE PEOPLE "COME TO HIS SIDE"... to watch, and listen, and "possibly"... (be)LIE(ve)!
The "POWER FULL" stay hidden, behind the scene, instigating the "initiated" into fulfilling their dirty deeds, which is "dividing the populace" by "creating enemies" throughout. Everyone, KNOWING "Something Is Wrong", is then "Taught" HOW to judge and ascertain WHICH is "Good" and WHICH is "Evil" by these(Their) initiated "entities", who THEN stand on BOTH SIDES of THIS "fence"... egging US on and on and on... and we're buying it... from one side or the other... "theirs" and "theres"...
... a fence... offence... defense... offence... de-fense... get off "fence"... NOW!
Holo Lukaloa
7/9/2024 6:16:02 AM
I didn't use the word theory but there's more crap dished out in the conspiracy realm that they;ve given a bad name to all conspiracy.
Psyche's Muse
7/10/2024 3:01:00 AM
---- Updated 7/10/2024 3:06:06 AM
I did not post this as an accusation against "you". I posted it as an accusation against "Conspirators". Those "con" men who "con"tinually LEAD US! "That"(they) IS(are) "THE CONSPIRACY REALM". Not the ones(us/you/me) who suspect and complain about it going down... from those Twin Towers on 911 up unto today and all the way back into "yesteryear". That Bible, whether Muslim, Christian, or Jew, is "what" we "choose" to "worship"... "rightly" and "wrongly" having "despised" what is "LEFT" out... "OUT!" NOW!!! Git! GONE! "WRONG!!!!"
************(Movie) Shock and Awe (Movie)************
In 2003, the White House administration made a case for the invasion of Iraq. The facts didn't add up, and only one team of journalists got the story right. Shock and Awe is the true story of these journalists, and what it is like to hunt for the truth when the stakes are life, death, and American democracy. Starring Woody Harrelson, James Marsden, Rob Reiner and Tommy Lee Jones.
Holo Lukaloa
7/10/2024 9:11:52 AM
A lot of people got the story right. Most view Dubya's Iraq War as a war crime these days. But even a great patriot Colin Powell misread the data about weapons of mass destruction. Dubya was an oaf but he didn't set out to take down the government like Trump has.
Psyche's Muse
7/11/2024 6:33:23 PM
"The Government" IS... a whole bunch of lying bastards... "actors" on OUR "stage"... "FARMing" OUR "opinions" by GAINING "our" attention. And we wind up growing into what they'd wanted us to be... DIVIDED. Now "they" can CONQUER "U.S."!!!
Holo Lukaloa
7/12/2024 3:34:04 AM
Equating the 2 sides is one way to take down the country because one side is working to govern and serve the people and the other side wants to destroy democracy.
Psyche's Muse
7/13/2024 2:03:35 AM
Psyche's Muse
7/13/2024 2:47:44 PM
Holo Lukaloa
7/13/2024 3:01:37 PM
You spam the same video twice??
Psyche's Muse
7/13/2024 5:16:33 PM
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