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Honus Wagner II
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8/13/2020 12:33:07 AM
Latest from ICAN: CDC finally conceded that it could not find a single study comparing health outcomes between vaccinated and unvaccinated children.

8/12/2020 9:04:47 AM
This is a good assessment to what our collective compliance is regards to Covid-19 has brought us so far..

8/9/2020 10:38:17 AM
You have to wonder how many people would be alive today but for the the media, Big Tech, and bureaucrats like Fauci politicizing this drug. Truly outr

8/6/2020 11:29:18 AM
Red Flags Soar As Big Pharma Will Be Exempt From COVID-19 Vaccine Liability Claims

8/5/2020 3:40:47 AM
MSNBC Producer Quits Because It’s Liberal Fake News: “We are a Cancer and There is No Cure”


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Honus Wagner II

8/5/2020 3:40:47 AM

MSNBC Producer Quits Because It’s Liberal Fake News: “We are a Cancer and There is No Cure”


"As it is, this cancer stokes national division, even in the middle of a civil rights crisis. The model blocks diversity of thought and content because the networks have incentive to amplify fringe voices and events, at the expense of others… all because it pumps up the ratings.

This cancer risks human lives, even in the middle of a pandemic. The primary focus quickly became what Donald Trump was doing (poorly) to address the crisis, rather than the science itself. As new details have become available about antibodies, a vaccine, or how COVID actually spreads, producers still want to focus on the politics. Important facts or studies get buried.

This cancer risks our democracy, even in the middle of a presidential election. Any discussion about the election usually focuses on Donald Trump, not Joe Biden, a repeat offense from 2016 (Trump smothers out all other coverage). Also important is to ensure citizens can vote by mail this year, but I’ve watched that topic get ignored or “killed” numerous times.

Context and factual data are often considered too cumbersome for the audience."


Occasionally, the producers will choose to do a topic or story without regard for how they think it will rate, but that is the exception, not the rule. Due to the simple structure of the industry – the desire to charge more money for commercials, as well as the ratings bonuses that top-tier decision-makers earn – they always relapse into their old profitable programming habits.

I understand that the journalistic process is largely subjective and any group of individuals may justify a different set of priorities on any given day. Therefore, it’s particularly notable to me, for one, that nearly every rundown at the network basically is the same, hour after hour. And two, they use this subjective nature of the news to justify economically beneficial decisions. I’ve even heard producers deny their role as journalists.

" A very capable senior producer once said: “Our viewers don’t really consider us the news. They come to us for comfort.”

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Father Time

8/5/2020 3:53:39 AM

wow, cool Jesus freak sourcing. Some pro-life fanatic who never should've worked at MSNBC in the first place - a total nobody and this is her lone claim to fame.

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Honus Wagner II

8/5/2020 7:50:21 AM ---- Updated 8/5/2020 7:51:08 AM

"Some pro-life fanatic" ???

Really Scott???

By now you should be aware that Taiwan has a death total from Covid-19 of 7...., in a country of 25 million people... In a country that did not shut down their economy or force people to remain inside their homes.

And if we extrapolate their population to the equivalent of the USA their death toll rises to 91..

91 versus 160,000+..

So do you think it might be possible this may be what prompted the following statement???

"This cancer risks human lives, even in the middle of a pandemic."

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Father Time

8/5/2020 8:30:18 AM

I don't give a crap about the statement or your question, the reason America failed so abysmally is clearly Trump and lack of leadership.

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Honus Wagner II

8/5/2020 10:28:56 AM ---- Updated 8/5/2020 10:30:21 AM

Or the fact that the liberal establishment has politicized a virus that according to earlier definition by the AMA, is the common cold. It's no accident Scott that it is Democratic Governors who are causing the entire country to suffer needlessly, a suffering that most still can't grasp but may become everyone's harsh reality much sooner than we like.

Any idea what critical thinking is Scott? Why don't you try it for once using this exercise. Of the 160,280 total you recently posted, how about subtracting 46% of that total to account for preventable nursing home heaths. Then factor in the estimated 90% death rate due to the misuse of ventilators. (Now that figure will be difficult to ascertain but we both know it is significant) Then factor in the mislabeling of deaths by other means, that total is very significant as well. And try to offer a much more realistic total than the figure you quoted..

Factoring in those above variables, what do you think the actual total really is Scott???

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Father Time

8/5/2020 11:52:17 AM

just idiotic. the ones who politicized it were the ones who convinced their followers it was a hoax costing many many lives.

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Honus Wagner II

8/5/2020 12:08:57 PM

Not according to this ICU doctor Scott.. (And he's a lot smarter than both of us..)

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Father Time

8/6/2020 5:02:39 AM

sphincter says what?

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Honus Wagner II

8/6/2020 9:18:27 AM ---- Updated 8/6/2020 9:24:01 AM

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8/7/2020 2:02:00 AM

Yeah, Scott, I remember when Agent Orange was calling it a Democratic hoax. He did nothing to prepare or prevent and his people believed him so they did nothing either. Now that it is a full blown pandemic they want to turn around and blame the democrats when in fact the buck stops at the top. Agent Orange cares about nothing but money and power. He has proven that over and over again. Now, he has proven that he doesn't even care about their children getting infected. Yet, they continue to blame others and defend his traitorous ass. It's just disgusting the trance he has these people in. Wake up people! The emperor has no clothes on. I keep trying to figure out what it is that they are so enamored with about him. I hate to believe that its his overt racism but it is what it is.

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Honus Wagner II

8/8/2020 10:10:14 PM ---- Updated 8/8/2020 10:11:19 PM

1.3 million recently protested the assault on public health via useless masks in Germany with the UK & other European countries also participating..

The world is waking up.

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8/17/2020 2:55:26 AM

These people act like wearing a mask is painful or something. Its not! It's just a mask, Make believe its Halloween or something. Jeesh! You try to save some peoples lives and they even resist that. They are so caught up in their ultra entitled lives that they can't see the real and present threats around them. The disease is kicking back laughing at them while they march down the street together unprotected by masks and vulnerable to infection. Meanwhile, the minnions of misinformation continue to spread lies and watch the infection numbers go through the roof. Sad that a simple thing like wearing a mask makes people do illogical things like this. The proponents of these lies are complicit in all the deaths derived from them.

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Honus Wagner II

8/17/2020 7:18:49 AM

Actually California is the best example why masks are unnecessary not to mention the damage they do to people's immune systems. Cal shut down within 3 days of NY with 1/14th the death rate despite having twice the population. (And when that total is leveled off that death rate jumps to 1/28 of NY state.)


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Honus Wagner III

8/17/2020 5:20:48 PM

California was on the identical path Sweden & Switzerland took, it should be all over and done with in Cal now..

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8/18/2020 6:09:58 PM

Without full compliance, masks are ineffective. That is clear. It is dangerous to walk around without a mask on. Every credible infectious disease expert has co-signed onto this. So. it comes down to who you choose to believe. Is it going to be some politically slanted video or the reputable doctors that are in front of this disease every day? They continue to say that masks should be mandatory and I believe them. The constant misinformation from folks on the internet and the White House has given people delusional theories that will only get them infected and possibly dead. Mask Up, the life you save may be your own.

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Honus Wagner III

8/19/2020 1:20:32 PM

What do the experts say about Taiwan having lost only 7 people in a very crowded country of 25 million people?

A country that also did not lock down their residents, shut down their economy and let the people decide for themselves whether they wanted to wear masks or social distance?

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8/20/2020 3:30:56 PM

Consequently, there are exceptions to every rule and people tend to look at the exception as proof that the rule is ineffective. Then, they ignore the overall big picture because of some anomaly that they have found that suggests a different opinion. So, you have to make some educated choices about what is true and what is not. You also have to thoroughly examine your sources of information because quite often people have their own little agenda that is generating their own set of rules. I believe that masks are effective in protecting others from receiving my germs. I am still on the fence about whether it protects the wearer but just in case, I am wearing my mask everywhere. I would hate to be someone who transmits a disease to anyone just because I don't like wearing a mask. That is too dangerous a thing to do. As a member of my community I feel it important that I take every possible step to protect my community. Hence, the mask is a mandatory thing for me. Its okay if others disagree but i wouldn't want to be in the same airspace as them.

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Psyche's Muse

8/22/2020 11:26:30 AM

...and the MOST "dangerous(deadly) thing"... EVER... is the living of a "Life"... THANK GOD... for "THAT"! -M-

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Honus Wagner IV

8/22/2020 2:52:41 PM ---- Updated 8/25/2020 11:53:50 AM

We don't have to look at just Taiwan, Sweden & Switzerland, the entire 3rd world is a better source of the truth about Covid19. And that truth is life is going on pretty much as usual despite overcrowding, poor sanitary conditions and lack of basic health care.

But this may be the bigger picture that we somehow are missing...

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