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Easy Listening/Soft Rock
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the jazz kitchen
Page Updated 11/2/2008 3:14:58 PM
Mass Media
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A respectful tributary of quotes from IAC artists with a challenge to all artists to act responsibly in what we 'perceive' as truth for the betterment of the masses. How we relate to each other is also a reflection of the state of the world today.
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Let's talk about greed... FDA does nothing to pull Tons of poisoned milk from US food supply because of US elections and the media is too busy spinning non-issues at the expense and risk of people's lives. Perhaps when it's gone too far it's better to try and cover it up with more and more 'spin'.
added to station 11/2/2008 3:14:58 PM
Wrong Way
"Yeah. They're round and pink with a whole bunch of black and white stripes all over them. WTF?" - Hugh's News
added to station 11/2/2008 12:14:32 AM
Jason Carro
The Music
"As artists we paint lyrical and melodic pictures of those pages, chapters and stories - pictures of life. Some are fiction .. some are not. Some reflect hopes and dreams and some fantasy, while others reflect pain and sadness or fear. Some tell of happiness. Some cry and bleed from hurt. Most reflect love. Many are true." - Neil W. Young
added to station 4/7/2008 10:07:54 PM
Folk/Acoustic Rock/Americana
the jazz kitchen
The Mirror (Peter A. Lacey)
"We are the consciousness that observes our senses, our emotions, our egos and our reactions to these inner stimuli and the external events happening around us - we are the still small space, the observer behind the mask of our conditioning and our sensual perceptions and emotional responses." - Satch
added to station 4/9/2008 6:41:36 PM
Easy Listening/Soft Rock
Maria Daines
Is It Bad Enough For You?
"I see hurt and pain and I don't know where to turn - And I'm about to break but my hands won't chop the wood. Is it bad enough for you?" - Maria Daines/Paul Killington
added to station 3/18/2008 4:25:01 PM
Bill Zerbe
Dueling Fingers
What inspires your writing: "Freedom and it's arch nemesis peace." - Anjuli: Crack*a*jack*crow
added to station 3/19/2008 8:09:51 PM
Live Jazz
Cash Cow
Wasted Time
"L____ would have us in a war with Iran in a week. :)" - Holo L.
added to station 3/19/2008 9:32:21 PM
Tim Sanders
"Guys, you're fairly close to answering your own question. We're all "sheeple" over here and we get herded into groups and are only fed what information our leaders want us to hear." - Duane Flock
added to station 3/18/2008 4:26:15 PM
Rock Instrumental
The Spins
Airwaves (Dance Remix)
"All music is, is the movement of air. I should know. I move enough of it." - Larree
added to station 3/19/2008 6:43:01 PM
Increase The Peace
Mass Media - "A respectful tributary of quotes from IAC artists with a challenge to all artists to act responsibly in what we 'perceive' as truth for the betterment of the masses. How we relate to each other is a reflection of the state of the world today."
added to station 3/19/2008 9:59:41 PM
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