Alan Ballard
Gazing at the Moon, Howling at the Stars
This song is crazee but I love it!
added to station 10/20/2017 5:06:38 AM

Steve Haugh
Say Goodbye, Baby
added to station 8/30/2019 3:13:41 PM

Elmer and the Ceramic Trees
added to station 9/4/2019 5:16:16 AM

Monicka Ferens
added to station 9/29/2019 3:19:51 PM
Indie Pop

negative tendencies
Let Your Feet Walk
My brother's band rox so much here I played it 4 times in a row!
added to station 8/3/2017 7:07:52 PM

Cat Dowling
Come On
Cat's voice is so penetrating, I've never heard a vocalist convey this much emotion.
added to station 4/10/2017 3:34:13 PM
Alternative Pop Rock

Via Audio
Mouth Shut
oooh one of my favorite ever indie songs is back on the site.
added to station 2/2/2017 7:22:04 AM

Let Her Go
My big brother turned me on to this song. It's unlike any song ever. It made me cry, the sound of her voice conveys such emotion.
added to station 2/7/2017 4:38:02 AM
Easy Listening/Soft Rock

Francesca Tamellini
The Crown
Another magical song by Francesca. We need a nickname for her, the queen of something... :)
added to station 1/21/2017 3:36:25 PM
Easy Listening/Soft Rock

The Coming of Age
Kara's Song
Even if I didn't love the Supergirl show and I do, this is the sweetest song I've maybe ever heard in my life.
added to station 3/27/2017 2:21:23 PM
Pop Rock

Lee Burke
Big things come in small packages
This is a really sweet song, warmed me all over. Check Lee out, judging by this song he's a really good songwriter!
added to station 1/29/2017 9:05:50 PM
Acoustic ballad

Father Time
Love To Rock Ya
My big brother is no slouch.
added to station 1/20/2017 7:59:16 AM
Hard Rock

SW LaFollett
What a talent this guy is.
added to station 2/1/2017 11:54:36 PM
Acoustic Folk/Americana

Magdalen Bath
Something about her voice really takes me away, she penetrates.
added to station 1/20/2017 7:58:12 AM

Francesca Tamellini
I'm Not Baby Anymore
Don't you baby me, I'm not your baby anymore!
added to station 6/1/2016 1:26:37 AM

Ainjel Emme
Property Of The State
Ainjel was one of the stars of this site when I first joined and it's so exciting that she has a new song, especially a protest song of sorts on the day of the great women's march. This song is spectacular, it goes right to my top station. The vocals are beyond compare, and it has a blues rock element too. Oooh it's sooooo good....
added to station 1/22/2017 8:11:42 AM

Swingset Chain
this song makes me sad and happy and sad.
added to station 1/20/2017 7:59:58 AM
Alternative Pop Rock

she rose from the dead
It's a trap little rat
Victoria is mystic beyond words, so proud that this song is like the biggest Kayak hit ever!
added to station 1/20/2017 8:03:05 AM
Alternative Adult Indie

Monicka Ferens
21st Century
DeMonicka just won Best Female Artist, is that the greatest or what? :D
added to station 1/20/2017 8:06:58 AM
Pop Rock

Murdering Lights
the rockinest indie band I've heard this year! Listening to them is an emotional experience. It's dark, it's powerful, yet it's uplifting. It's TonyGirl!
added to station 6/11/2016 10:42:59 AM
Alternative Rock

Sabrina Fallah
Kiss Is a Killer
a spectacular, exciting song that is growing on me so much.
added to station 1/20/2017 7:57:35 AM

Francesca Tamellini
Alter Egotist
a one of a kind voice, she's so smart and she's gonna be a star.
added to station 1/20/2017 8:05:41 AM
Easy Listening/Soft Rock

Nick Fletcher
shades of the band America, a song that took me away!
added to station 8/3/2017 3:18:23 AM
Alternative Pop Rock

Secret Suburbia
The Other Side of Me
The other side of me is wilder than you might guess.
added to station 6/1/2016 1:16:15 AM
Electronic Rock

she rose from the dead
Drunken self
a band I have loved since first hearing them. They remind me of Velvet Underground.
added to station 7/5/2016 4:02:45 PM
post alternative

Fatal Love
This song has a lot of mojo. It's raw but moving.
added to station 3/13/2017 2:14:34 AM
Emo Rock

Kat and the Hurricane
Swimming For My Life
This song moves me and I relate to it so much!
added to station 8/8/2016 7:01:16 AM

Father Time
Everybody Loves Eve
How could I not put this on a station?? :D
added to station 7/23/2016 8:22:53 AM
Pop Rock

Michèle Raffaele
Not Lost in You
This lady is my idol. Her singing makes me feel free.
added to station 6/1/2016 1:20:50 AM
Adult Contemporary

Panda Riot
Panda Riot - She Dares All Things
I dared.
added to station 6/1/2016 1:31:50 AM
Dream Pop

Pancake Riot
Car Trouble
The first song I heard by this band and still my favorite.
added to station 8/8/2016 7:02:01 AM

Half of Once
This used to be my forever favorite song but I still like it a lot.
added to station 6/1/2016 1:18:56 AM

negative tendencies
Take My Love
This is a big song.
added to station 6/1/2016 1:30:25 AM
Melodic Heavy Rock

sugarplum fairies
First Love - Last Rites
I don't have time for love but you can take me to a good concert.
added to station 6/1/2016 1:29:28 AM

Elizabeth Harper
Rock Like a Baby
and this is my favorite song as of right now.
added to station 6/1/2016 1:32:40 AM
alternative pop rock

Forest Porridge
new songwriter with compelling tunes, interesting lyrics!
added to station 6/9/2016 12:05:31 PM

She didn't Love You
This song should be dedicated to my last boyfriend. She definitely didn't love you by the end.
added to station 6/1/2016 1:13:11 AM
Indie Folk

Monicka Ferens
Dead Asleep
I wish I slept more but there's always a music party goin' on it seems.
added to station 6/1/2016 1:14:14 AM
Pop Rock

Mother Lights
Beautiful - beyond these streets we're gonna run, beyond these loaded guns.
added to station 6/2/2016 12:00:00 AM
Acoustic Folk

Max Hustwick
Watch me go
He's on his way, all you see is his back
added to station 6/2/2016 4:45:04 AM
Indie Pop

Shaz B
Track 1
I'm never getting married. For awhile there I thought I might someday but after I heard this song I decided for good. :)
added to station 6/1/2016 1:18:16 AM
Acoustic Folk Pop

I like to think that Time is on my side, but Time is mysterious.
added to station 6/1/2016 1:12:29 AM

Nothing Like You
She's going to be a superstar and we all know it.
added to station 6/1/2016 1:16:51 AM

Jenny Scott
Falling In Love Ain't Free
Have to add this song to my Special Reserve. This lady is a major talent and then some!
added to station 6/3/2016 9:06:25 AM

Eddie Japan
The Power of Negative Thinking
I try to only think negative thoughts on the weekends.
added to station 6/1/2016 1:27:18 AM
Retro Pop

Park Police
Mission Song
Some people say I'm on a mission but I just love music, is that a crime?
added to station 6/1/2016 1:17:31 AM
Indie Rock

The Dragon
Nobody's ever accused me of having a dragon inside me but there was this group of girls in high school that called me a bitch.
added to station 6/1/2016 1:28:20 AM
Electronic Folk Rock

Live my life
Trez is so cool, she's like the girl in school you wish you could hang out with.
added to station 6/1/2016 1:23:43 AM

Cathy Ennis
This song makes me feel naughty when I listen but I like the feeling.
added to station 6/1/2016 1:24:11 AM
Ambient Alternative

Cherokee Soul
Rebel Poet Master
amazingly catchy song, Cherokee Soul is truly the rebel poet master!
added to station 8/24/2016 12:46:05 PM

James Walker
The Day I Danced With Your Ghost
This artist is great, he's got it all going on, capivating songs and lyrics, I heard 3 of his songs this morning and they were equally fabulous!
added to station 6/8/2016 6:40:01 AM
Folk/Acoustic Rock/Americana

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