
the Coming of Age Thanks for adding us!
Sean Lenox Thank you for the adds and all your kind words! I really appreciate it!
Mike Triba You are so welcome Sean! You have incredible variety in your songs. I owe you one more blurb which I'll do today. I am looking forward to speaking more with all my station artists on the Pipeline, but that might be a better wintertime endeavor, eh?
Richard Scotti Thank you SO much, Michael Triba!! I am so grateful for the adds of FOUR of my songs! It's a great honor and the blurbs are the BEST EVER! ALL HAIL MR. TRIBA, king of the station mangers and keeper of the 60's flame!
Mike Triba Ha ha Mr. Scotti (or let us go by first names Richard; I am usually "hailed" as Mike; LOL!) I took care in the order of the songs and it worked well to have BROTHER JOHN's face above WAR NO MORE! LOVE your choice of photos!
Richard Scotti Thanks again, Mike. Yes, I try hard to find the right pics for each song. It's fun! Hope to see more of you on the pipeline!
David Nyro Greetings Mike! Still reeling with the feeling of appreciation from you! WoW! Questions: Do you have any playlists on Spotify? (My link above.) Trying to get on some playlists there. Also, is there anything else you're doing you'd like me to promote?
David Nyro P.S. A bunch of new songs coming soon. Will definitely add to IMP. Hate to hype - prefer 2 underpromise
Mike Triba Thanks again David! Used to play Pandora a few years ago, but never looked at Spotify. Ha ha, you are the artists and I am but a fan so I am here to promote you!
Bryon Tosoff thanks for the adds and for taking the time to listen, much gratitude
David Nyro Thanks Mike! And thank YOU for promoting me, but I think it's a two-way street, in whatever way works, but feels good to help you too, and my way of giving back. Btw, the Moodies are one of my all-time favorite bands. So your comparing me to them, and...
David Nyro Pt. 2...and to our dear John, is just shock and awe for me. Thanks for the inpiration! What an honor. Take care.
Mike Triba Hi Mr. Tosoff! You are welcome sir and thank you so much for making me feel so welcome here and on the Pipeline! I am getting goose chills right about now!
Mike Triba David, you are such an inspiration sir! This decade beginning 2016 portends to rival the 60's and early 70's. This all blows me away and my life has been deeply enriched. I will be eternally grateful for this!
steve april Mike, thank you for the commentary, really appreciated, stellar station, au revoir for now, humbly...
bryon tosoff thanks again Mike for your kind words and wonderful reviews of my classical works and cover of over the rainbow
Mike Triba Steve and Bryon! Every time I add new songs, I have more great replies from you incredible artists! You are most welcome, but the bulk of the thanks goes to you! BTW, check out what I just said to Norah Jones; I just re-wrote her whole blurb!
Lesley Jane Ah! Lovely! We're all having Tea Together! Jolly Fantastic! Dad I presume... Big Thanks, Mate. Love to the Girls, There you Go! ~L
Mike Triba Copy that Mr. ALJ mate; pip pip and cheerio and all that jazz! Thanks for putting into verse and chorus my sentiments!
Richard Scotti Thank u so much adding 3 more of my songs. My mission is to keep "60's-70's' music alive. Thank u for helping me do that. Stay tuned for upcoming CD which will be bigger and better and more "groovy" than ever!!!
Mike Triba Once again, you are welcome Richard! I nabbed those in the nick of time! Maybe 4x a year I will rotate all my songs. LOL, does Mr. Jane think I am the MonaLisa Twins dad? I'll have to ask him on the Pipeline!
Shoe City Sound Hey thanks so much for adding It's Time to this very groovy station!
bryon tosoff i am honored to be featured here on your amazing station, so many terrific artists, gratitude. thanks for the adds again!
Mike Triba Thanks again Bryon! I assure you that the honor is mostly mine! Duane, you are very wlcome sir, and it is great to have you here with Bryon as well!
Scott thanks for addin' Believe and for the nice comments! Much appreciated.
Mike Triba You are welcome Scott and I didn't just add it because you are the boss here; LOL! And I like your other two here as well. I am blow away by the talent here at IMP and this is now my online home. Huge congrats for the empire you have built here, sir!
Francesca Tamellini Thank you for both the adds. Great station
Mike Triba You are most welcome Francesca and thank you for adding much loveliness! Looking forward to chatting on the Pipeline with you and adding more of your songs at some point. You really have a sweet voice!
Whitherward SO so so honored to be acquainted with you, Michael Triba! We are very exited to meet you in Omaha on September 28th! Hugs are definitely in order all around. As well as drinks, food, music, and FUN! We LOVE Omaha and should be there for a few days. <3
Whitherward We'll see you at Harney Street Tavern in Omaha on September 28th at 9pm! We can't wait!!!
Mike Triba Whoa, Ashley and Edward aka Whitherward; the pleasure will be mostly mine! Your gig here is on a Thursday night and my 3-day weekend begins on Friday! Maybe a trip to our world famous Henry Doorly Zoo is in store on a beautiful autumn day!
Mike Triba P.S. I know exactly where the Harney Street Tavern is in The Old Market! My Nana used to live on Harney Street. Of course, not actually in the tavern though, but in the apartments 21 blocks west. That was back in the 50's and 60's too; lol!
Lars Mars Hi Michael. I think you will enjoy our tunes... Many with 60's flavor. Thanks
Mike Triba Thank you Lars Mars with Glenn Rice as lead vocalist! If I do no more adds here, I will be assembling new stations in a few months.
Mike Triba Hi again David Nyro! I just got on Spotify to listen to Whitherward's albums. Have not made any playlists yet, but you will on them as soon as I do!
Mike Triba Station photo taken by Lulu Grace Photography of the beautiful and lovely Ashley Norton and the great and groovy Edward Williams aka WHITHERWARD! ALL THE BEST FROM MICHAEL IN OMAHA!
Mike Triba New photo taken the night I fell for Ashley (and Edward) by Paul, the RL Hotel bartender with Ashley's camera!!!
Lars Mars Hi Michael, thank you for taking the time to listen. We're proud to be on your first station! Welcome!
Glenn Hey Michael. Any idea why the MLT aren't showing up? Their songs still play on my stations (if I use Stream All), just no link or display.
Music Monster You are very welcome Lars Mars! Prog rock is my fave genre, so I will add more of your songs in the future!
Music Monster Hey Glenn. Yes, I know why MLT is no longer here, but I should respect my boundaries and defer to the President of this Groovy Nation. Thanks
bryon t and muriel b wow, thats some commentary, lovely review Michael, truly we appreciate it. Bryon T and Muriel Battersby
Music Monster You are welcome Bryon and Muriel! I guess "Fly" is not eligible for another Golden Kayak. If Murly is Muriel, then who is Squrly? Or is that word an adjective; lol?
bryon tosoff Hi Michael Squrly is Muriel nickname, anyways, congrats on your Golden Kayak nomination as station manager ,all the best bryon
Desperado Revue Thanks for the plug on " Meredith Blis " - she's a contender for 2018 GK nomination - good luck at GK awards.
ChosenOne Hi let me know if you can play my song "MidNIght'
Phillip Foxley Hi Mike, I'm a relative IMP newbie and would great appreciate you having a listen to some of my tracks - you never know eh? Thanks. Phil
Music Monster Mike Hi Chosen and Phil! Thanks for reaching out; I'm not trying to ignore you. Been inactive here lately, but will return and listen to your works. Thank you both!
David Nyro Thanks for your support and congrats on your Golden Kayak nominees/winners. Keep it up!
stacey Hey you......Hands across the water
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Station Listed In
Folk/Acoustic Rock/Americana

Station Links
LEGENDARY MUSIC   ...and I thought I wrote long blurbs; LOL! Bravo!
Nice Sensations   The nicest station photo I've seen!
2016 Golden Kayak Nominees!   Glad I just found this. I'll be making nominations for 2018!
Kayak Number One Songs!   If a song reaches #1, it is generally a good song. Generally!
Thank You   Thank you Glenn for thanking me! Really looking forward to Lars Mars and Whitherward getting to know one another!
REAL FM - a Desperado Revue station   Lest I forget, this is my buddy Normand aka FCL!
The 2017 Golden Kayak Broadcast   My first ever GK Show! How can this ever be topped?
Golden Kayak Nominees 2017   So thrilled that 15 of 16 of my nominees won 2017 Golden Kayaks!
Featured Songs   This is another great place to link to and a Meredith Blis song is here as well!

Page Links
SILVERWOODSTUDIO   Absolutely breathtaking music from New Zealand!
Whitherward   Can't wait to see Ashley and Edward in Omaha on September 28th at the Harney Street Tavern!
SapphireWolf   Incredible ambient artist from the U.K.
Lars Mars   Glenn and his cronies are folks I would like to listen to more!
ABBEYVILLE ROAD STUDIO   These folks have some great music over there!
Meredith Blis   An incredible artist that Ashley and Edward taught me about.

Page Updated 1/7/2018 2:55:48 AM


Music Monsters
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So thrilled about the 2017 Golden Kayaks! 7 of my artists won 15 of 16 GK's in which I nominated them! The Big 3 are BEST BAND: WHITHERWARD aka ASHLEY NORTON and EDWARD WILLIAMS! BEST FEMALE ARTIST: FRANCESCA TAMELLINI! BEST MALE ARTIST: RICHARD SCOTTI!
Put this station's player on any website!

The Anchor
ARTIST'S PHOTOGRAPH provided and authorized by Ashley E. Norton and Edward A. Williams aka WHITHERWARD now can be seen on their IMP artist's page. Photo by Lulu Grace Photography. "THE ANCHOR" IS NOW BEING PLAYED IN THE KAYAK BIG 25! Hi Ashley and Edward! I am listening to "The Anchor" as we speak! The best time for me to write a blurb about a song is as I first listen to it when the rush of emotion is brand new! So glad I "ran into you" in Itso's FB thread tonight. I am so happy I get to redeem myself and have the privilege of seeing and hearing Whitherward "Live in Omaha" on Wednesday September 27, 2017 at the hotel and for the big gig at the tavern the next evening! I thought I had totally blown my chance to do so when I missed you here last spring and this really gives me something to look forward to! I LOVE that YOU LOVE OMAHA!!! I have been cajoling the MonaLisa Twins to come here when they finally get to tour America. Now I have an awesome fellow indie artist to recommend our groovy city to them. As far as your song goes, I love the first hearing of it; the lyrics, the melody, the harmonies and instrumentation, your sweet voice Ashley, Edward's manly baritone voice; everything about it! Two thumbs and two big toes up! I am so EXCITED I get to meet you in September and will begin to work on a guest list of about two dozen of my closest friends and family to bring with me to your gig. "Welcome Back to Omaha Husker Hugs" will be the order of the day! By the way, Ashley, whither you come as a blonde or a brunette. either way is great! Tell Edward the same goes for him, lol! added to station 6/29/2017 2:20:48 AM
Alternative Indie Folk 8020
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Music Monster
Ashley and Edward! Thank you for two of the MOST AWESOME back-to-back nights of my life!!! Can't wait to see you again in Spring of 2018! You’ll have more time; we’ll resume our rhyme. Your Music Monster for you has the time. (New station photo taken by Paul, the RL Hotel bartender, with Ashley's camera.) Sing along with MUSIC MONSTER: "I hear the trouble; the damage is done. There in the distance, the beat of the drums. They say a broken heart unleashes the beast. You better watch out when the guitars release. I’ve got a song about it. This band of heartbreak. You’ve got a record and it’s playing straight to my face. We could’ve had a rhythm. But you are out of time. If I can’t get you let the music monster make you mine. The music monster creeps through the night. Playing it’s heart out and wanting your life. You did me dirty look what I’ve turned into. Close your eyes when it’s coming for you. (Chorus) Deep in the basement just out of sight. I summon the monster and begin to write. I’ve never been good at revenge. I don’t have much but I’ve got a pen." (Chorus) released March 9, 2015. produced and written by Whitherward. vocals - Ashley Norton. vocals, guitar, bass, piano, ukulele - Edward Williams. drums, percussion - Jaron Mossman. trombone - Corey Fritz. engineered, mixed, and mastered by Edward Williams. arranged by Whitherward. trombone arrangements by Corey Fritz. drum arrangements by Jaron Mossman. photography by Lulu Grace. art by Jill Gollinger. graphic design by Paddy Collins. all rights reserved. You’ll have more time; we’ll resume our rhyme. Your Music Monster for you has the time. Blurb by the Music Monster WWMM Michael. Thanks to and THE BEST MUSIC in this parallel universe! added to station 9/30/2017 11:07:46 PM
Indie Folk 8020
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Ashley, Ashley! Edward, Edward! I saw your video of TEETH when it came out and totally forgot it was on your IMP artist page; yikes! This is another one of your incredible songs from your new album "The Anchor." I just read the spotlight interview with Scott that the two of you did and learned a lot. Now I won't have to ask you all the same questions when you come to Omaha in just 5 weeks. Now we can pick some topics we can sink our TEETH into! 5 weeks from right now I'll see and hear you at the Harney Street Tavern and meet you at your hotel gig the night before. I need to figure out the digital camera that someone gave my wife a couple years ago. Remember that I said that my dad was a dentist? As a result, I an also a TEETH man and have been sinking my bicuspids, incisors, and canines into all 5 of your albums this week. Expect me to be singing along with you (well, from my place offstage, that is, lol)! I read that you and Ed like that!!! By the way Ash, since your gig ends at midnight, I'd really like to hear you howl at the Omaha moon right afterwards. THAT would be BETTER than the total eclipse!!! added to station 8/25/2017 5:28:28 AM
Indie Folk 8020
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The Dragon
Ashley; I think that subconsciously your video of this song is why I missed your last concert in Omaha. You scared me; especially with that rolling pin in your hand; yikes! Nonetheless, I don't think it was meant for me and you have since assured me that you are a good dragon. Lest I forget to say so in these blurbs, Edward is an incredible musician / guitarist! Where Edward, did you get that little hand-held baby keyboard? I want one too. Will you use it in your concert in Omaha in September? I am really grooving to Whitherward! added to station 7/9/2017 4:22:05 PM
Electronic Folk Rock 8020
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Hand Of Fate
Hey Edward and Ashley; my bad, my real, real bad. Finally one of you groovy indie bands came to my hometown of Omaha (one of the nation's leading indie music scenes) and I dropped the ball and spaced off coming to see you. I wasn't paying proper attention and by the time Itso reminded me, it was the day of, and it was too late to be spontaneous on my part. Sorry! Was I afraid they would not let me into the young people's venue? Was I afraid of you Ashley after watching The Dragon? Will it make it up to you if I add some more Whitherward tunes in my next addition session? Nonetheless I like you well enough for you to be here, right? BTW, really groovy music video in the style of classic MTV/VH1! added to station 5/18/2017 1:43:41 AM
Indie Folk 8020
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Sleeping With A Stranger
Ashely and Edward! This is my 102rd song in my 100 song station. I was going to hold it to 100 songs for now, but look at what happened! Should I blame you, or should I blame Itso for introducing us? I cannot decide, so I'll just blame myself. I want to be thoroughly familiar with your songs when we meet 81 days from now in Omaha. And so, you do not have to explain the name for the gentle reader I will do so: Whitherward: "Middle English word dating back to 1150-1200. adverb, Archaic - toward what place; in what direction." As you told me; what a great name for a traveling duo! added to station 7/9/2017 4:50:40 PM
Indie Folk 8020
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The Night I Fell For You
Pretty ballad is song 103 of 103! Love the addition of the violin and the bass. Wonderful harmonies with Edward and the lady guitarist. I am a guy who pays close attention to lyrics and the message of a song. Glad the night of falling was also the worst night, as I am all about loyalty and marital fidelity. (See many of my blurbs.) How did you film much of this singing from a moving motorbike? People should watch the video; the outtakes at the end cracked me up; LOL! Very nice ballad, Whitherward! You have a very nice body of work methinks. added to station 7/9/2017 4:38:43 PM
Indie Folk 8020
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Francesca Tamellini
I Can't Leave if you Won't Let Me Go
Good day Francesca! I now have the great majority of your IMP songs on this station. I'm certain that you see how much I love this song by how soon I play it here. I would let you go, but I hope you never leave my station. Thank you, young lady! added to station 10/17/2017 2:32:00 AM
Folk/Acoustic Rock/Americana 8020
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Francesca Tamellini
Love In The Dark
What are you to do make me care? You have already done it with your sweet voice and brilliant piano. I wish you all the success in your career, Francesca. added to station 10/17/2017 2:33:23 AM
Folk/Acoustic Rock/Americana 8020
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Francesca Tamellini
Sinner Man
Where will the sinner man run to? Where will he hide? He can't. We can't run from ourselves, whether we are a sinner man or sinner woman. added to station 10/17/2017 2:35:39 AM
acoustic 8020
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Richard Scotti
FEATURED MALE ARTIST - Now #1 in CLASSIC AND PROGRESSIVE ROCK! Now tied for my #3 All-Time Romantic Love Song. Play this amongst any 10 Beatles' songs from 1963 to 1965. Wake up Rip Van Winkle and have him listen intently to all 11 songs. I'll bet anything he can't distinguish the Lennon/McCartney songs from the Scotti song. That is one of the highest sincere compliments I have given in this station. By the way Richard, I love the photo used with this song; it is PERFECT! As a hopeless romantic my heart still swells madly in love with my bride of 35 years. I LOVE EVERTHING ABOUT "EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU!" If I was to rank every song here, this would be in my TOP 1O, maybe even TOP 5! Could this be a lost track from "Rubber Soul?" added to station 5/19/2017 3:48:20 AM
Beatles Pop 8020
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Richard Scotti
Guess what? Yup; another former #1 in Classic Rock! OMG Richard! The very first 3 or 4 chords of this are totally reminiscent of classic works of the early 70's! Water From A Stone sounds like water from THE ROLLING STONES from the Sticky Fingers / Exile on Main Street era! This blows my mind! I will soon send this station nationwide and south to 3 Latin American countries. The Stones are my All-Time #7 Band, but they are #1 for my brother. As soon as I send this station to him I will tell him to listen to this song first! On to #100, but not in ranking, just in current sequence of adding. added to station 6/8/2017 9:24:53 AM
Folk/Acoustic Rock/Americana 8020
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David Nyro
FEATURED MALE ARTIST - Now tied for my All-Time #3 Romantic Love Song. You mentioned Harry Nilsson and I am there, David! Love your voice; love your piano! ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS! (With the exception of the MonaLisa Twins, this is possibly my favorite song of my first 100 on this station!) I am an amateur pianist, and I can think of no better role model for an up-and-coming artist than you. I will do anything for my wife too; as my wife = my life! Thank you, sir! THANK YOU!!! By the way David, the piano throughout is reminiscent of John's Lennon's "Imagine." Maybe that is subconsciously why I love this so much! added to station 5/18/2017 2:13:45 AM
Rock 8020
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David Nyro
Never Saw a Woman
David, your versatility is incredible! No one will EVER be able to pigeon-hole you. I was born in '50, a teen in the 60's, and a young adult in the 70's, so of course I grew up with and loved MOTOWN too! I'd love to see a video of you guys doing the choreography of the Temptations or the Four Tops to this song! :-) added to station 5/18/2017 2:35:27 AM
R&B/Soul 8020
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David Nyro
Into The Blue
You mentioned Neil Young and ELO and that was all I needed to add this song before even listening. Of course, grooving to this just reinforced the decision to do so! You said; "A song about innocence, and innocence lost, confusion, idealism, hope, friendship, nostalgia, drugs, dreams, and whatever you want it to be about." This could be a lost track from Young's "After the Gold Rush" and a commentary on my life as well, David. added to station 5/18/2017 3:06:17 AM
Alternative Retro and Psychedelic 8020
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Monicka Ferens
21st Century
FEATURED FEMALE ARTIST - 2016 GOLDEN KAYAK WINNERS - BEST FEMALE ARTIST & BEST SONG, POP. DeMonicka! Monicka, I have just been turned on to this incredible indie music community this week and have read all about you. Now that I have personally heard and listened with both ears wide open, I concur with both awards 100%! I will be hearing a lot more from you in the days ahead! Thanks again Evie and Monicka! added to station 1/23/2017 6:55:41 AM
Pop Rock 8020
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Monicka Ferens
Dead Asleep
Hi Monicka! It is high time I have added a few more of your songs. After all, you are one of two of my featured female artists! I had an urgent need for more of your sweet voice and groovy music before this station reaches 100 songs. Dead Asleep, eh? That sounds just like me except for right now when I am Live Awake at 1:30 AM! added to station 6/8/2017 6:33:43 AM
Pop Rock 8020
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Bryon Tosoff
moonlight stroll w paul wainwright
Wow! My JAZZ HIGH continues and is gaining momentum! After taking my honey (who just happens to be my wife of 35 years) on a date to La La Land, I rushed to buy the soundtrack, the Blu-Ray, and two copies of all the piano sheet music (one for me and one for an awesome female pianist friend). Prior to that I bought Norah Jones' new "Day Breaks." I might petition Scott to add "Jazz" as my 4th station category soon. More to come on the next blurb! added to station 5/27/2017 8:19:01 AM
Jazz 8020
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Bryon Tosoff
lo ryders-w duane flock ted tosoff
I was just going to add two Bryon Tosoff jazz songs tonight but let's go for a trifecta! Not only that, but this is two for the price of one with Mr. Flock here also! A little Santana vibe going on here as well? This will be my earworm as I finally go to bed. Next time let us give a listen to Mr. Tosoff's classical works! Thank you kind sirs and thank you Mr. eYe! added to station 5/27/2017 8:39:39 AM
Jazz Fusion 8020
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I finally 'borrowed' from my buddy "Itso's Earworms" station. This is his latest acquisition, and I am compelled to place it very high on my list because of the significance. For the first time I must also 'borrow' from the artist's station for my comments: "Born in Soviet Georgia and raised in Moscow, Tinatin (Vocalist, Songwriter, Author, & Radio Personality) is an artist of infinite pedigree who composes and performs a wide spectrum of material, host and produces her own radio show as a United Nations Correspondent in New York City and UN Radio. For her debut EP "Wild" Tinatin collaborates with songwriter/producer Ayhan Sahin on Young Pals Music. Title track "Wild" offers a socially conscious anthem about the consequences of climate change, as a rash of alarming trends sweep the land." added to station 2/11/2017 8:10:14 AM
Brit Pop 8020
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Censurando Amor
Censoring Love. Senor Zorba! I surmise that many people think you are Greek, but I was told you are from beautiful Puerto Rico! Questions, Senor: Did you derive your inspiration from the Gipsy Kings, or was it them from you? If Il Divo recruits you to be their 5th member, would you accept? I will have MORE FLAMENCO when I add more songs! There are two things one must have more of: cowbell and Flamenco! I am now learning something new from my musical "bird-dog" buddy Itso from Bulgaria: The lovely female vocals here are from the beautiful Tinatin Japaridze of "Wild" fame which you just heard. Now I am loving to hear this romantic song more than 3x as much! (heart emoticon) Me encanta el Flamenco y Censurando Amor. No es extraño para mí que el español es una de las lenguas románicas! added to station 5/18/2017 1:38:13 AM
Flamenco 8020
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Found Object
Sometimes it really pays off to listen to Scott and really LISTEN to the KAYAK BIG 25 where this is now #5. I need to scramble my whole station and put this very high. This belongs in my exercise dancing routine and maybe I'll get TONER!!! added to station 10/13/2017 5:55:17 AM
Rock 8020
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Primal Therapy
No info on your artist page and I like to get to know my artists. This cool song now #8 in the Kayak Big 25 is a good start, I reckon! added to station 10/13/2017 6:06:03 AM
Alternative Indie 8020
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Hey You
"The band went on to notch up more success State side with gigs in New York and LA. picking up indie chart success with "Hey You" IAC Big 50 and ALL genres No 1!" Hey yourself Stacey! Sorry, you are mistaking me for someone else. I don't have caterpillar shoes; I don't even know what that is! But how did you know I have hair so fair and eyes so blue? What am I gonna do? I'm gonna look to add more of your songs here in my next go-around. How does that sound to you? Trust me, if I ever create a dance station here, all your songs will be there! added to station 5/18/2017 1:51:58 AM
Pop 8020
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Thought Gang
In the intro it sounded like I was dreaming a calliope was miles away and riding towards me on a flat bed cart until it passed me and the vocals took it's place. Does that make any sense to anyone? Yes, come on home Superman. And come on home Thought Gang. I read we can't find you and I wish to know who to properly thank for this song. Just sayin' - By the way, this song is a perfect complement to "Superlungs My Supergirl" on Donovan's 1969 "Barabajagal" album. added to station 5/18/2017 1:41:04 AM
Alternative Retro and Psychedelic 8020
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Lars Mars
If You'd Had the Time
Hi Glenn and Lars Mars! It is about time I added one of your songs since you first reached out to me. Sorry it has taken so long! One glance at my new photo and my first seven songs here will help you see who has been occupying my heart and soul. I agree about the 60's flavor of this song. Almost a merging of The Eagles and Three Dog Night, this tune is! Very, very nice indeed! added to station 10/13/2017 7:17:15 AM
Classic and Progressive Rock 8020
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Fleet Foxes
White Winter Hymnal
Robin and Skyler, you are from Seattle, the same home town of David Nyro? Methinks there must be great inspiration and something special up there in The Evergreen State to produce such beautiful music. It sounds like you guys have "hit the big time" with your 3rd studio album "Crack-Up" to be released in a few weeks on June 16, 2017. As far as this song goes, your incredible vocal harmonies and cohesion as a band, made listening as a spiritual experience. That is squarely in my wheelhouse, my friends. added to station 5/18/2017 1:47:53 AM
Alternative 8020
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Norah Jones
Wurlitzer Prize (I don't wanna get over you)
Norah Jones; My All-Time #1 Female Solo Artist! You cemented that position last night at Omaha's Orpheum Theater! My 4 greatest concerts in alphabetical order: Moody Blues - 1992, Norah Jones - June 5, 2017, Paul McCartney - 1990, Rolling Stones 1972. Norah, you made my heart skip a beat when you answered me from center stage! You replied "THANKS TO YOU" when I shouted from the balcony, "LOVE YOU, NORAH!" I always have, and I always will! I know that IMP is primary a showcase for indie artists, but I leaped for joy when I saw this song here. Your own growth from being a new artist to a 9x Grammy Winner and The Jazz Artist of the 2000's is mind-boggling and an inspiration to artists and fans alike. I pray that I can live at least live another two decades to enjoy you and your awesome music! I could not sleep until 4:00 am after the concert and am still basking in the afterglow, 26 hours later. I hope that somehow you can read this blurb someday to see how special you are to me. One of the first things I did here a few months ago upon finding IMP was to write to you on your artist page. I will soon be adding to that message, dear lady! Thank you for who you are and what you do! added to station 1/23/2017 4:15:41 AM
Pop 8020
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Sheryl Crow
No Depression In Heaven
Sheryl returns to her country roots! Kudos Ms. Crow; great line dance song and love them fiddles; yee haw! Sheryl, you were my #1 All-Time Female Solo Artist, until Norah Jones came along. You both have 9 Grammys, so who will break the tie? I dunno, m'lady! Norah is a tad younger and is currently on top of her game. Interesting that you have returned to your country roots from rock and pop, whereas Norah has returned to her jazz roots from country and pop! (smiley face) added to station 1/25/2017 8:46:29 AM
Folk/Acoustic Rock/Americana 8020
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Sheryl Crow
Sweet Child O' Mine
This rocker chick is the Sheryl I know best! Never knew this was a Guns 'N Roses cover. Remember seeing me at the Stir Cove and the Mid-America Center just across the Missouri river in Council Bluffs? When are you comin' back darlin'? I hear you have a new album out and I seriously need to check that! added to station 1/25/2017 8:53:03 AM
Rock 8020
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Rachel Fuller
Ruby Tuesday
Thanks to Itso of "Itso's Earworms" for introducing yet another artist to me! Of course, this caught my attention since Ruby Tuesday is my favorite song of The Rolling Stones who are my All-Time #8 Band from my pre-1990 era. I don't recall the exact set-list since 1972 was 45 years ago, but I probably heard Mick sing this live in Kansas City with my brother Tom (Stones are his #1 fave) and my best friend Bob. Unlike Itso, I really like Mick as he taught me half of my dance moves; lol! Actually my fave cover of this song is from Andrea Corrs of The Coors from Ireland. Really groovy video of her singing this live in concert with Ronnie Woods playing guitar alongside her! Rachel did a nice cover as well, but I enjoy the faster tempo of Andrea singing it. I will check out more of Ms. Fuller's works however! added to station 8/25/2017 6:20:05 AM
Alternative 8020
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Van Morrison
Brown Eyed Girl
Hey Itso! Contact me ASAP when you hear stuff like this! My fave V.M. song! I'll make a station called "Groovy 60's Originals and Covers!" added to station 10/11/2017 6:38:37 AM
Pop 8020
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The Coming of Age
If You Believe (and I Believe)
Hi Scott! This is really, really good! Like I said over in the MLT club, this is truly in your wheelhouse, methinks! Unless I am mistaken, this is my first Country Blues genre song here. but not the last by any means. I like country and I like blues, but the combination of the two really works! Please write more in this style, sir! I would also love to hear Norah Jones cover this or perhaps you and her do a duet together. Perhaps "Later...With Jools Holland" as the venue would work nicely? Thanks for the world-wide launch of this just in time for my coast-to-coast launch of this station. Truly very groovy, Scott! added to station 6/11/2017 2:44:09 AM
Country Blues 8020
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Pete Townshend
There is No Message in a Broken Heart
Reached #1 on KIAC Big 50. Whoa; you have 5 more songs here at IMP? I ask you, who wouldn't want a legend from The Who in their station? I don't know about you, but I certainly do! Saw The Who and you Pete, in Omaha a few years ago. Sat 7th row center right in front of Roger Daltrey! Was close enough to see that drummer Zak Starkey looks just like his papa Ringo. My #5 All-Time concert (see Norah Jones blurb for the 4 tied for #1). But you blokes were deafeningly (of a noise so loud as to make it impossible to hear anything else) the LOUDEST! My ears were still ringing 3 hours later and I am not so certain my hearing has been flawless since. Would not have traded this experience for anything! (Well, maybe all 4 original Beatles; LOL!) added to station 1/23/2017 4:39:39 AM
Rock 8020
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Brian Wilson
California Role / That Lucky Old Sun
What an honor to have a song here from one of the world's greatest music legends/geniuses ever! If this was an instrumental only, then I would have suspected this was an inspired by a late 60's Bee Gees album. That is a compliment Mr. Wilson! I thought it time to post another legend here amidst the younger indie artists. They can listen to, learn from, and be inspired by the California-American legend; another one of the MonaLisa Twins heroes (and not villians)! smiley emoticon added to station 1/26/2017 2:48:48 PM
Alternative Modern Rock 8020
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Francesca Tamellini
I lost God
Very nice Francesca. When I was about your age I found God. He was always there and knew where I was. I just had to let Him know I was looking for Him. added to station 10/13/2017 5:37:36 AM
Folk/Acoustic Rock/Americana 8020
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Francesca Tamellini
The Wood
What a beautiful introspective song. "Out of the hearts abundance, the mouth speaks" says God's word. I won't pretend to know if any of your songs are autobiographical or not. But if this one is, then something tells me you will find the answers you seek. You can walk in the woods alone now, but I hope you will find someone to walk with you someday. Someone who deserves to walk with you. added to station 10/13/2017 5:43:07 AM
Easy Listening/Soft Rock 8020
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Francesca Tamellini
Keep fooling myself
Scott and many others feel you are one of the finest singer - songwriter - artists here and I agree. Why else would I make you one of my featured artists? I really appreciate your works. added to station 10/17/2017 2:28:32 AM
Easy Listening/Soft Rock 8020
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Richard Scotti
Richard! Any songs that lists "Beatles Pop" as the genre gains my IMMEDIATE ATTENTION! How about adding Peter and Gordon, Chad and Jeremy, Gerry and the Pacemakers, and the Traveling Wiburys to the mix? Have I introduced you to Mona and Lisa Wagner yet? To see you do collaborations with them and perform in Liverpool, I would take out a second mortgage! Seriously! added to station 5/18/2017 1:34:47 AM
Beatles Pop 8020
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Richard Scotti
Also a former #1 in Classic Rock! But don't worry Richard; the well will never run dry here at IMP! You want a bigger compliment than the last song? Here goes: this belongs amongst the era of The Moody Blues comeback of the 80's, i.e. "The Present" and "Long Distance Voyager." And the Moodies are MY #1 and my bro's #2! The count is now 100 songs from 37 artists. Tally for my featured artists: 10 each from the MonaLisa Twins and David Nyro, 9 each from DeMonicka and Bryon Tosoff, and 7 from you, Richard Scotti. No worries though as I understand more songs and/or stations are possible. A little pause though as I roll-out this station nationwide to further promote IMP and all the incredibly talented artists here in "Groovy and 60's Style." Thank you Richard and all! Thank you; thank you very much! P.S. My original intent was to make a 50 song station, but I soon found out I had to keep going and grooving! 2nd P.S. This also has a bit of a Neil Diamond vibe to it; and I love him too! added to station 6/8/2017 9:38:08 AM
Southern Rock 8020
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Richard Scotti
Hey Richard! Another IMP legend guy! My featured artists don't have to be that, but hey it doesn't hurt, eh? I'm going to close the first 100 adds of this station with 3 of your tunes and this is #98! As soon as I saw the words "blazing fiddles" I knew I would add this before ever hearing it! Throughout the building of this station I have learned many things. One is that one cannot ever have too much cowbell, flamenco, or blazing fiddles! This song is "over-the-top" cool and groovy! Thanks, and keep cranking out the great hits; much appreciated! added to station 6/8/2017 9:13:07 AM
Folk/Acoustic Rock/Americana 8020
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David Nyro
All You Ever Do is Rain, featuring Maddy Dullum
David, I am having a difficult time not picking all your songs! And now you have Maddy Dullum singing! LOVE HER VOICE and I love this song! Life is not all rainbows; first comes the rain! This song is giving me goose bumps! SERIOUSLY! You write about the human condition and that speaks to our souls! I hope in your life you have a bit of sunshine as well! added to station 5/18/2017 2:50:10 AM
Rock 8020
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David Nyro
Flying Over the Ocean, featuring Tiana Pye
David Nyro and band are now amongst my featured artists and David is now the first of three featured male artists. He includes lovely and groovy ladies as a huge bonus too! Thanks for giving me a "SHOUT" David! That truly began a great and long-lasting friendship between you and me and your incredible music. Thanks also to Tiana! I love her vocals and the entire up-tempo of this classic song! added to station 5/18/2017 2:06:09 AM
Pop 8020
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David Nyro
Bitter Wine, featuring Katie Kuffel
Like Harry Nilsson, all you had to do was mention NORAH JONES and I'm running. I love Norah and Katie is pretty groovy as well! Norah is coming here to Omaha, NE in 19 days and if I don't buy my tickets tomorrow I will kick myself. If you ever come to Omaha, please inform me. I will be there and promote you to all my friends! I would like the sheet music and all the lyrics to this, please. added to station 5/18/2017 2:43:42 AM
Pop 8020
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Monicka Ferens
Droga DeMonicka! Milosc ten piosenka dance i jeszcze bardziej kocham spiewal w Polsce, ojczysty moich przodków! Jest to wiec groovy i mozna uwierzyc wlasnym uszom. Chce, aby wstac i tanca kazdym razem, gdy slysze, ze mozna spiewac! Jestem tak szczesliwy, ze Evie powiedzial mi o Tobie DeMonicka! Gdzie mozna kupic wszystkie swoje albumy? Kocham was i muzyki i chce uslyszec wiecej! Sprawiasz, ze chce przeniesc sie do Polski! Michala z Omaha added to station 2/7/2017 4:26:57 AM
Dance 8020
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Monicka Ferens
Born To Sing
DeMonicka, you have indeed sung the purest words ever; that you were born to sing! I am glad that our lives have overlapped to be blessed to hear you. Pianist Karolina Kowalczewska aka Chiara! You can play a command performance with your dear songstress friend for me any time. I can’t wait to play this for our Master’s in Music pianist friend and her viola-player daughter! Please come to our city and you will have all standing ovations! Bravo bravo i glosne brawa Panie! added to station 2/7/2017 6:22:52 AM
Ballad 8020
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Chaussures Rouges
When I listened to the Kayak Big 25 this week I was auditioning new songs and artists for my station. I tried to write down the name of the artist and the songs I wanted. I'm glad I guessed the spelling of "Stragula" correctly. I would have never guessed this was a song about red shoes! REALLY COOL! added to station 10/13/2017 6:28:48 AM
indie alternative 8020
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She didn't Love You
Ms. Marta Tai and Mr. Vincenzo Tancorre; first of all congrats on your 2016 Golden Kayak for Best Song Folk/Acoustic Rock/Americana! Have you ever seriously considered doing a collaboration with 9x Grammy Winner Norah Jones? I would highly recommend that! Thank goodness for the Internet as now I know how you came up with the name for your groovy indie band! Love your cool music video and the guitar/banjo duet. That is one of my favorite musical sounds ever! Prepare to have more future station adds by me for sure! added to station 1/28/2017 4:43:50 AM
Indie Folk 8020
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The Everyday Visuals
Industry Ready?
Reached #1 on the KIAC Big 50. Declared "The Best Band in NH." Got a big shout out from Rolling Stone Mag. Did I need all these kudos? Nope! All I needed was to listen to a few bars for myself. Now my only dilemmas are; should this be considered as a lost track from Sgt. Peppers or Yellow Submarine? Should this be the first tune that the running bass line is my fave part? Don't need any visual for this, just the audio, thank you! Yup, this is definitely ready for the big-time music industry! added to station 2/11/2017 4:51:07 AM
Alternative 8020
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I am grooving to this 2005 Golden Kayak Winner for Best Pop Song! It hearkens me back to the age when I was a wee lad of only 55 years old! Tricia Kanne, I am diggin' your sweet voice, dear! minipops are delicious; I'm gonna want more of them! How about your other three KIAC Big 50 #1 songs? added to station 1/28/2017 4:31:22 AM
Pop 8020
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Swingset Chain
Another Eve recommendation and it reached Top 5 in KIAC Big 50. This would be perfect with which to drift into reverie on a quiet and rainy late afternoon. Plus, I am really digging Kylee's voice and the instrumentation that accompanies her. I need to consider "Time Bomb" for my next station add session. Will their be more of your works here at IMP as well? added to station 1/23/2017 6:41:01 AM
Alternative Pop Rock 8020
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Camera Obscura
If Looks Could Kill
If Scott Stambaugh pulls something out of the archives and plays it as the Flashback, you know it has to be GREAT and this is! This will go into my dance mix workout; LOVE THIS former #1 on the KIAC Big 50! added to station 10/13/2017 6:35:25 AM
Alternative Retro and Psychedelic 8020
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Rebecca Downes
Sailing On A Pool Of Tears
Wow wow wow!!! No wonder Scott said this was the best ever Kayak Big 25! You have soared up the chart to #14 and I'm gonna help you get to #1! added to station 10/13/2017 6:12:24 AM
Blues Rock 8020
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Rebecca Downes
Whoa!!! After I saw Bryon Tosoff's comment about this song, I had to listen ASAP. Yup, you've made a believer out of me! Sing it sister!!! Fabulous!!! added to station 10/13/2017 6:19:12 AM
Blues Rock 8020
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Rachel Collis
Golden Age
Kayak Big 25 song; no surprise! Ms. Collis, I have two words for the effect your incredible voice has on me: "goose bumps." Your music portends beauty and glory to be found in future times. The real life, the true Golden Age, is yet to come, but we can live now as already there. What a charming and talented woman you are! added to station 5/18/2017 1:51:12 AM
Pop 8020
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Rachel Collis
Twenty To Nine
Rachel, you have a glorious, pure, and sweet voice! If you read several of my blurbs, you'll see I often compare many of you world class indie artists to other superstar artists. I hope you don't mind that I wish to favorably compare you to Hayley Westenra from your neighboring New Zealand! I will be searching for more of your awesome talent, dear lady. added to station 5/19/2017 5:09:01 AM
Rock 8020
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Ben Elliot
Fades of Echos
2016 Golden Kayak Winner - Best Male Artist!!! Ben! Mr. Elliot! Seriously? You are composing and performing this entire wall of sound by yourself? I would never, ever have suspected that had I not watched the video! You are one, singular talented gentleman! I was going to initially make this a 50 song station and then go from there, but you have already made me re-think that strategy and double that. I finally have begun to assemble a brilliant cadre of male artists to match the quantity and quality of the female artists here! This whole endeavor is getting better artist by artist! Why are you not one of my featured male artists? It is because I added you very early and had not conceived of that idea yet. I will rectify that next round of station adds. Then there will be four of you and you all can have a lovely round of golf together! added to station 2/11/2017 7:01:09 AM
Piano & Orchestra 8020
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Ben Elliot
I'll Be Your Heart Attack
2016 Golden Kayak Winner - Best Song Alternative Pop / Rock and a personal recommendation from Evie! That was certainly enough to make me stand up and take immediate notice! But when I listened, no one had to cajole me into adding this to my station! At the MLT/IFC and IMP there is a lot of discussion about what constitutes a genre and then I see this is called "Groove Pop?" What better fit could there be for the name of my station? Add to that the hard driving piano, which is how I love to play, and this is a perfect fit for me! Thanks again Evie! Now to quickly find a 2nd song from Ben! added to station 2/11/2017 6:37:41 AM
Groove Pop 8020
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Steve April
Boxer (Country Boy)
Whoa! This is even more so Dylan/Russell-like! Let's throw in a little T-Rex and Flamin Groovies for good measure. Didn't take me long to add 4 of your songs. That is the max I play in a row for any artist. I see your next song is with Bryon T. so that will probably be a "slam-dunk" station add as well! Let's give a listen to his classical works in a bit. added to station 6/4/2017 8:16:40 PM
Folk/Acoustic Rock/Americana 8020
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Steve April
Flame In The Night
Alright then Steve! In view of the name of my station, how could I pass on a song that is "groove rock?" I hear a bit of a Bob Dylan vibe in the vocals and a little Leon Russell in the piano. Really grooving to this song! P.S. My wife and I love candles; is this one scented? added to station 6/4/2017 8:08:29 PM
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she rose from the dead
Drunken self
No problem believing this song also reached #1 on the KIAC Big 50! In case you haven't noticed by now, sometimes the style of indie artists reminds me of mainstream artists of back in my day, and sometimes not. This one? How about the vocals of Victoria meet the piano of Leon Russell? Maybe that is just my younger self of the early 70's talking for me? Will there be more of s.r.f.t.d. coming to IMP stations soon, I hope? Victoria, please add more songs to IMP so I can make you one of my featured artists! added to station 2/11/2017 7:33:01 AM
post alternative 8020
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she rose from the dead
It's a trap little rat
Reached #1 on KIAC Big 50! Did I miss the reopening of Fillmore East? Did Grace Slick emerge from retirement? She Rose From The Dead! Oh, that is the name of this band? Don't need Grace here as we have Victoria Rose! Someone likened you to Jefferson Airplane? Can I add bits of Led Zeppelin, The Moody Blues, Pink Floyd, Donovan, and Ravi Shankar? I will be seeking more from this 21st Century 1960's band! added to station 1/23/2017 3:14:56 AM
Alternative Adult Indie 8020
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At the End of the Day
Azwel, I am incredulous as to why this is only your third song on my station when you have so many at IMP. My only excuse is; so many artists, so little time. Please don't take it personally as I will listen some more! added to station 10/13/2017 6:51:52 AM
Acoustic ballad 8020
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The Pastime
Listening to Azwel for the very first time (again from Eve's recommendation), this could very well become a pastime for me. Does anyone reading this know Brian Wilson? If he ever wants to create "Pet Sounds Volume II" then he would do well to consider a collaboration with Jason Perrillo and insure that this track is on it. P.S. This has a little "Rainbow Connection" vibe to it! Hey, don't knock it before you listen to Kermit's duet with Debbie Harry! Just sayin' added to station 1/26/2017 5:06:27 AM
Alternative Pop Rock 8020
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The Voice that Carried You
This is a rare replacement for a deleted song in my station. I "auditioned" several of your many IMP songs and settled on this one that is currently in the Kayak Big 25. That is a good recommendation and another is that it reminds me of the style of The Association back in the 60's. added to station 5/23/2017 4:29:12 AM
acoustic indie pop 8020
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Sean Lenox
Fata Morgana
No one can say my station is in a rut (which it is not anyway) after hearing this Sean! Back in the day I can visualize Pink Floyd or Emerson, Lake, and Palmer recording this. I hope you take that as the highest form of compliment because that is how I sincerely intend it! added to station 5/19/2017 4:45:33 AM
Ambient Electronic 8020
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Sean Lenox
I Saw the Moon
At first I visualized Tom Cruise mixing cocktails barefoot to the tune of a Beach Boys song. Then I woke up dancing on the sand and staring into the light of the moon. Then suddenly Ravi Shankar came floating by in a dinghy playing his sitar. Wait, what? Sorry; never mind. I just had my eyes closed listening to your groovy song. added to station 5/18/2017 1:49:14 AM
Art Rock 8020
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Sean Lenox
The Time I Rode a Horse to the Moon
Sometimes Sean, it takes me almost to the end of a song to decide to put it here to hear over and over again. This only took me a few bars of the intro. Your lyrics as well as the art work crack me up! Do I hear a bit of a David Bowie influence here? Cool! added to station 5/19/2017 4:57:14 AM
Pop 8020
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Francesca Tamellini
I Guess I Should Say Thank You
Francesca, you said on your artist's page. "I am a young songwriter trying to get a name. Resident in the UK but any connection anywhere would be great!" I hope this helps, because I am a fairly new and assertive station manager and this station is about to be launched coast-to-coast in the States and south into Latin America. I guess I am the one who should say thank you to you, for I shall receive endless hours of listening to your sweet, pure, pitch perfect, feminine voice. Are you the talented pianist as well? Thanks to you, Ms. Tamellini for adding loveliness to my station! added to station 6/11/2017 5:37:06 AM
Acoustic 8020
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Francesca Tamellini
I'm Not Baby Anymore
No, you are no baby anymore. But that is not the kind of baby you refer to. And I am not young anymore. I have much compassion for young people going through this life. I also have affection for people who give me joy through their music. You can think of me as an older uncle who loves his nieces and nephews. added to station 10/17/2017 2:27:20 AM
Miscellaneous 8020
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Francesca Tamellini
The Crown
I add this to my station for 3 reasons: 1. Eve recommends it and as she is an indie music aficionado I value her opinions. 2. I love this and your lovely voice, Francesca. 3. I play piano and this has soothing piano music. That is a huge plus for me always! added to station 1/23/2017 6:31:58 AM
Easy Listening/Soft Rock 8020
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Richard Scotti
Richard, what a beautiful tribute to John Lennon! Were you trying to bring tears to my eyes, sir? You accomplished just that, brother. You are a kindred soul and spirit to Brother John and that means to me as well. Previously #1 in Classic Rock! added to station 5/19/2017 3:53:37 AM
60's Rock 8020
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Richard Scotti
Wow; you just transported me back to 1969 when I was 19 and squarely facing what to do about Vietnam. Edwin Starr: "War! Huh? Yeah! What is it good for? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!" Enough said. Previously #1 in Classic Rock! Am I beginning to sound like a broken record? added to station 5/19/2017 4:09:07 AM
Classic and Progressive Rock 8020
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David Nyro
This is the 10th David Nyro song I added to "Groovy and 60's Style" tonight, in my most prolific station additions to date. I have almost doubled my number of songs tonight and I have NEVER heard David's songs before tonight. His music defines what my station is all about. I must pause here though, as I promised myself to never surpass the quantity of songs of the MonaLisa Twins, my female featured artists. Much more to come on "Groovy and 60's Style!" Don't turn that radio dial! One fine day happiness will be a full, total, and achievable concept for all! added to station 5/18/2017 3:22:27 AM
Folk/Acoustic Rock/Americana 8020
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David Nyro
David, I am looking at all my blurbs again before the nationwide release of this station. Just now I watched the video of this for the first time. What powerful images and such a powerful message about a worldwide plight! Everyone MUST watch and take a STAND! Now I truly understand the message of this song! To me you are kind of like a modern day John Lennon. You might even say that is a bigger "shout-out" than my Moody Blues comment! The Moodies and then The Beatles top My All-Time Pre-90's Bands. I have a second category which is Post-90's which is ongoing. After hearing just a handful of your songs, you will be in the Top 10 of that, I promise! added to station 5/18/2017 2:28:47 AM
Rock 8020
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David Nyro
Waiting for My Life (To Start Again)
David, I want to give you about the highest compliment I can give you: I could see this song on THE MOODY BLUES album "The Other Side of Life." It definitely is edgy as you say and I love edgy! A boatload of people are going to hear about you from me. Make that the largest ever cruise ship. I am also waiting for my life to start again in a New World! added to station 5/18/2017 2:21:49 AM
Alternative Modern Rock 8020
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David Nyro
What Happened to Us All?
Whoa! I had to pause and catch my breath and make a web folder for your home page and YouTube channel. Now I know you are from Seattle. Do you tour, and if so do you play gigs in the Midwest? Yup, I can definitely see the Procol Harum influence here. The MonaLisa Twins just posted, with photos, on their FB page that they just saw them. As for your question, I have pondered that my entire adult life. I have picked up several clues along the way by traveling eternity road. (Moody Blues reference.) added to station 5/18/2017 2:59:57 AM
Alternative Retro and Psychedelic 8020
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Monicka Ferens
2016 GOLDEN KAYAK WINNER - BEST SONG ELECTRONIC AND DANCE! Forget about Madonna, Beyoncé, and Katy Perry. DeMonicka is twice or three times as good as all of them combined! Variety, innovation, creativity, danceability, and on and on! When is the World USA Tour? When is the ABC Two Hour Prime-Time Special? There will be many more DeMonicka songs on this station. Stay tuned and stay groovy! By the way Monicka; really cute music video to this song! added to station 2/7/2017 5:21:50 AM
Electronic 8020
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Bryon Tosoff
Kick Back Just Relax
2016 GOLDEN KAYAK WINNER - BEST SONG - JAZZ!!! No trouble believing that - GROOVY! When Richard Scooti wrote a Pipeline blog about my new station, Mr. Tosoff was kind enough to drop by and give me some huge compliments and encouragement as well. I wondered if he was also an IMP artist. A little more investigation and I realized this gentleman is a musical legend! As soon as I heard his awesome piano, I knew his songs were my next adds! I was just scrolling through "eYe" the #1 IMP station, to see what he was playing and sure enough, several songs of Bryon Tosoff are there. Now several are on my station as well! This will surely satisfy my jazz yearnings until I personally experience Norah Jones for myself at the Omaha Orpheum Theater on June 5, which is just one week from this Monday! "DAY BREAKS" WORLD TOUR!!! added to station 5/27/2017 8:30:34 AM
Jazz Fusion 8020
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Bryon Tosoff
light my fire (licensed cover)
FEATURED MALE ARTIST - Greetings Mr. Tosoff! This Doors' cover definitely caught my eye and ear. I love hearing jazz covers of rock and pop songs, and that is not done nearly enough IMHO. I never met and spent any time with Jim Morrison as one of my cousins did. But I would have to surmise that he would love and approve of your cover! Now, that you have re-lit my fire for your music, let us proceed and add many of your works! I am blown away by how you excel across many genres and many styles of performance! added to station 6/8/2017 7:11:50 AM
Jazz 8020
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Cat Dowling
Come On
Thanks so much for the two samples of your debut album! You have made me thirsty for more; the entire album! A couple years a gal I worked with and her husband visited The Emerald Isle and actually attended a Notre Dame football game while there. It was the trip of a lifetime for them. For me, the dream trip of a lifetime would be to hear you, then the Corrs, then attend The Open on Irish soil. After that to fly down to Liverpool for the MonaLisa Twins. Do you think you arrange such a sojourn, please? Thanks again to you and Evie! added to station 5/18/2017 6:23:15 AM
Alternative Pop Rock 8020
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Cat Dowling
The Believer
Ms. Dowling! This is the title track of your debut solo album which was released in Ireland in May 2013. Happy 4th Anniversary of it! It is no surprise to me that this and "Come On" are both currently in the Kayak Big 25! This was recommended to me by Eve and she is always spot-on with that. Huge congrats on your album and many more! added to station 5/18/2017 6:21:47 AM
Alternative 8020
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Hugh Hamilton
Don't Hide Your Love
Found another one from your one of your main genres, Hugh. The title of your song is one of my mottos to live by. I love the addition of the cajon! Where did you find such a groovy percussion instrument? added to station 5/19/2017 4:35:31 AM
Folk/Acoustic Rock/Americana 8020
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Hugh Hamilton
L.O.V.E. (Duet with Dick Aven)
Mr. Hamilton and Mr. Aven, I L.O.V.E. both the saxophone and the banjo. But together they sound like an instrumental match made in heaven! Immediately I will listen to more Folk/Acoustic Rock/Americana by you! added to station 5/19/2017 4:24:51 AM
Folk/Acoustic Rock/Americana 8020
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Hugh Hamilton
What to Do?
I absolutely love the progression of this song. First few bars of the piano, then your vocals, and then the guitar, percussion, etc. The pitch, pace, and power of this is very impressive. Yes, I will keep listening and so will many others to whom I will send this station! added to station 5/18/2017 1:42:15 AM
Alternative Retro and Psychedelic 8020
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The Maybes, Glasgow
September Weekend
Could someone maybe contact The Maybes and set up a world tour with them and Jethro Tull? Make sure the debut is here in Omaha, NE at our 18,000 seat arena. Give me a month in advance and we'll make certain it is a sellout! Tickets will range from $85 to $175! added to station 1/23/2017 4:05:00 AM
Acoustic 8020
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The Maybes, Glasgow
What You Can Remember
What I can actually can remember (which is fairly easy as I just listened to this song) is that I love Michelle's vocals, the seemingly effortless chord progressions, and that I just plain like this song! I've always thought that the best music has come out of Europe, and maybe, just maybe, I can now narrow that down to the British Isles. Please remember to add this to your set list when you tour the states! If the gentle listener has reached this far, you have just listened to 6 HOURS and 21 MINUTES of the WORLD'S GREATEST MUSIC here at! Why not build your own station and feel free to "borrow" any of my songs as I have also done from others? TELL ALL YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS ABOUT IMP!!! ANYONE WHO LOVES MUSIC!!! added to station 3/19/2017 3:53:34 AM
Alternative Modern Rock 8020
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I am suddenly very drawn to songs with "angel" in the title. The Coors of Ireland have a song by this very name and it is my fave of theirs. ABBA has a song about these beautiful spirit creatures in the heavens and I fully believe in them as well. added to station 5/18/2017 1:33:13 AM
Alternative 8020
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Looking at your artist's page it is no wonder why many IMP stations are playing your songs. I love the minor and diminished chords you utilize in this song. If I expand this station to 150 songs (now 80) I would likely have all your songs in one place. added to station 5/18/2017 1:32:00 AM
Alternative 8020
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This song makes me want to become a traveling troubadour. Ride on Mr. McDaid and continue to find your destiny, piece of mind, and legacy! Ride on and right on! RIDE ON! added to station 5/18/2017 1:28:54 AM
Alternative Acoustic 8020
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Lose Your Mind
Now in the Kayak Big 25! Hi again Sharon! I probably have already lost my mind, so can you write a song for me called "Find Your Mind?" If you notice, I give careful thought to the placement of my songs. Every artist here is a shining star! I just cannot put 80 songs (with more to come) into 10 slots, right? Notice that I put you squarely next to Sheryl Crow, the 9x Grammy Award Winner. She and Norah Jones, also a winner of 9 Grammies, are my Top 2 female solo artists. (I will see and hear Norah here in Omaha in concert in less than 2 weeks!) I put you right next to Sheryl because this song could fit in very nicely with her 1998 "The Globe Sessions." Listen and see if you agree with me! added to station 5/18/2017 6:17:59 AM
Rock 8020
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So Surprised
Sharon, you come highly recommended to me by Evie, and I agree I needed another rocker chick with high energy. Please don't be surprised and thanks for the SHOUT! Yes, with you around I will definitely keep rocking! That was a big part of my 60's era, eh? You are keeping that alive too. Keep on motoring, baby! Sharon, I just read your Spotlight interview with Scott; great questions and great answers! I enjoyed learning more about you and your musical journey in life! added to station 5/18/2017 6:16:35 AM
Alternative Rock 8020
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Gary Ritchie
I'll Be There
Were you an original member of the Dave Clark Five? You'll be there, and here, and everywhere? I hope Gary, that you are singing to your wife. Otherwise this is one of the seriously best stalking songs since Hall and Oates "Private Eyes." Groovy! added to station 5/18/2017 1:26:04 AM
Power Pop 8020
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Gary Ritchie
Pretty Little Gina
Man alive; love that intro! Are you 100% certain you did not play in our basement or patio in 1965 when my sister was 16 and danced with her friends and I was 14 and got to watch? Seems like it Gary. By the way, who is pretty little Gina? Don't recall that name. added to station 5/18/2017 1:25:15 AM
Pop Rock 8020
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Gary Ritchie
You Were Only Using Me
Along with the MonaLisa Twins, you are definitely part of the British Invasion 2.0! So, who was only using you? Pretty little Gina? Did you notice that 2 of the 3 genres this station was assigned today are pop and rock? No coincidence here Gary! added to station 5/18/2017 1:25:33 AM
Power Jangle 8020
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American Dreamers
Breathe Again
Am I getting it right that each of you is the reason for one another to able to breathe? This is nice, very nice! I love the way the two of you take turns singing to each other. Kind of reminiscent of Sonny and Cher back in the day, with the exception that your relationship will long outlast what they once had. Thank you for the beautiful music you make together. BTW, it is really nice to have some mandolin music here! added to station 5/18/2017 1:53:51 AM
Americana 8020
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American Dreamers
Precious Time
Mr. and Mrs. Rap, I love your songs and the obvious inspiration from the love you have for one another. I wish for you all joy and happiness together with your little ones. Perhaps you are showing the world that it is still realistic to be an American Dreamer! God bless you. added to station 5/19/2017 5:36:50 AM
Americana 8020
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Steve April
Love Survivors
Hi Steve! Thank you for responding to my "music search" request on the Pipeline. This is the one I specifically chose from your recommendations. It is somewhat reminiscent to me of the works of Neil Young. I will give a further listen to you to come up with some more adds. By the way, I agree that love does require some surviving; LOL! Thanks again! added to station 6/4/2017 7:32:47 PM
Alternative Folk Rock 8020
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Steve April
About time for another instrumental and LOVE this! Didn't know what an "ambient" genre was, so looked it up: "a style of instrumental music with electronic textures and no persistent beat, used to create or enhance a mood or atmosphere." I like instrumentals as they "cleanse one's palate" as it were, between vocal songs. And yes, Steve I see The Beatles influence here. (See "Flying") added to station 6/4/2017 8:01:40 PM
Ambient 8020
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sugarplum fairies
no.2 Kraft Paperbag
Reached Top 5 on KIAC Big 50! I promised the Velcro Girl was going to stick to me, didn't I? Even so, no one warned me that her band was 2005 Golden Kayak Winner - Best Band! Now I shall never get unstuck, nor would I want to! This time I can hear a George Harrison influenced guitar, like the MonaLisa Twins also. Hey, if his influence is good enough for them and for Dhani Harrison, then it is good enough for anyone, right? added to station 2/11/2017 5:36:59 AM
Alternative 8020
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sugarplum fairies
velcro girl
Reached #1 on KIAC Big 50! If the gentle reader has been following my blurbs, they can tell that the style of some indie bands remind me of more familiar bands of my youth. Not this song and its vocals by Silvia Ryder though. This girl's voice is gonna stick to me like Velcro, and I'm gonna dream tonight of fairies made of sugarplums and wake up humming this melody. That is quite alright with me! added to station 1/26/2017 5:28:04 AM
Alternative Pop Rock 8020
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Father Time
Everybody Loves Eve
Everybody loves Eve! Well, I am part of everybody, aren't I? You betcha! Very groovy Scott! If he will only hear this song, and especially see her face, Tom Petty would also love Eve and cover this song too! (heart emoticon) Hi Evie! Thanks so much for helping me all along the line appreciating the power of IMP and building this station! added to station 1/24/2017 1:16:53 AM
Pop Rock 8020
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Meredith Blis
Fade to Dust
This will go down in history as your first song I ever heard. 1/6/18. First heard by me covered by Whitherward on YouTube in their dining room in Denver. "Morning Breath" Episode 9 on 3/22/15. Your first 4 songs here at IMP are in 2 different genres. On my station this says "Dream Pop" but the parent genre is "Alternative Pop Rock." That is the category for which it can be nominated for a Golden Kayak during November 2018. You are composing new music; Whitherward is composing new music; and many artists here will be. I don't know though; this could prove to be my personal "Song of the Year for 2018." I just listened to the instrumental version on your website and almost swooned! If they ever write a sequel to "War of The Worlds" this should weave throughout the entire soundtrack. I would love seeing Justin Hayward of The Moody Blues perform this with you. This dear lady, is WORLD CLASS songwriting and performance; LOVE THIS!!! added to station 1/7/2018 2:53:01 AM
Dream Pop 8020
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Meredith Blis
Shine Again
Better chance than not I will be nominating this for the 2018 Golden Kayak Best Song Easy Listening/Soft Rock in about 10 months. On my station it lists as "Adult Contemporary." Just hover your cursor over the category and the parent genre is revealed. Your other two songs here are this same genre category. This is SO beautiful, that yes it is now making me cry! You draw attention to a malady that is so often misunderstood; Depression Disorder. I am fairly certain I have set up a tent in that camp a few times in my life. May I share some of what your video shares, Meredith? This "is the leading cause of ill health and disability worldwide...More than 300 million people worldwide are living with depression." I have no problem believing that at all. God bless you for being part of the raising consciousness of this global pandemic. There were good reasons I was instantly drawn to you and your beautiful music, Ms. Blis. I understand this published less than 2 months ago. I would be very honored to be considered by you as one of the "Blisful Ones." added to station 1/7/2018 2:50:18 AM
Adult Contemporary 8020
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Meredith Blis
Let it Rain
I have only heard a few bars of this and am adding it. I will be losing myself in all your music. Absolutely brilliant and as I implied on Facebook, you are the closest I've ever heard to Kate Bush. I wish to borrow what you say on your artists' page: "This song is about believing in your strength - When the storms come?.... Let it Rain." I love that Meredith! Life tries every day to beat us down. Some people rejoice more in our trials that they do in our joys. The older I get, the less I will allow the toxic people to bring me down. I surround myself with the lovely people. That is why Ashley and Edward and I have such a strong connection despite only knowing about each other since May and meeting in person in late September. Ask Ash; I am a pretty strong judge of character. I have keen instincts. I can tell just from your music and what you sing about that you are "one of the good ones." Music is way more than entertainment for me. It is one of our greatest gifts from God and a way to praise Him and to connect with each other on a deeper level that transcends the spoken word. Thank for so much for our first 12 hours of connection today! added to station 1/7/2018 2:55:48 AM
Adult Contemporary 8020
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Meredith Blis
Be Your Own Kind of Beautiful
You are very beautiful Meredith. Once we hit our middle age, whenever that is for each of us, we realize that the bloom of youth has passed us and our physical beauty fades. But the beauty we are as an individual can go on growing and growing. We are made in "the image and likeness of God" and can keep growing in Love, Wisdom, Justice, and Power, and all other qualities that spring from these four. Mankind has long had conflicts and wars based on differences. The people who have understanding and insight are the ones who show love and compassion to others. A woman or man can be the most physically gorgeous and adorned person on the face of the earth. But if they are unkind and add to the crushing burden of another, then they are as "a gold nose ring in the snout of a pig." I know you have many other works, but thanks so much by adding these 4 songs to the beauty that surrounds me this day, lovely lady! added to station 1/7/2018 2:46:33 AM
Adult Contemporary 8020
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