Bryon Tosoff
A broad sense of humor, very broad and wide-ranging, though "no door, no windows," go figure, Bryon and Duane offer a tasty musical palette accompanying, got a touch of the "late John Garfield blues" like from "chaingang", remember that, or a movie like that, film noire, a fun romp, kudos...
added to station 1/3/2025 11:25:47 PM
Father Brown in da House
another inventive piece by coccinella, feat. synth, keys, a poppin' bass, and fluid textures including' Gregorian chant-like sounds, I like that, a toucha old and new one might say, listened a few times, enjoyable track, w sonic finesse, fun title too, kudos...
added to station 9/28/2021 7:44:40 PM
Club House
Contemplating Waves
Contemplating Waves
invitin' sounds, like walking in on a Grateful Dead jam mayhaps, with a rounded, rhythmic vibe, and so charmin' musicality, the band grooves well,, the drummer and bass work well together, the lead guitar's got shiny new curves, w twisty turns, fancy stuff, stellar name for a band, kudos...
added to station 6/10/2021 10:29:21 PM
Guitar Instrumental
Universal Hall Pass
explorin' new territory...(a shockingly good song, an indie extravaganza...'Truely unique. A blend of every conceiveable style, performed and produced to perfection...' the golden captive
added to station 3/9/2020 2:28:56 AM
The Gousters
In Eighty Years
explorin' new territory...
added to station 1/17/2020 4:10:35 AM
Bryon Tosoff
Night Skies Over Mars
There's a marvelous clarity to the sax, and a charmin' piano part, a relax-and-float-downstream-vibe, even on Mars I guess, unwind & relax, lovely composition, kudos...
added to station 12/3/2023 3:00:43 AM
Ambient mood music
Father Time
Virtual Star
explorin' new territory...(among my fav songs on the site, kudos)...
added to station 2/27/2020 8:07:53 PM
Folk Rock
The Jackson
The Forest Is Burning
explorin' new territory...
added to station 1/16/2020 2:52:52 AM
Knives Forks Spoons and Plates
explorin' new territory...
added to station 1/14/2020 2:43:52 AM
Demented songs
On The San Francisco Bay
explorin' new territory...
added to station 1/14/2020 2:40:05 AM
Country Pop
Francesca Tamellini
Honey Bee
explorin' new territory...
added to station 1/12/2020 1:00:22 AM
Folk/Acoustic Rock/Americana
Ross Harding
The Universal
explorin' new territory...(with Ross would appear here, kudos...
added to station 1/11/2020 2:32:15 AM
Indie Pop Rock
Time Stops For No One
explorin' new territory...(tasty all around, vocal rocks world,, kudos...
added to station 1/11/2020 2:29:54 AM
Alternative Pop Rock
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