John Earth creates songs continueously with an experimental edge, mixing sometimes unusual sources of genres to mold song styles not yet heard. He sings with daydream vocals to hypnotic music explained by some as an "endless ocean". Here's what a few people say about John Earth and his music: "Your Music Is Like An Endless Ocean. Full of Changing Beauty!" - JEZZYE "I must say the sheer diversity of your musical influences is intriguing... from Sting to Johnny Cash... to Ravi Shankar." - SANJO AND CHANDRANI "fantastic" - STALAG33.3 "You are quite a poet. I actually don't know what to say about "What is Existance." It has blown me away!" - JESSICA MCLAIN "First off, great music you've got on here. It's very different than everything on the radio, so nice job, very unique." - ANDY "you were in my dream last night" - SHANA "...uhh you just made me laugh out loud which is pretty much an acomplishment since my soul is dark and i hate the world.." - CHELSEA JONES "NIce tunes" - CLUB [E-MAN] "my coffe started to stir me as i played this song . while i swirled and became cloudy it was this song ("Song Scratch") i heard . if you are dissolving this is perfect music . there is something subconcious going on here . a hot piece of pizza from a dream , and you wake up looking for the last bite." - WEIRD STUFF (radio station) More of my songs can be heard at OR if you want to talk to me at Lots of Love...God Bless!
Song Scratch
Islands in the Sky
3/1/2008 11:34:08 AM really like the sound you're scratch took me to a very peaceful place...really enjoy the use of suttle percussion.
11/5/2007 10:41:44 PM John----------Time passes---------with good results! tell me where you recorded it-----------sounds like $$$$$!! So , we got a didge piece to #1 in world genre!!! I'll push some buttons now! Rob
5/28/2007 10:46:02 PM see youre up to #18 in the genre charts------cool!
5/3/2007 8:40:40 AM Just added your track to my station! :-)
4/26/2007 7:53:58 PM John, it's the contact with individuals like you that make our day! Re: didges, We have about 9, from originals made by aboriginals from hardwood, also bamboo, and PVC . The pvc ones are the easiest to make and play and can be made to a key! You still need the wax for the mouthpiece, and we paint them with traditional art lizards, snakes and dots etc.We also have a double didge , in a y shape, which can have the tone altered by cupping the hand over the unused mouthpiece and releasing and closing to a rhythm. our pvc one is in "D" I'll see if I can send you the exact measurements!! peace!!
3/31/2007 8:58:32 PM Thanks John, for the didge comment / I have your great music on a few of my stations! �2015-2016 Indie Music People All Rights Reserved
Nags Head NC US
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