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Los Gasolineros

10/10/2010 12:45:05 PM
play counts?

9/6/2010 1:11:19 AM
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Los Gasolineros

10/10/2010 12:45:05 PM

play counts?
my play counts/chart positions haven't been updated in weeks. I remember something similar about a month ago bu then I thought it got sorted out. Is anyone else experiencing this?

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Bryon Tosoff

10/10/2010 1:03:50 PM

seems fine to me on mine, I think September is completed and up to date but not entirely sure
we are just barely into October so let it Ride and it will take care of itself soon enough


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Tom O'Brien

10/10/2010 1:14:53 PM

Yeah, I've noticed that too. If September is all done and accounted for, it was a pretty miserable month as far as play goes. I had many songs in single digits. Here's to a better October!

Maybe IAC could get more regular about when they post these things. Should we email them?

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Bryon Tosoff

10/10/2010 1:32:26 PM

I think there are more important things going on then worrying about play counts
I spend more time listening to peoples music adding songs then worrying about how many songs have so many plays, really dont care , besides, people will check your songs out when they are good and ready and I am sure stats will fix themselves up when it is time. to me its a big whoop.

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