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The Maudlin Hounds

10/8/2012 9:57:35 AM
"NEW album from The Maudlin Hounds, out now"


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The Maudlin Hounds

10/8/2012 9:57:35 AM

"NEW album from The Maudlin Hounds, out now"
- The Roaring Season by The Maudlin Hounds.

Melodic, hard hitting & in-your-face rock 'n' roll from one of Norway's finest acts of it's genre.
If you're into Foo Fighters, Bob Mould, Against Me!, Manic Street Preachers and the heavy greats of the 70's, this NEW album of The Maudlin Hounds might be right up your alley.

- Listen: www.maudlinhounds.com/media.cfm

- The Roaring Season, Now available for downloading at:
"Spotify" "Amazon" "iTUNES" "eMUSIC" "WiMP" "7Digital" "Gogoyoko"
"Reverb Nation" "Microsoft Zune" "TDC Play" "HMV Digital"

- Visit The Official TMH Home at www.maudlinhounds.com

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