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Zeeza Love

8/11/2015 9:40:01 PM
We don't know what we've got till we imagine it gone


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Zeeza Love

8/11/2015 9:40:01 PM

We don't know what we've got till we imagine it gone
I have always wished that fame and good karma,be displayed underneath my main artist "pictures". I never fell for the hit and run thing. I like to come back and check things out, feel the impact, feel the love and get down to the core of the reason for the muse. I always come back. So far I've had good karma. I think I've still got something to push out, I feel it in my heart, my fingers and even in my personal fog space. The itch to push out songs is still strong, it has not faded away. If I could just get a few weeks to myself, I will go on a roll again. :)

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Father Time

8/11/2015 9:58:57 PM

hey Zee, welcome back to the pipeline. :)

I know you got more good songs inside ya, you just got to let them erupt like a volcano..

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fly on the wall

8/13/2015 3:12:05 AM

All we got is the here and now minus stuff you keep in your brain if you need to forget how shitty your here and now is.

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