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Joe White

11/30/2009 4:25:36 PM
I added this question and it disappeared - Anyone ever get paid?

11/10/2009 9:38:21 AM
getting paid

7/16/2009 6:39:44 AM
Anyone have any trouble with the selling music...I am


Basic (free) Member


Joe White

11/30/2009 4:25:36 PM

I added this question and it disappeared - Anyone ever get paid?
I have sales and IAC is NOT comunicating with me concerning my request for payment.
It's not much money - when they went to google check-out they all but stopped. I tried to buy one myself and the "We'll email it to you.." thing never worked. The payment didn't show up until after I complained and I never got the track AND they did not respond to my concerns.

I have made numerous requests, and to-date have received zero comunication
Anyone ever get paid by them?

Maybe there is a more effective method of communication
If anyone knows of another way to other than support email address please provide to me

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11/30/2009 5:13:52 PM

We don't talk about these things---just smile and roll your eyes

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IAC Admin

11/30/2009 7:53:14 PM

Please address any issues to IACSUPPORTHOTLINE at GMAIL dot COM

The Pipeline is not for support issues.

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