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9/6/2006 8:08:25 PM
Substantial "Sacrificial Lambs" Tour

8/30/2006 12:50:00 PM
HipHop11.com Substantial Interview

6/5/2006 5:56:24 PM
Sacrificial Lambs (My New CD: 06/20/06)


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9/6/2006 8:08:25 PM

Substantial "Sacrificial Lambs" Tour
September 05, 2006

RE: Substantial’s “Sacrificial Lambs” Tour 2006


I’ve contacted you to discuss the possibilities of booking a date in your town as it relates to Substantial’s “Sacrificial Lambs” tour which already has selected dates booked in the Northeastern US and Japan. I would like to invite you to be one of the few potential promoters to take part in this experience. This tour is truly a unique venture in its ability to showcase a very solid independent artist that has an international appeal.

The purpose of this tour is to promote his current release Sacrificial Lambs and the soon to be released CD called Sacrifice. A promotional copy of Sacrifice which features “some” of the music that will be released on this CD, along with a promotion copy of Sacrificial Lambs can be sent to you at your request as soon as possible. You can also listen to more of the music online at www.myspace.com/substantial or by going to: www.substantial-music.com.

Dates have already been booked and confirmed for this tour, and we’d very much like to have a few more set up on the bill. Please see below:

Sept. 21, 2006 / 8:00PM / Club Felix / Washington, DC
Sept. 22, 2006 / 9:00PM / Wick's / Louisville, KY
Oct. 26, 2006 / 8:00PM / Club Triangle / Osaka, Japan
Oct. 28, 2006 / 10:00PM / Club Core / Tokyo, Japan
Nov. 30, 2006 / 8:00PM / McDaniel College / Westminster, MD

Substantial also has numerous clothing sponsors that support his efforts as well. Those clothing companies are Brooklyn Sky, Concep Designs, Diamond & Bones (Rome), Methods NYC, and Up and Up Fashions just to name a few. If the opportunity presents itself, please consider booking him at your clubs, radio stations, cafes or conference halls. We also welcome interviews for websites, magazines, and local news channels as well. We appreciate your time and efforts. Please feel free to contact us in relation to the tour the following ways:

Unlimited Vinyl Ink Tour and Management Team

Stan “Substantial” Robinson (Artist/Tour Organizer)
Email: UVInkOnline@gmail.com
Cell : (347) 385-7052

Sean “O-Asie” Williams (Artist Manager/ Tour Organizer)
Email: seanope@gmail.com
Cell: (347) 739-7787

Tsunetake Ito Road Manager/Overseas Agent/ Tour Manager)
Email: tamashie_creation@hotmail.com
Cell: (347)280-7962

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