Vile Under VilePromote Your Page Too I had a whole bunch of crap here. Maybe it's time to update my Profile. I play Guitar in Social Spit and CYKA, Bass for the Dum Dum Boys [SD]. I also play in the world's greatest Internet Band, Negative Tendencies. Whenever we get to writing new songs. This page is a lot of my personal work from ages past, I like to try a lot of different things so every song is a reflection of that. Haven't recorded anything new. In San Franscisco I was in Umbrella Defence, Juvinil Justice and Dangerous Visions. I was the original drummer for The Sea Hags. But I've seen too many of my good friends go. I don't know where they go, but they live on here in some of these recordings.
Someone is Waiting (Illegal Version) Negative Tendencies "Someone is Waiting" - I did these background vocals that were rejected by Scott. This is a wholly UNAUTHORISED mix of the song!
Earthquakes and Famine "Sonar" version of "Earthquakes And Famine"
BLESSED He Rode Into Town on a Donkey - Rode out of it on a Cross
THE BADGE The Blood - Is the Badge: Wear it with Honour
104 Psalm 104: 1 ¶ Bless the LORD, O my soul. O LORD my God, thou art very great; thou art clothed with honour and majesty. 2 Who coverest thyself with light as with a garment: who stretchest out the heavens like a curtain: 3 Who layeth the beams of his chambers in the waters: who maketh the clouds his chariot: who walketh upon the wings of the wind: 4 Who maketh his angels spirits; his ministers a flaming fire:
Heaven in VEIN Is it Heaven in VAIN... Or, in your VEIN?
The Most Guilty This song represents an episode in my life relating to one Mitchell Ian Huppert, who had confronted me with several song lyrics I should make into songs, we could try to sell. This sad story, is the result of a six month period where I was buffeted by stories of "The Girl that Got Away" - Eventually, I told him, either go back to New York and see her, or, Journal it. Write about it. And so he wrote about it, several lyrics, some of which I thought had promise, this is one of them. But he did not
HOBO A Song about a wasted life
NO RAIN RIP Jon Norwood, 1996. Thanx for the drums, buddy, and for three years you trusted me. Sorry I let you down.
By Any Other Name A Jerk, by Any Other Name, A Jerk Remains!
A Mighty Fortress An interpretation of Martin Luther's incredible proclamation
Fire Fall By Mark McCoy posted here in Homage and with GREAT respect for his widow and son.
Ancient Words A song of Worship - LIVE at the SKYBOX, 9-2-2009
Earthquakes and Famine LIVE at SKYBOX 9-9-09. Watch who you are listening to in the Last Days
Those Were The Days This is to DEMO some Pro Tools Tricks regarding the use of Normalising. This is a 4-Track recording. The Basic Tracks, Drums Bass and Guitar were played on Three tracks and bounced down to One Track. On Subsequent Tracks were added: 1) A SECOND drum track! 2) A Second BASS track! 3) 2 background vocals 3) A third Guitar Track 4) and the Lead Vocal Track. This was originally recorded on a TASCAM 244, with the DBX Noise Reduction, there was The artist has designated this song as non-chartable.
I Believe I Killed A Woman A FORMER IAC BIG 50 PICK How to totally destroy a relationship with a wooman - Without ever actually having a relationship... In 3 easy steps!
Strong as DEATH Jealousy is FATAL
Your Baby Not Mine Whose Baby BELCHES day and Night? Your Baby not MINE!
Be Thou My Vision That Beat Up Ol' Hymn from the land of Eyre.
Snogg the Troll An Experiment with a Digi 001, Pro Tools LE 6, Sonar 5, and TROLLS.
The Day GOD Came To Haight Street What happens when GOD comes and visits a little plot of EARTH near Golden Gate Park called HAIGHT STREET. All He... He... HEAVEN breaks loose!
Cable TV Insomnia
I'll Rip Your Head Off and PooPoo Down Your Neck Gettin Away with Murder Samples
Mother of Bondage For the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence
Grandma Lost The Farm What happened when Grandmaw lost the Farm!
The CRIMINAL in YOU It lies within each of us: The tendency to do EVIL... or GOOD
Nice Guys Go To Hell Good Deedz = No HEAVEN Only Good FAITH
Vain Imagination Blues Romans 1:21 (King James Version) 21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
5/16/2019 5:01:22 AM Thank You... for posting "Be Thou My Vision"! Never heard this before. Brought me some tears. THANKS! -M-
5/16/2019 3:19:06 AM Ancient Words!!! Great! Enjoying your stuff here!
12/16/2012 5:50:28 PM Those comments of mine, written in 2009 or so, are even more applicable today. Thank you for reading them.
11/7/2012 11:40:21 AM Loved reading your bio stuff! We are very similar in our beliefs. Right in the middle. Loved listening to your music. Great work! Be Blessed Always, Stoneman
9/19/2009 3:01:47 AM YAY! My SONG IMAGES are BAAAAACCCKK!
9/6/2009 5:13:59 PM Thanks your self for writing the tread.
9/3/2009 9:47:02 AM weap, your'e a badass - glad to see you stomping about - page kicks butt
8/29/2009 11:52:50 PM Thanx Alot - Looks like your back on top again, I voted for you at least once!
8/29/2009 10:52:53 PM Wow. I just read your previous comment there. Very Enlightening, and I hope it's true. COOL. By the way, Welcome to : Phlegm Phavourite Country and Blues I'm sure I'll be adding more of your punk tunes on OTHER stations too.... DIG your vibe, sound, and politics You seem to be trying to LIVE the Punk ethic, as much as any of us can, ya know?
8/29/2009 8:38:14 PM Note that this sexually perverted and extremely disturbed individual, Mitchell Ian Huppert, is still HARASSING iacmusic - He knows that if he sends the complaints directly to me, they'll be immediately forwarded to an open complaint on the FBI IC3 Website. He is depending on information retrieved from a NON-LEGAL website, whereas I got my information directly from the United states copyright office. For anyone else who has had this happen, I need to give assurances: If you co-write a song with somebody and it does not immediately get published? Then BOTH authors own it and BOTH authors can do whatever they want to with it. It does not matter if one person wrote words, and another wrote music, or any other combination thereof, the US Copyright Office states that IF NEITHER AUTHOR WAS A WORK FOR HIRE, AND i WAS NOT A WORK FOR HIRE, then they share 100% full ownership of the project - Including rights to DIGITAL TRANSMISSION. Publishing a song on a Website is NOT actual PUBLISHING if that song is there for STREAMING - Instead it is being DIGITALLY TRANSMITTED: This FUCK-ASS thinks he can best me in this, but I beg to differ: I have many more years experience dealing with LEGAL BULLSHIT and I have WON every court case I have ever been involved in. I had to deal with this once before with Doug Moody - Who published material I did not authorised, in that case he printed a Vinyl Record. Even though I was owner, there was NOTHING I could do about it. But it didn't matter anyway, cos a printed record only adds to the whole BODY OF WORK of an artist. Take it from me, if you write a song with someone? and then they RENEGE and try to shove Ownership rights at you - Fuck them, because as CO-AUTHOR you have all the consummate rights and privileges the other author has - And YOU CAN DOD WHAT YOU WANT with SONGS THAT YOU CO-WROTE. If you did NOT sign any documents agreeing it was a work for hire? Then YOU have RIGHTS. Amen.
7/26/2009 8:54:45 PM I opened my email box on 7-25-09 and there are No LESS than 125 threatening emails from my EX-songwriting partner, using about 5 fake email addresses- Plus he had been harassing the folks at IAC here about some songs we CO-WROTE together, and so because I they had not heard from me, the management removed the song "Grandma Lost The Farm" from my page (Which I co-wrote and recorded and produced, the version of which my ex partner had told me he had NO interest in copyrighting), and so I have that version going through the copyright process. - When it is done I'll be putting it back up simply on principle: I co wrote it, and I want it in my catalogue. The guy had taken a work-print I had made, with both of our voices singing, which had my breaks in a different place, and he copyrighted THAT version and he did NOT give me full share of the copyright - Which I am going to start a challenge on, because I can prove my full co-authorship and also that I was NOT hired to write it but in fact did so as a full partner. Now you take these two songs: HOBO by Danny Hunter and Jonny V and "Grandma Lost The Farm" by Jonny V and "Partner" And that is the difference between Professionalism and a Hack-ism This whole episode is sad really, because we could have been a fine songwriting team: Most of the best music has been written as a team, Rogers and Hart, George and Ira Gershwin, Lennon and McCartney. I hope that none of youse guys have had to deal with what I have had to deal with with this utter jerkie.- I am just sorry that the management at IAC here had to put up with his crap!
5/11/2009 4:25:07 PM Thanks for stopping by. The axe is a 60s Gibson ES-125TDC (Thin, Double pickups, Cutaway). I've had it since the mid-80s. Keep on rockin' and good luck on the new tunes staying put...I know the feeling...
1/11/2009 11:47:14 AM Welp, I got most of my songs put back up, after they mysteriously vanished. Actually, the IAC server where they were stored magically vanished and the link led to the website where that had been hosting the MP3s, which had been taken down. At the time I first discovered this, I was barred from simply re-uploading the MP3s, several months later, I was finally allowed to reup the songs. I took the time to remaster the songs that magically vanished, so enjoy.
2/17/2008 9:35:07 PM Thanx GagS!
12/7/2007 2:23:50 PM Have a Merry Christmas, dude, and a Happy New Year! �2015-2016 Indie Music People All Rights Reserved
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