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Chandra Moon
4/27/2016 1:19:39 AM
Please send out good wishes for Stoneman. I saw on his Facebook he's having a brain op due to a bleed from his recent fall. Sending love and prayers for a good recovery.

Father Time
4/27/2016 1:33:26 AM
OMG.. sending out every beam I can for the man. Love ya Stoneman, get better!

Hop On Pop
4/27/2016 4:14:32 AM
As someone who has been through brain surgery myself, I have an idea of what he is going through. It isn't fun.
Much love and healing to Stoneman.

Shoe City Sound
4/27/2016 5:15:46 AM
Sending! good wishes, prayers, healing vibes, love, anything needed for a good recovery ....

Steve White
4/27/2016 5:37:53 AM
Wow! I hope he makes out ok. Great guy.
Heal up Stone.
4/27/2016 6:18:30 AM
Blessed Be, Stoneman.
God, Please Heal My Brother.

Two Silo Complex
4/27/2016 7:50:07 AM
This is terrible news. Stoneman sending my best your way. Saying a prayer for you today my friend.
Two Silo Complex,

Lars Mars
4/27/2016 2:52:09 PM
Jeez! Hadn't heard about the fall, much less the injury and complications.
Been a bad week for IMP.
Get well Stoneman.

4/27/2016 4:38:24 PM
Healing vibes for the Stoneman! Get well!

The Rhythm Kings
4/27/2016 5:46:39 PM
Stonemason is strong. All our love... Kings

4/28/2016 2:48:12 AM
This is a shock, what a gentleman, thinking of you and yours. wise man.
Way down south blessings to Stonewall Towery from New Zealand Fans. Hopefully in the best care possible.
Rob and All here

Richard Scotti
4/28/2016 8:45:23 AM
Like a rolling Stoneman, he's a survivor!! He'll pull through.

Chandra Moon
4/28/2016 2:23:09 PM
I think he's doing ok. Will keep you posted.
4/28/2016 2:26:09 PM
Stoneman, Hang Tough in there with us, Man. We need you here. Whole Lotta.

4/29/2016 6:43:35 PM
Just saw this. Man, I'm hoping this worked out great for you, Stoneman. I feel close enough to you to call you Stoney, as a reflection on your stones, which I pray will pull you through ok.

Chandra Moon
4/30/2016 8:15:55 AM
Copied from FB.

Chandra Moon
4/30/2016 8:16:34 AM
Copied from FB. For Stoney's FB friends who would not have seen my post:
The drains were removed from his head. He's been moved out of the ICU to the neurosurgery aftercare ward. The next move from that ward would be HOME!
He was able to start eating real food again yesterday and he's eating like a champ!! He's back to "the old Stoney" cracking jokes and making some inappropriate comments!! He looks so much better.
There's more to be done (like physical therapy) and they have to figure out why he fell in the first place (he's going to be dealing with a cardiologist) but he's on the road to recovery.
I don't know exactly when he'll be coming home yet, but everything looks very promising. A big part will be how long it takes to get rid of the pain he's having in his head, but they are working on that.
Thank you all for you prayers and positive thoughts. Stoney and I both really appreciate it.
I'm so Happy!
4/30/2016 8:19:40 AM
God Please Heal My Brother Stoneman. Please Lord. Please.

Psyche's Muse
4/30/2016 12:56:14 PM
...conjuring up all the "Positive" vibes and emantaing them your way Stoneman!

4/30/2016 2:42:10 PM
Thank you for the update, Chandra. Fight on, Stoneman! Heal that head, bro!

Two Silo Complex
4/30/2016 5:48:04 PM
Thank you for the update Chandra,
Stoneman saying another prayer for you to day brother. Wishing you the best possible outcome and a full recovery.
Two Silo Complex,

5/1/2016 5:24:06 AM
Thank you Chandra.
Stoneman, I have done some good old German prayers to do my best in wishing you a quick recovery. Knowing you now for years it hurts t o read this but you are strong as anybody could be and I can't wait to hear from you again very soon.
Best wishes and love

Duane Flock
5/1/2016 6:20:25 AM
Damn! I have time to come back and check things out and find out about Stoneman! I wish him the best and a speedy recovery.
I only live 30-40 min. from Stoney and haven't yet hooked up with him. Both of us just busy I guess. I will make it a point to try and see him even more so now!
On the subject:
I've had to see a Cardiologist twice in the past few years. Both times I was in ICU. Both times I was lucky that the clots didn't go to my heart or brain. Now I'm on blood thinners for the rest of my life, and it changes your life too! I bruise easier, bleed longer with simple cuts, spicy foods give me reflux. Blood is drawn on a regular basis to adjust to the foods you eat or don't eat (and drink). NO FUN!
I do wish Stoney well and hope he doesn't have to be on those meds. I will try to meet up with him and bring him something nice.

Chandra Moon
5/3/2016 2:22:59 AM
I read on FB that he's home and doing well thank God x
5/3/2016 4:07:03 AM
Thank God Indeed!
God Bless, Much Love, ~Lesley
5/3/2016 4:52:13 AM

5/3/2016 6:58:34 AM
Wonderful news!

Two Silo Complex
5/3/2016 9:22:28 AM
That is great news. Still holding you in my thoughts during your recovery at home Stoneman.
Two Silo Complex,

The Rhythm Kings
5/4/2016 2:34:02 PM
Ever so Glad to hear he is doing well! All our Best Stoneman! Kings

5/4/2016 6:33:31 PM
Thanks so much! I am home and recovering from successful brain surgery. All is well right now. I truly appreciate all the prayers and support.
Much Respect!

5/4/2016 6:52:49 PM
Welcome home, Stoneman!

Lars Mars
5/4/2016 7:26:34 PM
Gooda c'ya back!

Hop On Pop
5/5/2016 6:10:09 AM
Great to see you Stoneman!
I wrote you a note in that "Never Get Their Due" thread.
Welcome back!
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