Why are we here? The answer to that question lies in a journey that began about thirty years ago. I first met Bruce when I was working in a music store and he was a rookie, just starting out. He was as green as they come and I was a salty old veteran, having already been banging it out in the bars for fifteen years or so. He began to seek me out for equipment and advice, and his enthusiasm was infectious. He had a naive charm that drew you to him, like a big puppy dog. You wanted to scratch him behind his ears, and give him a biscuit. I helped him along as best as I could, and produced, arranged, performed-on and recorded some original songs of his. I finally got to see him perform at an outdoor package show I was stage managing. It was a dozen local bands and a national act headlining, so I got to see first-hand a lot of the local players and their effect on the audience. When Bruce came on I was in for a big surprise: With a pretty poor band behind him (and I’ve played in some pretty bad outfits myself while I was learning) he was captivating the crowd. He had something pretty rare, something I’ve been around a couple of times but didn’t have myself: Charisma. As I stood there watching, I started to think (oh-oh….): Charismatic front man, original songs, why not? There was still time to take a run at this thing. So the Rhythm Kings were born (kind of a breach birth in retrospect…) and we spent the next year playing saloons while I taught Bruce the craft of live performance, with one eye on the prospect of writing original tunes and getting a record deal. But life, as it often does, got in the way and Bruce left the group, not even realizing how close we were getting to being what I knew we could be. It was a several year set-back, but the band went on to get an indie-label deal, release three albums, two singles, get signed to an east-coast international agency, and get a licensing deal with a London based label. Just that close. But it didn’t happen, flamed out, and I was used up. The guitars went in the cases, the cases went in the closet, and twenty one years slipped away. I’d pick up a guitar once in a while, blow the dust off it, and there, right there, would be a song waiting to happen. I figured why bother getting all dressed up with no place to go? So I’d put the guitar down and wander off. I thought about Bruce from time to time, and I heard stories, wild stories. We maybe spoke twice in twenty five years. Until last summer, when the phone rang and it was Bruce, wondering if I’d like to get together and finish some songs he had started. I got to thinking (oh-oh…) why not? So we met, and there he was: Still like a big puppy who hasn’t grown into his feet yet, and bubbling over with enthusiasm and song ideas, the little brother I never wanted. It’s like we were never apart, and like before songs just fall out of us, only more mature songs based on twenty five more years of life. We’re just scratching the surface – there are a lot more songs patiently waiting their turn to come out, and I’d dearly love to close the show doing nothing else but writing songs with my pal Bruce. Why are we here? We’re here for the songs. Hopefully, you’ll find something in our tunes that belongs just to you. – Don Lowe August 2013 The Rhythm Kings Best Band Golden Kayak 2016 The Rhythm Kings Best Country Song Golden Kayak 2016 http://iacmusic.com/news1/spotlight/goldenkayak.jpg
Outlaw The Idea for this song just kinda popped into my head noodling on guitar one day.
On the Run to Arizona Written 6 or was it 7 years ago. Denny wrote this one. Its a Love song.
The Journey Everyone has a Journey
I Want To Know You By Heart
Life Is Crazy Good
Second Wind
Till Hell Freezes Over
I Want You To Want To
Best Think Twice
Hell Of A Price For A Song Homemade from our little Home studio.
Faces Featuring 13 year old Phenom Taylor Jensen
Voo Doo Doll From a long time ago
Hello! Fun Feel Good tune.
Just In My Head Live 35 Year old song we resurrected. It's a dreamscape. The images of a delusional young man at the time. .
It Won't Be You Another homespun recording!
Kiss Me Like You Mean It
Highway In My Heart Rollin' Down That Highway...............
The Smile In Your Eyes
Sugar Time It's always "Sugar Time" somewhere
Her Beautiful Boys A Mother's love for her sons.
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot What The ****?
Easy Loving You Try it You'll Like it!
Drowning In The Desert A "Blues Stomp". It's about nothing and everything.
Like A Country Song The Power of a Woman.
Crazy Like A Fox Crazy Thought Happen... They Happened today....
Thunderstorm Our world right Now
Cut My Whiskey with Water Cuttin back on the hard stuff! For Love!
Falling Rain
Drinkin' In The Barn Drinkin in the Barn Again.
Right Side OF THE Rainbow
Right Side of the Rainbow There's a Wrong side, and a Right side. I'm looking for the positive Side beside you!
We The People
Different Kinda Crazy Love comes in all forms. Crazy is what I am attracted to. Damn It!
Better Together Like Combs Cover Lisc. Lisc. Cover of a Luke Combs song I love
American Man A song for all the everyday hard working men. The ones that get up early and never complain, whine, or say it's too hard to do the job.
Told Me A Lie Bitch
The Dream This song has more than 3 chords and Huz Stpa
Without You When I'm Down , I can always count on my Babe Karen.
Color Outside The Lines Breakin' The Rules Since 64'
Drop The Hammer, Let's Roll When Bourbon Meets Vodka and has an affair...
Todays Been A Pretty Good Day For those days that are Pretty not bad.....
I'm Right Here I Think Ray Price and Faron Young would do this?
Calling Out For My Son Chase............
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1/23/2020 11:38:41 AM Sinceres Congratulations on your Golden Kayak nominations,
1/23/2020 11:31:19 AM Congratulations Richard on your Golden Kayak nominations !
1/8/2020 6:04:50 PM Congratulations, Bruce, on your Golden Kayak nomination - and on your previous GKs. Love the Rhythm Kings story authored by Don on your page ... awesome work on your page too. Best wishes and good luck. Neil
4/27/2019 7:04:42 PM Bruce, Your track "Dirty Little Secret" has got 1:50 minutes of dead air at the end. Norm
1/24/2019 10:57:08 AM Congrats and your much deserved Kayak win!
12/19/2017 10:42:54 PM Congratulations on your Golden Kayak 2017 nomination. Wishing you the best of luck, Happy Holidays and much continued success. Neil
3/17/2017 11:44:09 AM Hi Bruce, I sent you a letter through "Artist Mail" but for some reason, it won't go through. I keep getting a error msg. I also tried sending it through PM (Private Mail) Check to see if it's there. Rich Scotti
1/21/2017 8:07:03 PM It being the weekend provided me with the time and opportunity to make my rounds to congratulate winners of a 2016 Golden Kayak. Hearty congratulations on your two Golden Kayaks. Best wishes. Neil
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