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Chandra Moon
12/3/2009 8:05:39 PM
Am I going to be deleted?
Can't say I really understand the latest email from IAC - will I be one of the 90%going to be deleted - ????
I like it here even if it's rather quiet recently - oh well - I guess I'll have to watch this space so to speak!

IAC Admin
12/3/2009 8:36:22 PM
No. You have a permanent free page allowing 2 songs, called a Standard account.

Kevin White
12/3/2009 10:51:49 PM
Take this as a basic approval of what you do.
It means you completely don't totally suck.
I'm kidding ... but you did pass a bar here.

Nadia Cripps
12/4/2009 1:47:56 AM
---- Updated 12/4/2009 1:49:35 AM
Congratulations, Chandra! Well, I still don't know what will happen to my account.
Songwriter in waiting.

Nadia Cripps
12/4/2009 6:08:50 AM
My account is allowed to remain here! So happy! Thank you!!!
Nadia :)

Tony Vani and Debbie Hoskin
12/4/2009 6:28:25 AM
Congratulations Nadia and Chandra! So glad you are staying. :-)

Nadia Cripps
12/4/2009 6:43:35 AM
Thank you so much, Tony and Debbie. Your support means so much !!!
Nadia :)

Chandra Moon
12/5/2009 4:59:21 PM
Well that's a relief - still not sure what's going on. Maybe I'll update and upload some new material as I've had the same songs up for ages. x

12/5/2009 5:28:29 PM
Added your vid to------- IAC Vids on U-Tube station to celebrate

Kevin White
12/5/2009 11:21:10 PM
Upload new songs as quickly as you can. Time counts.
If you don't have any new songs, then fake it. Upload anyone's MP3 and claim them for your own!
My advice is choose good sounding Mp3s ... because free accounts are hard to come by on IAC.
btw ... I didn't mean any of this. I posted it for entertainment value.
Still ...don't worry, you're still here ... and that means you're good.
You're good,

Chandra Moon
1/29/2010 4:23:54 PM
Thanks for that!

Richard Scotti
1/29/2010 6:34:38 PM
---- Updated 1/29/2010 6:36:34 PM
Nadia - It wouldn't make much sense if you were deleted since your artist page is the 5th most visited page since July 1, 2009 when they first started keep track of page views. You currently have 9,251 page views. Congrats to you and Chandra.

Conversation Suicide
1/30/2010 3:48:36 AM
---- Updated 1/31/2010 6:29:00 AM
no... no nooo no.
CHandra, nADIA - Y'ALL are here to stay.

Nadia Cripps
1/30/2010 4:53:37 AM
Richard and CS, I have no words to express my gratitude to you guys for your kind words. I didn't even know how many visitors I had on my page, I just was listening to the songs, you guys rock! Thank you so much for thinking of me. Have a great weekend and good luck with your songs.
Nadia :)

Jeff Allen Myers
1/30/2010 10:57:30 AM
Richard, how the heck do you know that??? Is there a page that shows "Most page views since July"????

Richard Scotti
1/30/2010 11:23:04 AM
---- Updated 1/30/2010 1:09:57 PM
Someone took the time to compare many artist page visits and a list was sent to me. It's just a fun thing and not meant to be totally accurate. The tally changes everyday. A member friend of mine was unaware that the number of visits was posted on every artist page above the shoutbox and I thought it might be useful to make that info known to others who might not have been aware of it. I also wanted to be supportive of Nadia since she has been so concerned about being deleted. She is a real asset to this community.
The most page views since 7/1/09? 19,613 as of yesterday. If someone has more that that, let us know!
The range is 7,204 - 19,613. If you're in between these two numbers, your page visits since July are among the highest at IAC.
As I mentioned, this is just for fun. It's a snapshot that is continually changing. The number of visits does not determine who is "best" or "better". It's just a subjective statistic.

Tony Vani and Debbie Hoskin
1/30/2010 10:07:23 PM
Gee I don't get many visitors at all!! I'm only at 2669! That is since last July!! I'm gonna go eat worms...............

Nadia Cripps
1/31/2010 6:24:30 AM
Thank you so much Richard for your support, I really appreciate it :)
Hi Tony and Debbie, just paid you a visit and added your beautiful song "You Ask me" to my "Music and Lyrics" station :) Have a wonderul Sunday.

Richard Scotti
1/31/2010 11:30:00 AM
Nadia - you're welcome. I'm eager to hear more songs of yours!
Deb - I visit your page all the time and a lot of others do too. You have wonderful songs and you should be very proud of that. You also contribute so much to this community with your supportive spirit and your wisdom. Visits are just statistics like genre rankings. They don't measure the true worth of the musical and social value that artists bring to the table. And you bring so much!!! Stay away from those worms! (LOL)

Nadia Cripps
1/31/2010 11:59:25 AM
---- Updated 1/31/2010 12:05:31 PM
Thank you so much Scott :)
I can only upload two songs with my account so I've deleted "Forever Young" and uploaded "Walking In Clouds" instead. I would be very interested to know of your opinion if you are happy to share it with me. Thank you so much for your interest to my music, it means a lot to me. If you get a chance, please listen to more of my music on http://www.soundclick.com/bands/page_music.cfm?bandID=936270 I forgot now how to post the links but if you look at my page, you'll see the words "click here" and you'll find some of my links :)
You are very welcome to get in touch via Soundclick/MySpace/Songramp/
Showcase Your Music/Soundcloud/YouTube where my music is on and I have my accounts :) Thank you again for all your support, thank you to everyone who was supporting me when I needed it so much, I'm so happy I can stay here, I've found some amazing friends on this site and I love listening to songs and instrumentals here. So much to hear, so much to enjoy :)

Richard Scotti
1/31/2010 5:02:58 PM
---- Updated 1/31/2010 5:07:26 PM
Nadia - you might enjoy checking out my radio station which is only instrumentals. There is a wide range of interesting songs there.
Instrumentally Yours

Nadia Cripps
2/1/2010 4:47:58 AM
Thank you for a great treat, Richard :)

Chandra Moon
6/15/2010 4:19:23 AM
Wow I hadn't realised how long this comment thread had got. I really will add a couple of new songs - however does that mean the ones I've got already will disappear from the stations they're currently on?
Thanks - Chandra

6/17/2010 6:01:56 PM
I hate to say it, but, yes it does. When IAC says 2 songs, They mean it. : (

6/18/2010 4:59:47 PM
Whaddya mean? about the "90% going to be deleted" - Is there gonna be a big purge?
I had the 5-year? "Charter" Accounts... I was not able to pay to keep them going when the 5 years ended this January(?) - Still plannin to get my status back, but I don't know how much I need to pay? Cos when I went in there to check out how much, there were three prices, and for sure I could afford the lowest price listed, but I was not sure if that price applied to me. Hopefully next month I can put some money into the dog-eared Ford-dog-bank, but I'm strapped like crap right now, California is FOOKED!
What I wanna know is, I paid for Cash Stream for both my accounts, but only one of them seems to be updating, the other account, even though it is getting plays (but much less plays since my account reverted to basic) is still getting plenty of monthly plays, but the plays are not being accumulated to my cash stream? I paid for cash stream for both accounts - I don't know the terms f the cash stream, do I need to pay yearly?
I need to know what I gotta pay to get my songs showing again, not sure what the proper amount is, I think the prices are 25-50 and 75, and I dunno which one!
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