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Views for this Topic: 1044

6/6/2006 3:03:09 PM
Kelly's New (Old) Track

6/4/2006 8:44:45 PM
Please find a second...

6/3/2006 11:47:11 AM
This is AMAZING!

5/29/2006 9:39:01 AM
Songs to Stargaze to ... for your ears & your brain

5/26/2006 2:34:23 PM
Last Reminder (till I remind you again, anyhow...)

5/24/2006 10:45:20 AM
The Busking Station


Basic (free) Member



6/3/2006 11:47:11 AM

This is AMAZING!

Wow! If today's email alone is all true (and it must be, because it states that it is), I'm in for a busy but highly successful day!

I have been one of five selected to win two million dollars! If that doesn't pan out, no worries... appearantly there is a way of wiping out all debt legally, at no cost to me whatsoever, if I just follow the right link. But it gets better, people! At last, someone has discovered a revolutionary way to make my baby stay sleeping through the night if I'm willing to take just three minutes to learn a new whispering technique. Looks like my writing carreer is finally about to take off too, because my poetry is about to be published in a "unique keepsake, hardcover, limited edition book". (That sounds so perfect for gift-giving, I can't wait!) What makes things better still? I can increase my penis size and go for hours! Hours!

Imagine how thrilled I am today; my life has been completely made over in just four or five emails! It's not even noon and already I'm rich, totally debt free, my kids are perfect, I'm successful, and I guess, considering I'm a girl, I'm now sexually self sufficient!


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Shauna Skye_

6/3/2006 1:27:55 PM

Haha. :)

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Larz Boah

6/3/2006 4:46:09 PM

In the words of Monty Python: "I'll have your Spam." :)
.........Spam Spam Spam. You think you've hit it big now,
wait until the wonderous news is overflowing in
your physical mailbox.........Spam Spam Spam

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Horus8 & The Werewolves

6/3/2006 10:44:02 PM

You aint kidding just last week my six year old came home
with a laptop, a two foot erection, and apparently a new job
selling us out by the jarred embryo to the grey aliens starting
next Monday in New Guinea.

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