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Social Spit
Views for this Topic: 2039

5/17/2011 11:53:51 PM
Many Tanx to Dave W, IAC Staff, my "Fiends" here...

4/28/2011 10:38:46 PM
FUK AUF BITCH, go jump in a DITCH!

6/16/2010 1:15:26 AM
How DUMB the Klod of Social SPIT!

1/27/2010 11:57:32 PM

12/31/2009 5:31:50 PM
mERRY Old miNuTe FrOM sOCiaL sPiT!!

10/4/2009 4:31:05 PM
THE SAGA of LITTLE SARAH- Almost Finished: 3 weeks work paying off!

9/21/2009 11:43:04 PM

8/1/2009 6:19:35 PM
CODE for linking the appropriate CONTEST STATION to your song

6/22/2008 5:04:42 PM
Ahhh Shaaaddaaapp!

2/9/2008 11:16:07 PM
Buntcha new #### added to my #$#$ page, you &%$%&%$ers

11/10/2007 3:20:48 AM
FUCK! &^$^#&#*(#


IAC Prime Member


Social Spit

10/4/2009 4:31:05 PM ---- Updated 10/4/2009 4:32:45 PM

THE SAGA of LITTLE SARAH- Almost Finished: 3 weeks work paying off!

Wolf! Wolf! Wolf Down That Arm! Wolf! Wolf! Wolf down that Leg!

I started this out with just a simple Drum track... my friend and co-hort in musical CRIME, Eric the Koch came by my house and I used coercion to get a bass part out of him... Then I built an array of guitars around that, then I belched out some vocals late one night, around 3:00am to the pleasure of my NEIGHBORS! Haha!

Fortunately, ALL of the guitars were squeezed outta my Pod Pro, for on old piece of junk, it STILL puts out whatever guitar tone I want, no volume required.

So I added the most convoluted lead guitar part I could think of at the time, and it wasn't insane enough, so I did it again, using my Weeping Demon wawwaw pedal, which I got for Christmas 2 years ago and never have used.

Yesterday, I worked on it from about 9:00am to 8:00pm and I am happy to announce, I'm ALMOST done!

I have to grease up the "Official" Cruster Choir to finish up those chants in the background.

So may I present

"THE SAGA OF LITTLE SARAH" in MOST of it's GLORY- Enjoy, or, DON'T enjoy, I wrote it to irritate people, so if the song irritates you, yay, that's what I wanted!

Many thanx to Larree for adding the song to that cool Cannabis Station, and whoever the other person is who added it to the "Palin 2012" station.

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Social Spit

10/5/2009 2:29:09 AM

Worked on it Some More...

Took out the irritating waw waw guitars and replaced it with a couple of Harminised Guitars.

Added two more sets of vocal tracks.

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Fade to Black

10/5/2009 2:46:57 AM

I like it, it was effortlessly tight. Cool ending too, what did you do there?

I like the drum performance & think it should be featured more. Maybe I'd like to hear more kick in the mix, and more snap instead of pop on the snare. But that's minor stuff, it's a good song.

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10/6/2009 12:46:50 PM

Ah... The ending, I used some detuner... can't rmember what it was, it was in Audiosuite. I changed the pitch of one guitar up 5 and the pitch of the other down 3.

I took that out for the new mix, but I'm gonna put it back in when I am all finished

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10/6/2009 1:01:36 PM

Ohhhh I see what yer saying... It's that noise... Well in the first verse, you can hear a snare drum just STICKS out during the word "Alaska" - kinda like an accent?

Well, I duped a snare hit, panned it to the right a bit, added a little bit or RVERB.

That loud sound at the end? Is the same snare hit - with abut six layers of RVERB. DVERB and Waves True-Verb over it!

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Reality Check

10/7/2009 7:33:19 PM

The average crapping time is about 3 minutes and it took you 3 weeks to drop that turd?


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10/7/2009 9:09:46 PM

Sterling Greggy, take some god damned Midol, I'm tired of reading you whimpering so much about everything.

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Reality Check

10/8/2009 8:22:04 AM

The song is garbage, I called it what it is and actually I was far too kind in my review. There may be a place for music by the emotionally disturbed but I think major political figures should be off-limits to that genre unless of course the writer tries to demonstrate redeemable qualities by maybe actually getting a job for once.

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10/8/2009 12:10:09 PM

Weap has more talent than you Gregg in his big toe, he doesn't have to rip off Dusty Springfield songs.

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Chris Hance

10/8/2009 12:10:41 PM

Getta Job.................
on television

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Social Spit

10/8/2009 9:00:40 PM ---- Updated 10/8/2009 9:02:14 PM

ah, I THOUGHT that freemother was Sciencefictionolgy-Gregg!

Haha! That explains a lot!

Well, Dicknose, I WROTE the fuckin thing in 5 minutes! Jerkie! Haha!

Don't you remember when you usedta have PRIDE in yer mucousal accomplishments? Shit, I remember when Gregg actually used to POST MUSIC instead of taking shits in public like he's been doing. FUCK! I defended his ASS to the staff at MP3.com, just cos I thought Scott was being too hard on the guy. But I learned a lesson, NEVER befriend Psychos! Hahahaha!

Why don't ya give it a try, noseface? Tell ya what, you still got any GUITARS left in yer possession? Fuckin write me a lead, forktwat!

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Social Spit

10/8/2009 9:37:55 PM ---- Updated 10/8/2009 9:39:35 PM

Oh Yah... Youse guys, take a listen to it NOW!


I just spent a couple of hours planting some guitar insanity into the thing... It was too bare.

I think I got it where I want it now... The "fist" mix, had two tracks of interleaving random guitars... I took them out, and added a harmony guitar at the beginning.

Well, I kept those in, but I took the insano-guitars and cut-and-pasted them, so that instead of being all the way through on both tracks, they hand off left to right.

Try it out, you too Gregg,

Ya know... I LIKED that Dusty Springfield ripoff song Gregg "wrote"

The problem with you GreggGgGggh is ya wasted too much time in these BBSs, on twats like Marissa and other kKkuntz.

It is snot that anyone hates yer schtuff, and it ain't even that we actually hate YOU, although I admit it is FUN! Gregg forgets that I spent probably 500 plus man-hours of my own de-FENDING his measly, slimy buttocks.

Then, suddenly, like OUT OF THE BLUE he was spouting "Ritalin! Ritalin!" - At first I tried to understand these spoutings, but eventually, like any sane person, I GAVE UP.

Actually, NOT like a sane person, cos I am happily IN-Sane and I TAKE MY MEDS, unlike GrelligGgGg.

See, I make the best of my own handicap, and my services are best spent parodying people like, for axample, Kristy FatAlley - Who WALKED AWAY from massive stardom as "Savvik" cos she thought that Trekkers were more obsessive-compulsive than she was... In matter of fact, she's proved to have even less of a life than people who dress up in Klingon Uniforms or play Trek dress-up Role Playing games.

The first time she was ever seen was sitting in the Captains chair, being bombarded by Gravitic Mines. That was the best career entrance EVER- I went with my GF in San Francisco to see "The Wrath of Khan" and EVERYone in the theatre drew a breath when they showed her.

And to top it off, she walks away from Trek, which gave her life, and submitted herself to a REAL role playing game... A SCIENCE-FICTION Religion based on the concept of people AUDITING each other. Hooking themselves up to that Thetan-Meter.

Ya know Gregg, when I get a HEADACHE, I get a HEADACHE cos of PRESSURE in my dome, which happens to HURT- Rather that being caused by a repressed memory like the Sea-Org of HELL says it is.

What a sorry excuse for a LIFE... I live MORE in my little room, with my computers to the right and left of me, and my guitars surrounding me, and my friends at IAC, and my actual real friends I play music with.

Last Night, SOCIAL SPIT had Their first practice in 5 years... in January 2010, it'll be 30 YEARS of Social Spit- And I'm GLAD that I walked into the North Parke Lions Club to see BLACK FLAG back in December of 79 and I MET the people I'd be playing music with for the next three decades.

In the 80's we played with UK SUBS, Exploited (Twice) - Dr Know, The Dickies, The Descendants- Every big show that came through, WE supported, they came to our houses, we FED these guys. So People KNOW about me... And when I am gone, my MUSIC will remain and it will be a testament to years and years of hard work, FUN, Punk Rock, and MUSIC.

Now, MY guitar playing has been heard from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific, in ONE YEAR I played over 500 shows, and I still get FAN MAIL from people I met during that tour with Young American Showcase.

To think of it... And I do not even consider myself any good, I am surrounded by GREAT Musicians, on This site, and in my life.

I just wanna know, what have YOU done, so that when Greggieporkpie is gone, what will be left than one song that sounds like a Dusty Springfield song, and hundreds of CUT-AND-PASTE Posts from one end of BBSland to the other?

And to think... I've SEEN Gregg do some GOOD THINGS... He DONATED a RARE GUITAR for a CAUSE.

And ya know what? I'll remember that Gregg did THAT before I'll remember ONE POST about Ritalin or Big Pharma.

The BIG problem here, is that although MANY people actually agree with Gregg, he drives them away SCREEEEAAAAMING- By his Ranting and Raving, and attacking.

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Reality Check

10/9/2009 9:40:38 AM

Let me take a moment to interpret your rantings for the casual viewer..

"I TAKE MY MEDS" (That's what your problem is..)

Notice how all the adverts of the latest dope the Pharmaceutical Cartels are trying to trick people into thinking they need have all the potential side effects listed in the ad? I helped pay for that by parting with a lot of hard earned money, that's all the notoriety I need.

And if you do mind me saying so, I do think you should back off your constant smearing of people like Sarah Palin especially in light of the fact it's people like her who pay your bills. You know, like don't bite the hand that feeds you? That's good advice..

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10/9/2009 11:12:10 AM ---- Updated 10/9/2009 11:12:57 AM



Ya know, instead of your DAILY/HOURLY/MINUTELY/SECONDLY anti-medicine POGROM, you might actually TAKE that Lithium. I think Lithium would work well for you... But I have this new prescription, this stuff called SEROQUEL. Been on the "market" so to speak for ages. Works GREAT. Try that stuff, you might hear Kirsty Fat-Alley LESS- Or Not at All, which is preferable.

Notice here, I INVITED Gregg to help me participate in the creating of some MOOSIC... His response? More Anti-Drug BS.

Your little rants serve one and one purpose only: AMUSEMENT. Yes, we all get a good Belly-Laugh each time to post your green, decomposing ichor/drivel.

DON'T YOU HAVE A MUSIC PAGE posted ANYWHERE in this universe? The Multiverse? The REALM? I mean DON'T YA THINK ABOUT MUSIC AT ALL ANYMORE or has your decomposing Reptilian BRAINSTEM lost all touch with the listening to, and making of, MUSIC?

I got a song for YOU Gregg:


I'm TAKING YOU outta my PILLBOX...
Should REPORT ya to the FDA!
Thought I would CRY when YOU said GOODBYE...

"Shoot it up!"

I have had NO Withdrawal symptoms at all, since the LAST time Sins Taylor BOOTED you from the only Yuku BBS you were ever allowed to step foot in!

A-Hahahahahahahahahaha! Hahahahahahahaha!

Piss Poor Pathetic GregGgGghPhpPht!

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Social Spit

5/18/2011 12:08:54 AM


a-hahaha, HAHA! haha! A-HaHaHaHaHaHa!

well fuck a DUCK! I totally forgot about Greggg, THAT's how much I've ever thought of the guy all these years.

See the problem was I used to give a SHIT about the guy, I defended his ass all over the internet on every BBS he invaded, I got Sina TAilor to un-ban him about 12 times, but Sins was Correct:

Posting on BBS's for Greggg is a Disease, and the only cure in the universe is to keep this fothermucker BANNED whereever toys (or drugs or MUSIC) are sold!

FUCK I have not LAUGHED so hard in my life, except for greggypeepeepoopoos feeble attempts at trying to be some baddass inmsultomatic.

FUCK! Time machine! Time machine!

Ironically, if the bastard evre posted a MUSIC site here, I'd LISTEN to it, and probably defend his material.

Ghod, I posted that stuff to him/it, then totally forgot he existed!

He needs to get into the machine Petr Bishop got into in Fringe... And ERASE his sorry arse from our TIMELINES.

Fook a dook! Wahahahahahahahaha!!!!! HAHAHA! haha!

This is so great, reading that poopoo REALLY made my day, I feel great now, especially since that "Shitty" song of mine is NUMBER TWO at this very minute on the IAC Punk/Ska chartz!


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