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6/12/2010 3:26:46 PM
Florida’s Attorney General Requests Obama To Waive Jones Act To Hasten Oil Spill Efforts

6/11/2010 7:14:34 AM
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12/23/2009 8:32:19 AM
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8/9/2009 3:16:28 PM
'End-of-Life' Counseling Intensifies Health Care Debate

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Reality Check

8/9/2009 3:16:28 PM

'End-of-Life' Counseling Intensifies Health Care Debate


"A provision in President Obama's health care reform bill encourages "end-of- life" counseling for seniors sparking euthanasia fears among some of the legislation's critics and leading others to believe that the White House is looking to save money by pressuring insurers to provide less coverage to seniors.

The provision, tucked deep within the House bill, would provide Medicare coverage for an end-of-life consultation every five years, and more frequent sessions if a person is suffering a life-threatening disease.

Health providers would be required to explain to seniors the end-of-life services available, including "palliative care and hospice."

"This provision may start us down a treacherous path toward government-encouraged euthanasia if enacted into law," House Minority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio, and Rep. Thaddeus McCotter, R-Mich. said in a statement last month."

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8/9/2009 5:11:37 PM

Well, that tears it: This is evidence that Republicans probably have a hefty amount of income from unfortunate people suffering from terminal illnesses not able to make any decisions. The Insurance income from this travesty is probably off the charts, hence the Repugnican opposition to the Health Bill.

This is something we need, nobody is saying we are just going to euthanise any old people, it just says that people with terminal illnesses who are suffering will finally be able to make their own decisions.

When my uncle was dying, they were keeping him alive at a hospital in Connecticut. They kept calling ME and asking ME to give MY permission to let him go - I Told them, I refuse to do that, because my Uncle was lucid enough to make the decision himself, and I pressed that issue, that they should have first and foremost talked to HIM about it.

Once that was understood, they let him go, and it was his decision.

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Holo Lukaloa

8/9/2009 5:29:59 PM

That's not reality, Sterling. That's the biggest fraud the rightwingers are perpetrating right now. Sarah Palin made an anus out of herself again the other day talking about her fabricated "Obama Death Panel".

The government has been encouraging citizens to do this end-of-life counseling for 20 years. It has nothing to do with any plans to change treatment. Anybody claiming it does either is extremely gullible and uninformed or is deliberately throwing total fibs into the mix to further their foolish agenda.

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Reality Check

8/10/2009 12:47:08 AM ---- Updated 8/10/2009 12:51:45 AM

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