12/26/2011 8:50:12 AM
Thank you all,,,,,,,,,,
12/19/2011 7:01:12 PM
introducing myself to you
3/14/2010 12:00:35 AM
iac prime member airplay
8/23/2009 6:04:01 AM
cd sales and downloads
7/31/2009 6:33:56 PM
7/31/2009 4:57:46 AM
more fans
7/13/2009 4:35:10 AM
im new here.....
Basic (free) Member
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eddie joe clark
8/23/2009 6:04:01 AM
---- Updated 3/13/2010 5:37:38 PM
cd sales and downloads
can someone please tell me how to get paid for airplay here at iac if i am a prime member?
Thank you eddie joe clark

Bryon Tosoff
8/23/2009 6:09:35 AM
Dude, Get out and play, sell then at your shows. you sell a hell of a lot more then just hoping they will automatically sell just because you got them up at cdbaby..and whatever.
and if you do perform and play flog your cd as much as you can, within reason. try to get on at festivals. tougher now then it has been in the past , but still doable.
I could spend an hour here giving you so much more. but I just hate blogging and answering peoples questions it is such a time waster
i am sure you will get a crap load of answers from all the experts here
I used to be an expert, but I fired myself
8/23/2009 9:28:12 AM
@Bryon - one of the best statements I ever read on the Internet on this point! Thank your for taking away the illusion that to try to sell music on the Internet would be the golden way.

8/23/2009 11:54:34 AM
Eddie, I see your songs have been put onto radio stations already at IAC so that's a good sign that people like you. My one concern with trying to sell your CD on Pop/Rock centred sites like IAC is the fact that you are a Country artist. I don't know why but somehow the Country audience is not usually so big. I'd suggest that you look for sites (in addition to IAC, which is a great shop window) where the Country lovers hang out. Maybe our Country artists here have some suggestions - Good luck Verity (IAC)

Carolyn Stewart
8/23/2009 3:43:53 PM
I agree with Bryon, play shows and lots of them because that is the best time to sell any merchandise. People are more inclined to buy right when they've heard you because they want to keep a part of the great experience they just had.
I didn't listen to your stuff yet but in response to Country listeners. I put a song up in the country charts and it got more listens in a week then many of my songs did in a month, so that would lend me to think there is quite a big market here for country. I think IAC's great 'testing ground' and thought it was a neat experiment to see where one garnishes the most listens especially when you're trying to pick a genre for yourself.
Anyway, good & promoting is alot of work ..

Bryon Tosoff
8/23/2009 4:37:36 PM
I think people here know promotion and marketing is what I do, have done and know something about. I dont pretend to be a know it all. but I worked my butt off promoting a number of bands solo acts in a variety of genre..
you build from the grassroots up though and Larree and Carolyn are exactly right
do what you do well, kill em at your live shows, and as Carolyn stated. sell your swag at your shows will bring in pretty decent cash...I have been at a little country fair and pulled in 300 dollars in less then 2 hours flogging the bluevoodoo's cds, I just did not stand there sitting at a booth, I walked around singing praises about them walked up to people listening with merchandise cds in my hands
I have worked with festival directors and talent buyers and have shipped cds up to these places and when people hear a band they like sales move
one small fest I remember is when BV sold 60 cds in an hour and t-shirts other swag and walked out with a pile of cash besides what they made at the fest.
But building your reputation is another thing, it takes years, years of slogging it and working your craft..and then getting to know the business, music, merchandising and selling yourself. But first you really have to like what you do first, deliver the goods and do all that you can to develop a connection to people
So get yourself an advocate, someone who likes you, or believes in you and get them on your side....
But again, most artists dont have that luxury of having someone help them out and do everything themselves and I know some will state as such here in a short time on this blog.....there is no magic formula, it is hard work, having a plan, sticking to it and developing your abilities
it is just like any other business.
sometimes musicians forget that..and think just because they got a cd or can strum a couple of chords and make some noise they can hang up a shingle and call themselves accomplished musicians.that things should just work
but then again there are the Britney Spears of the world
...there is a lot of shitty musicians out there that actually make a living at what they do though because they are entertainers and performers and have fun in what they do.....and more power to them because these are the ones that survive more then the prima donna's that are good or awesome but have no ability to connect to people and alienate themselves through their arrogant condescending self congratulatory attitudes, they actually suck big time because they will bounce around from band to band and never get anywhere because of this attitude of look at me ....who cares if you can play and sing good , if your attitude is a piece of shit you are going nowhere
what the hell do i know.
and as for this contest....good luck to all

Duane Flock
8/23/2009 5:27:50 PM
I write, sing, and play all of the instruments in my music. What you hear here on IAC is the finished product I sell to the public. When I go and play "live", it's just me and my acoustic guitar. I write my music with both aspects in mind so that I can go out and play my tunes with feeling and "entertain" people, and hopefully keep their attention. When I sell them my CD, it's a bonus to them because my songs have the full spectrum of how I think they should sound if I had my own band.
This is my hobbie and it's nice to know that I can make enough money to sustain myself for my equipment needs.
I also play in a coverband that lets me promote my tunes and CD's also. They're cool about it as long as I don't "step on any toes" and that I respect the band too.
What's fun is when I can open for the group with a half hour of my own originals.
I can get my guitar ya-ya's out and then switch over to playing bass for the group.
Anyways, do your homework and practice, practice, practice........
Good luck dude,

Bryon Tosoff
8/24/2009 6:13:17 AM
Duane revealed this
"This is my hobbie and it's nice to know that I can make enough money to sustain myself for my equipment needs."
nice going Duane, kudo's to you for keeping your dream alive and sharing your talents and making some shekels along the way dude

eddie joe clark
8/25/2009 4:00:31 AM
thank you all for your comments..they are all much appreciated
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