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10/25/2008 11:10:46 AM
---- Updated 10/25/2008 11:26:15 AM
Anyone know...
what USSR stands for?
anyone concerned what USA might stand for?
Holo Lukaloa
10/25/2008 11:21:46 AM
---- Updated 10/25/2008 12:12:15 PM
USA stands for a majority of intelligent people who don't fall for really idiotic Republican propaganda like using the word Socialism cause your side is losing miserably. Joe the Plumber of course was a complete fraud.
10/25/2008 11:48:30 AM
Obama talks about national healthcare
from websters dictionary: Main Entry: so·cial·ism
Pronunciation: \'so-sh?-?li-z?m\ Function: noun Date: 1837
1: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
2 a: a system of society or group living in which there is no private property b: a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
3: a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done
Obama wants to tax those making $250,000 and over. Where do you live Holo? How far does $250,000 get you? (well, actually, it would put me on easy street for a while - gearlust and all)
The idea may have merit but in reality it isn't right. I know a few people who make that kind of money. It isn't their responsibility to take care of me, same as its not my responsibility to take care of those who do not want to work for what they get. Better of course, would be to change laws that allow corporations to hide their money; put caps on how much any CEO is worth and especially when they retire. The greed and corporation is way out of hand and Obama has some of them working in his campaign!
You may not believe that socialism is coming but you will see. And I'm really curious now, just who you are and how much you make. Maybe you're one of those who thinks the world owes him something. : D
Holo Lukaloa
10/25/2008 11:51:31 AM
---- Updated 10/25/2008 11:53:32 AM
Every tax plan is a way of spreading the wealth. All Obama is doing with his tax cut is getting rid of Bush's spread of the wealth and returning to rates they had during the Clinton era when the economy worked. Only an idiot believes Obama is a socialist. If Obama is a socialist, Palin is a Nazi, you fool.
The Man With No Band
10/25/2008 12:03:12 PM
The world owes me nothing .... Don't you Repubs realize that social programs pay for themselves ten times over ? ... What do you think social security is ?
Why do you all scream socialism, when we are talking about programs that keep money here in our country and are a big part of the employment here creating thousands of jobs ?
You'd all rather see CEO's making huge amounts of money, corporations taking jobs out of America, Presidents handing out your hard earned tax dollars to every country that has their hand out (as long as they have oil or something else the greedy want) ... Fighting fictitious enemies and paying huge amounts of money to contractors etc.. etc ....
than you would seeing a program that ensures No Child or Aging American receives health care to ensure they don't suffer through CANCER, or any other disease ... you people make me sick
that's not socialism ... that's being responsible and doing what we should be doing ...
People that make over $250,000 a year should be happy to have that opportunity and be glad to do their share ... Greedy bastards ....
10/25/2008 12:09:03 PM
Now now Holo. I don't agree with you, but I didn't call you a fool, ya idiot. Its "6 little letters"... snicker snicker....p l u m b e r. Were you Biden's spelling tutor?
Flat tax, that's the answer. If a tax plan is fair, it is not about spreading the wealth.
You're just jealous cause Sarah Palin is the only one out of the 4 that actually has experience in leading a government body; and a quite intelligent woman. Try as they may to break her, the media shows its ass everytime.
A vote for Obama/Biden ticket is a vote for stupidity! snicker snicker. I love turning your words on you Holo, just because you deserve it. You are a hater and a racist. :D
Holo Lukaloa
10/25/2008 12:13:05 PM
Palin, intelligent? :>)
10/25/2008 12:38:42 PM
bet she knows how to spell!
Sam, sorry you took offense in any way. I know people who don't work. They live in the woods behind stores, drinking, doping and whatever else suits their fancy. Then they try to hustle the shoppers, or steal from them. Some are legit but most are just too freakin' lazy to work in a pie factory as a taster. And that's the plain truth. Give them a hand up, not a handout. Give them a job...any job so they can get back on their feet and be self-sufficient.
Our family operated a business for many years, just enough to make a living for 3 families and a couple of employees. When my father-in-law sold it, capital gains taxes ate it up and why?? Did he invest in it and work his ass off to keep it just so that when the right person made the right offer he could sell and pay a shitload of taxes?
It wasn't the $250,000 business that recieived our tax dollars for a bailout was it? Try the more rich. Be angry with them and be angry with the government, cause they knew it was coming. They were warned about it and did nothing--just like they ALWAYS do. Obama included.
Hugh Hamilton
10/25/2008 12:43:21 PM
"Every tax plan is a way of spreading the wealth" - that's not true - it's a way of joint investment in public needs. That statement indicates an enormous liberal bias to me.
Oops - I never contribute to these blogs.
Richard Scotti
10/25/2008 1:41:12 PM
---- Updated 10/25/2008 1:53:00 PM
Perhaps you should contibute more to these threads, Hugh because that's the most intelligent comment I've heard yet on any political subject. Taxes are a joint investment in public needs. RIght on, Hugh.
If I made more than $250,000 I'd be happy to pay a little more to help out people who were struggling.
I was raised to be a compassionate person.
Holo Lukaloa
10/25/2008 1:50:00 PM
Oh stop sucking up, Richard. If you're going to call the Obama tax breaks spreading the wealth, the Bush/McCain tax cuts are the same thing unless the rates are 100% equal across the board. It's not a left wing opinion. Calling Obama a socialist is a right wing opinion. McCain himself attacked the Bush tax cuts until he flipflopped. Was McCain a socialist then?
You guys shouldn't jump into these discussions if you aren't even aware of the context. :>)
Kevin White
10/25/2008 1:56:25 PM
Unearned income (a.k.a Investment gains) ... not earned income ... should be the target.
It is the tool of the very wealthy in regards to staying wealthy.
You want to leave out small business?
There's your path.
Jo Ellen
10/25/2008 3:43:47 PM
Hey maybe I'll be 'Jo the plumber' some day. I've already dabbled in construction. I hope he gets a movie deal.
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