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Pulse Eternal
Views for this Topic: 1760

10/14/2023 6:58:49 AM
"Diary of Perception" - New double length concept album in the works

10/9/2023 12:05:01 PM
Alive and Well!

9/15/2010 9:00:05 AM
170 year old piano improvisations!!

5/5/2010 9:47:58 AM
I'm all excited!!! I got a Vox AC30!!! :-D

11/22/2009 11:56:30 AM
Who else here loves the WARMTH and FULLNESS of analog tape? - This is Strange!

11/24/2008 6:35:39 AM
*** A SuperPuss progressive rock anthem with 30 piece choir! ***

11/15/2008 8:20:02 AM
Chris (Eaglehead), Hugh Hamilton, Dick Aven, Carl Malone and Titania

11/11/2008 7:41:58 PM
*** Yay! Another MUSIC topic! ***

11/9/2008 9:47:08 AM
*** I have so much to learn ***

10/29/2008 8:50:28 AM
*** To solo, or not to solo? Hugo, Dick Aven? ***

10/11/2008 5:10:14 AM
*** My art gallery ***

10/10/2008 8:56:38 AM
*** Four paws up to IAC tech team ***

10/6/2008 12:41:17 PM
*** Written over the phone! ***

9/14/2008 10:15:45 PM
*** I'm not leaving IAC today *** ......

6/14/2008 12:52:40 AM
*** My new funk rock drum video in 15/8 time ***

5/31/2008 12:59:21 PM
Today's weather report .......... on MARS!!!!

5/16/2008 2:42:00 AM
*** IAC Exclusive!! *** - SuperPuss pre release song preview

4/29/2008 8:22:37 AM
Met Gavin Harrison from Porcupine Tree today :)

4/27/2008 3:46:37 AM
SuperPuss Needs YOU!!! (Not a hit and run, I swear!!! This cat's here to stay!) =^.^=

4/22/2008 9:38:13 PM
Getting back to the roots of it all

4/21/2008 3:12:39 AM
Showcase your live, raw, rough or improvised tracks at the Underground Club

4/11/2008 8:42:45 AM
*** Larree's Golden Kayak after party video footage! ***

4/7/2008 5:41:46 AM
A HUGE thank you to everyone who voted for Valentine

4/5/2008 5:26:03 AM
**** Everything 80's ****

4/4/2008 1:50:27 PM
Is this for real?!!!! WOW! I am FLOORED!!!

4/1/2008 5:12:12 AM
Yay! A new number one song!!!

3/29/2008 7:31:52 PM
Nine months later......

3/25/2008 3:16:34 AM
A MASSIVE task but WOW! What a journey!

3/20/2008 6:42:59 AM
A VERY dark moment leads to a VERY bright light

3/15/2008 8:35:25 AM
SuperPuss live - 10th anniversary video clip of Becoming Real! IV

3/9/2008 11:24:54 AM
Tangerine Dream appreciation thread

3/4/2008 10:19:13 AM
It's 5:30am and I haven't been to bed yet!!

2/27/2008 8:46:42 PM
Hearing challenge - can you pick the difference?

2/21/2008 8:48:02 PM
SuperPuss enhanced refrigerator music - The fridge is fixed and remixed!!

2/12/2008 8:40:11 AM
Add video with STEREO audio to your IAC page and blog - New SuperPuss project

2/2/2008 8:54:32 PM
Well, here's the video - SuperPuss Refrigerator prog rock - "Outburst"

2/1/2008 11:43:48 AM
SuperPuss plays Progressive Refrigerator Rock!.....um WHAT??!!!

1/27/2008 10:44:03 AM
Video of my very RAW noodling!!

1/18/2008 5:03:41 AM
Does anyone still believe 911 was NOT an inside job?

1/5/2008 6:33:42 AM
SuperPuss is still alive and well and travelling between universes!!

11/17/2007 11:02:01 AM
SuperPuss Feline Asylum Radio - Something REALLY nutty!!!

10/6/2007 12:35:01 PM
SuperPuss Trivia - Pink Floyd and The Beatles quiz

10/5/2007 8:54:52 AM
SuperPuss Live video clip

9/16/2007 9:54:40 AM
A SuperPuss first on IAC.....

9/13/2007 6:38:47 PM
Here's where the 'Super' part of SuperPuss comes from....

9/6/2007 4:23:10 PM
Pub carpet, ash tray hair and free beer!

8/28/2007 12:13:31 AM
Tech support needed

8/23/2007 8:01:23 AM
Yay! I'm in the Big50!!

8/8/2007 10:34:51 AM
Chart idea for IAC home page... need YOUR opinion!

8/5/2007 2:43:50 PM
My thoughts on the music industry and internet music downloads

8/5/2007 7:42:59 AM
SuperPuss at number 1

8/2/2007 2:34:28 PM
Updated SuperPuss song now online

7/30/2007 12:29:43 PM
SuperPuss sponsored by CM Labs!

7/27/2007 3:35:20 AM
Check out my friends Lash78!!

7/24/2007 2:23:06 PM
I have a top 5 song!!!

7/18/2007 9:06:48 AM
New SuperPuss website design

7/8/2007 10:48:46 PM
Surround mixes of classic albums and new formats for artists

6/27/2007 10:05:39 PM
SuperPuss Funky Feline Radio Updated!

6/27/2007 4:03:35 AM
New song "Outside Everything" added to my page


IAC Prime Member


Pulse Eternal

11/17/2007 11:02:01 AM

SuperPuss Feline Asylum Radio - Something REALLY nutty!!!
Do you hear voices in your head? Do you see things that glow in the dark in broad daylight? Do you write songs for lunatic asylums? Do you live on the Dark Side of the Moon?

If so, let us know and we (Carl and Titania) will consider you for our new SuperPuss Feline Asylum Radio


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The Man With No Band

11/17/2007 11:06:10 AM

"Do you hear voices in your head? Do you see things that glow in the dark in broad daylight? Do you write songs for lunatic asylums? Do you live on the Dark Side of the Moon?" .....

Doesn't Everybody ? .... :)

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The Man With No Band

11/17/2007 11:30:27 AM

Just for you S.P. ... see the new upload "Don't Mind Me" .. :)

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11/17/2007 4:14:12 PM

-------I'll check that one Sam------------SP we are about to release "Frank' a song about an imaginary friend----descent into madness, with a nod to Mr Zappa as well---
It should be up in one week I'll give ya a shout!!!


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11/17/2007 4:24:46 PM

pls take a listen to Dirge's crazy song 'Shoe Fetish' produced in style of ZZ Tops 'Cheap Sunglasses'.

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Tony Vani and Debbie Hoskin

11/17/2007 7:56:26 PM

My song, "Sleep Walker" is an example of what happens when "debbie" thinks too much. It's an odd song about life being a dream and when we die, we awaken from this crazy dream.

What first inspired me to write "Sleep Walker was imagining my life at it's end, dying and then awakening and looking back at my life retrospectively, with the realization that I missed the most important things.

I like "Sleep walker" but I can't listen to it. I sing flat in it and it drives me crazy. (trouble hearing that day) I didn't bother to fix it because I didn't think anyone was ever going to hear it. LOL I guess that makes the song even more wacked. :-)

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Bat Lenny

11/17/2007 9:27:41 PM

We'd love to be on a Superpuss station - I think half our songs have something to do with mental instability!

Try - about an imaginary friend, sung by an 8 year old girl, recorded without her knowing

Or Shadowland Part 4: Another Wrench in the Machine> is my favorite part of our Shadowland Suite that deals with losing one's mind.

And yes, of course we live on The Dark Side of the Moon!

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Pulse Eternal

11/17/2007 10:41:03 PM

We LOVE the part about 'no fingerprints and no DNA'!!! LOL :-D

Can't wait to hear your song 'Frank'. Let us know when it's up. :-)

Dirge, Tony and Deb,
Your songs necessitated the creation of a new station for those that escaped the Asylum!!! Too good to be left out but not quite 'out there' enough to be locked up!!

We've locked up 'Shadowland Part 4' and thrown away the key!! :-0


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Bat Lenny

11/17/2007 11:59:48 PM

Thanks Titania. I guess I goofed up the link to the other one. For the record it was supposed to be:

Shadow Friend>

If I screwed it up again I give up.

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The Man With No Band

11/18/2007 12:12:33 AM

Thanks SuperPuss ! ... I'm glad you got a smile out of it and I couldn't be happier about being a part of such a distinguished Asylum.. :)

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Tony Vani and Debbie Hoskin

11/18/2007 8:54:29 AM

Darn! I guess I have to become more extreme to get into the crayzee station! Figures, I try to check into the asylum and they put me in the "out patient" day program. I'd better do something drastic before I get integrated into normal society. Then, I will go crayzee for sure. :-) deb

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11/18/2007 10:36:15 AM

I know we have nothing near crazy enough - but I just wanted to give a big thumbs-up to you Titania for all your work in creating these coooool stations! You rock!

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Pulse Eternal

11/25/2007 10:18:45 AM

Thanks heaps guys and girls. We're still on the lookout for new crazy and humorous additions to the SuperPuss Asylum!


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Pulse Eternal

1/16/2008 10:16:36 AM

There has to be more nutters out there!! We're still on the lookout for crazy tunes from the very edges of sanity!!!!



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1/16/2008 10:34:21 AM

People tend to think most of my stuff was written for the asylum (or even IN one). I might recommend "Smells Like Pork", "Iron Lung Blues", or "Trippin'".

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Black Velvet Lace

1/16/2008 10:36:47 AM

OOOOOOO I have one that I wrote a millenium ago, about a girl who descended into madness. Of course it's NOT RECORDED YET, but once it is, hopfully you'll consider it!! :D


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the Rivergods

1/16/2008 12:32:16 PM

Miss Lucinda might qualify as a nutcase, but she's on the loose.
Superpuss, if you haven't yet, you may want to listen to "One and Many" or "Charlie" by Happy Rhodes. They're pretty disturbed.

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Hugh Hamilton

1/16/2008 6:06:19 PM

Hmm. Just noticed for the first time that Puss and Nuts are mentioned in the same blog title.


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1/16/2008 6:31:37 PM


Thanks for reminding us that "frank" was on the loose----

We have just put it up without any bells or whistles

We give you the big hug0000xxxxxx


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1/16/2008 6:37:03 PM

Look at all the white men on the street...is there gas in the car?

You go, Puss!

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1/16/2008 8:58:28 PM

As you know most of my songs used to come from an alternative place but I'm taking the medication these days. I just have one left on site that might need a straight jacket :)

Wuthering Frights
It's Alt psych Goth Rock "If Kate Bush was blindfolded, drugged and tied up in a playground on a cold, dark, scary night this is how she might sound. *WARNING" This song could damage your mental health - Not for the faint hearted!"

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Slimdog Productions

1/16/2008 10:54:47 PM

I have a beat called, "Skitzo". I don't know if it fits into your category for your station, but I thought I would just mention it...

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Pulse Eternal

1/17/2008 9:23:33 AM

Great stuff guys and girls!!!
There's several new additions to the SuperPuss looney bin now with more to be reviewed after I get some sleep...... it's 4:30am here!!! Seriously!

"Iron Lung Blues" is purrfect.

Definitely looking forward to hearing what you have in store.

Miss Lucinda may very well be a nutcase but she needs a really loopy tune to be locked up!!
I'll check out Happy Rhodes soon. Thanks for the suggestion.

LOL about Puss and Nuts!!!! :eek:

Frank asked me to give you a big hug back..... before I locked him in his room!!

The white men drank all the gas!!

I gave Kate Bush a valium to calm her nerves after her bad trip!!

It seems the code on your page doesn't like Firefox. There are things layered over the player that prevented me from clicking things.



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1/17/2008 10:08:34 AM

Hear ME oh Puss that is super!!! Sorry is me mic too loud!!? Huh? Oh, got it!! Sorry about that...............

I would like to nominate 'THE JACK PADDLE COVER BAND' for:

Most original screenplay, Best leading actor AND of course.......having a suitable song (HEY HO) for SuperPuss Feline Asylum Radio!!



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Pulse Eternal

1/17/2008 10:18:42 AM

Damnit Jack!!! I'm meant to be sleeping but I caught your entire band plotting an escape. I have therefore sentenced you all to be tied to our asylum gates and to play 'Hey Ho' whenever we bring in new looneys!!



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1/17/2008 10:22:41 AM

Enormous thanks my fine, furry, frau.

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1/17/2008 10:39:43 AM

Grateful am I!! But me's not sure about these shackles!! Seriously....there's no need to resort to this level of barbarism is there!?? Surely a quick injection of horse tranquiliser will serve the same purpose!? Go on, take off these shackles, remove that ball and chain and administer me that injection!!

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Slimdog Productions

1/17/2008 2:55:51 PM

Firefox will jumble my page. If you use IE, then things should clear up. Thanks for taking the time to try...

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