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Pulse Eternal
Views for this Topic: 2087

10/14/2023 6:58:49 AM
"Diary of Perception" - New double length concept album in the works

10/9/2023 12:05:01 PM
Alive and Well!

9/15/2010 9:00:05 AM
170 year old piano improvisations!!

5/5/2010 9:47:58 AM
I'm all excited!!! I got a Vox AC30!!! :-D

11/22/2009 11:56:30 AM
Who else here loves the WARMTH and FULLNESS of analog tape? - This is Strange!

11/24/2008 6:35:39 AM
*** A SuperPuss progressive rock anthem with 30 piece choir! ***

11/15/2008 8:20:02 AM
Chris (Eaglehead), Hugh Hamilton, Dick Aven, Carl Malone and Titania

11/11/2008 7:41:58 PM
*** Yay! Another MUSIC topic! ***

11/9/2008 9:47:08 AM
*** I have so much to learn ***

10/29/2008 8:50:28 AM
*** To solo, or not to solo? Hugo, Dick Aven? ***

10/11/2008 5:10:14 AM
*** My art gallery ***

10/10/2008 8:56:38 AM
*** Four paws up to IAC tech team ***

10/6/2008 12:41:17 PM
*** Written over the phone! ***

9/14/2008 10:15:45 PM
*** I'm not leaving IAC today *** ......

6/14/2008 12:52:40 AM
*** My new funk rock drum video in 15/8 time ***

5/31/2008 12:59:21 PM
Today's weather report .......... on MARS!!!!

5/16/2008 2:42:00 AM
*** IAC Exclusive!! *** - SuperPuss pre release song preview

4/29/2008 8:22:37 AM
Met Gavin Harrison from Porcupine Tree today :)

4/27/2008 3:46:37 AM
SuperPuss Needs YOU!!! (Not a hit and run, I swear!!! This cat's here to stay!) =^.^=

4/22/2008 9:38:13 PM
Getting back to the roots of it all

4/21/2008 3:12:39 AM
Showcase your live, raw, rough or improvised tracks at the Underground Club

4/11/2008 8:42:45 AM
*** Larree's Golden Kayak after party video footage! ***

4/7/2008 5:41:46 AM
A HUGE thank you to everyone who voted for Valentine

4/5/2008 5:26:03 AM
**** Everything 80's ****

4/4/2008 1:50:27 PM
Is this for real?!!!! WOW! I am FLOORED!!!

4/1/2008 5:12:12 AM
Yay! A new number one song!!!

3/29/2008 7:31:52 PM
Nine months later......

3/25/2008 3:16:34 AM
A MASSIVE task but WOW! What a journey!

3/20/2008 6:42:59 AM
A VERY dark moment leads to a VERY bright light

3/15/2008 8:35:25 AM
SuperPuss live - 10th anniversary video clip of Becoming Real! IV

3/9/2008 11:24:54 AM
Tangerine Dream appreciation thread

3/4/2008 10:19:13 AM
It's 5:30am and I haven't been to bed yet!!

2/27/2008 8:46:42 PM
Hearing challenge - can you pick the difference?

2/21/2008 8:48:02 PM
SuperPuss enhanced refrigerator music - The fridge is fixed and remixed!!

2/12/2008 8:40:11 AM
Add video with STEREO audio to your IAC page and blog - New SuperPuss project

2/2/2008 8:54:32 PM
Well, here's the video - SuperPuss Refrigerator prog rock - "Outburst"

2/1/2008 11:43:48 AM
SuperPuss plays Progressive Refrigerator Rock!.....um WHAT??!!!

1/27/2008 10:44:03 AM
Video of my very RAW noodling!!

1/18/2008 5:03:41 AM
Does anyone still believe 911 was NOT an inside job?

1/5/2008 6:33:42 AM
SuperPuss is still alive and well and travelling between universes!!

11/17/2007 11:02:01 AM
SuperPuss Feline Asylum Radio - Something REALLY nutty!!!

10/6/2007 12:35:01 PM
SuperPuss Trivia - Pink Floyd and The Beatles quiz

10/5/2007 8:54:52 AM
SuperPuss Live video clip

9/16/2007 9:54:40 AM
A SuperPuss first on IAC.....

9/13/2007 6:38:47 PM
Here's where the 'Super' part of SuperPuss comes from....

9/6/2007 4:23:10 PM
Pub carpet, ash tray hair and free beer!

8/28/2007 12:13:31 AM
Tech support needed

8/23/2007 8:01:23 AM
Yay! I'm in the Big50!!

8/8/2007 10:34:51 AM
Chart idea for IAC home page... need YOUR opinion!

8/5/2007 2:43:50 PM
My thoughts on the music industry and internet music downloads

8/5/2007 7:42:59 AM
SuperPuss at number 1

8/2/2007 2:34:28 PM
Updated SuperPuss song now online

7/30/2007 12:29:43 PM
SuperPuss sponsored by CM Labs!

7/27/2007 3:35:20 AM
Check out my friends Lash78!!

7/24/2007 2:23:06 PM
I have a top 5 song!!!

7/18/2007 9:06:48 AM
New SuperPuss website design

7/8/2007 10:48:46 PM
Surround mixes of classic albums and new formats for artists

6/27/2007 10:05:39 PM
SuperPuss Funky Feline Radio Updated!

6/27/2007 4:03:35 AM
New song "Outside Everything" added to my page


IAC Prime Member


Pulse Eternal

4/4/2008 1:50:27 PM ---- Updated 9/7/2009 5:55:21 PM

Is this for real?!!!! WOW! I am FLOORED!!!
I just checked my chart listings and did a double, triple and quadruple take!! I had to check the genre chart listings just to make sure this wasn't a mistake and I am still floored! Is this for real?!!!

Look at this (my chart rankings)..........!!!!!
(I resized the image to fit in this blog)

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4/4/2008 1:55:00 PM

Way to go, Titania! You're kicking some major league butt.

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Slimdog Productions

4/4/2008 2:01:54 PM

WAY TO GO SP!!! Good things are bestowed on those who do good (believer in Karma). Keep rockin' em SP!!!

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Pulse Eternal

4/4/2008 2:04:42 PM

I am still absolutely gobsmacked Steve!!! Where on Earth did THAT come from??? Not that I am complaining. Far from it! But I feel like I am dreaming~!!!!
I had to check the song genre chart listing again just to make sure this isn't a server glitch!

All I can say is THANK YOU to everyone who is listening to my songs. :-D :-D Wow!

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Jo Ellen

4/4/2008 2:09:56 PM ---- Updated 4/4/2008 2:09:57 PM

Well, congratulations! It appears to be a clean sweep.

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Pulse Eternal

4/4/2008 2:10:37 PM ---- Updated 9/7/2009 6:05:05 PM

Thank you so much Slim!

Wow! again!!!!

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Pulse Eternal

4/4/2008 2:11:50 PM

Thank you too Jo. I was writing my previous reply when you posted.

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4/4/2008 2:21:20 PM

now that's a impressive, SP 8-)
rock on!
Swiss cheers, MF

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Pulse Eternal

4/4/2008 2:32:14 PM

Cheers MF :-D
I don't know how many times I'm going to keep looking outwards and saying WOW but I suspect there's a few more double takes to come from me today!!!

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Pulse Eternal

4/4/2008 2:36:35 PM

I just double checked the traffic to my websites (where I have my player embedded) to see if there was any extraordinary peaks in traffic but, if anything, there's slightly LESS traffic overall.
Maybe somebody with a really popular site has taken a liking to my songs!!! If that's the case, whoever you are, THANK YOU!!!

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Larry Migliore

4/4/2008 2:44:11 PM

You're looking quite "super" Puss!

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Pulse Eternal

4/4/2008 2:55:51 PM

Larry, I am most definitely still doing some "Super" double takes!!!

See the little pusscat in my signature? Notice how she stands to attention suddenly after a brief paw lick? Well, that's EXACTLY what I did when I saw those figures!

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4/4/2008 2:59:59 PM

Congratulations SP. Go Geelong Girls!!

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Hugh Hamilton

4/4/2008 3:02:02 PM


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4/4/2008 3:14:06 PM

Hey Titania---------

ain't that a pretty sight-----all those small numbers---something going on!!!!
-------big spontaneous hugs!

We are similarly blessed!

"On an Island" right behind your 1&2 on Prog rock! @#3
"Gondwana" back to #3 on World genre
"Strange Times #4 in Comedy
"Frank" #9 in Comedy-----------

----but most exciting for us-----Our song about Global Warming "Coastline"
which I believe is my best tune is finally getting recognition at #28 in Alternative Rock---a big Genre!!!

Blessings to all of the wonderful stationmasters here at IAC!!!

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4/4/2008 3:39:09 PM

Well Done, SP!! Your enthusiasm and happiness is leaping out of the page. But listening to some of your music, it's not surprising you are doing so well.

In due course I'll PM you my private email address so we can discuss the practical possibilites of a collab we mentioned earlier.

I'm really happy for you!! It's the encouragement we all need as creative artists.

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4/4/2008 4:06:02 PM

SuperPuss! Way to go. Major congrats on the wonderful stats. You are really kickin' ass. Keep it up.

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4/4/2008 5:08:25 PM

Major congtats.......world domination is but a step away. Very cool.

cheers, niteshift

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4/4/2008 5:58:36 PM

And you're a baddass drummer to boot! Keep up the cool work.
Love and infinite Peace,

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Vincenzo Pandolfi

4/4/2008 10:28:29 PM

That's fantastic Superpuss, it could not happen to a nicer cat!!! I can hear you purring from Sydney...Congratulations!!


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4/5/2008 1:10:41 AM

Way to go Titania!! Keep up the good work!

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Maria Daines

4/5/2008 2:08:18 AM

HUGE Congrats SP & have a great weekend!!!!

M&P :) xx

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Pulse Eternal

4/5/2008 4:38:19 AM

Thank you an ENORMOUS amount everyone :-D
I'm still purring very BIG purrs!

Rob, big congrats to you too on your well deserved positions. This is the first time I've ever seen anything like this happen with my chart positions so I can now relate to your elation :)

RR, I am REALLY looking forward to working with you on our first collaboration :)

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The Black Orchids

4/5/2008 10:00:42 AM

Congrats, and I know EXACTLY how you're feeling rignt now. TBO

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Duane Flock

4/5/2008 1:54:10 PM

Congrats Titania! Looks like you've cornered the market! Way to go!


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Pulse Eternal

4/5/2008 5:57:24 PM

It would appear that my magical rise on the charts here may have been a glitch but please, don't post any tech support questions here!!!!
At the end of the day, I am still absolutely delighted with my chart positions BEFORE this possible glitch. What means infinitely more to me is this amazing community of wonderful and talented musicians we have right here on IAC....and to be nominated by my peers for a Golden Kayak is just the most wonderful compliment I could receive!!!

THANK YOU everyone and THANK YOU IAC :-D

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Black Velvet Lace

4/6/2008 1:18:02 PM

Whoa girl you are kicking butt!!!! Congrats!!


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Pulse Eternal

4/6/2008 3:40:30 PM

Thanks heaps Lace. :)

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9/7/2009 6:18:26 PM

Urrr... so are you still doing a clean sweep, like you had goin' on a year and a half ago?

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Sly Witt

9/7/2009 6:42:48 PM

Very cool, and well deserved!

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Richard Scotti

9/7/2009 7:30:28 PM ---- Updated 9/7/2009 8:15:32 PM


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Conversation Suicide

9/7/2009 7:38:36 PM ---- Updated 9/7/2009 8:15:45 PM

Anyhoo Superpuss.... Congrats on tearin' up the charts awhile back, and here's to more success as AusDisciple in the future.


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Duane Flock

9/8/2009 3:47:18 AM

Congrats Dannii!! You worked hard and you deserve it!


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