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Pulse Eternal
Views for this Topic: 1567

10/14/2023 6:58:49 AM
"Diary of Perception" - New double length concept album in the works

10/9/2023 12:05:01 PM
Alive and Well!

9/15/2010 9:00:05 AM
170 year old piano improvisations!!

5/5/2010 9:47:58 AM
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11/22/2009 11:56:30 AM
Who else here loves the WARMTH and FULLNESS of analog tape? - This is Strange!

11/24/2008 6:35:39 AM
*** A SuperPuss progressive rock anthem with 30 piece choir! ***

11/15/2008 8:20:02 AM
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11/11/2008 7:41:58 PM
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11/9/2008 9:47:08 AM
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10/29/2008 8:50:28 AM
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10/11/2008 5:10:14 AM
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10/10/2008 8:56:38 AM
*** Four paws up to IAC tech team ***

10/6/2008 12:41:17 PM
*** Written over the phone! ***

9/14/2008 10:15:45 PM
*** I'm not leaving IAC today *** ......

6/14/2008 12:52:40 AM
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5/31/2008 12:59:21 PM
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5/16/2008 2:42:00 AM
*** IAC Exclusive!! *** - SuperPuss pre release song preview

4/29/2008 8:22:37 AM
Met Gavin Harrison from Porcupine Tree today :)

4/27/2008 3:46:37 AM
SuperPuss Needs YOU!!! (Not a hit and run, I swear!!! This cat's here to stay!) =^.^=

4/22/2008 9:38:13 PM
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4/21/2008 3:12:39 AM
Showcase your live, raw, rough or improvised tracks at the Underground Club

4/11/2008 8:42:45 AM
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4/7/2008 5:41:46 AM
A HUGE thank you to everyone who voted for Valentine

4/5/2008 5:26:03 AM
**** Everything 80's ****

4/4/2008 1:50:27 PM
Is this for real?!!!! WOW! I am FLOORED!!!

4/1/2008 5:12:12 AM
Yay! A new number one song!!!

3/29/2008 7:31:52 PM
Nine months later......

3/25/2008 3:16:34 AM
A MASSIVE task but WOW! What a journey!

3/20/2008 6:42:59 AM
A VERY dark moment leads to a VERY bright light

3/15/2008 8:35:25 AM
SuperPuss live - 10th anniversary video clip of Becoming Real! IV

3/9/2008 11:24:54 AM
Tangerine Dream appreciation thread

3/4/2008 10:19:13 AM
It's 5:30am and I haven't been to bed yet!!

2/27/2008 8:46:42 PM
Hearing challenge - can you pick the difference?

2/21/2008 8:48:02 PM
SuperPuss enhanced refrigerator music - The fridge is fixed and remixed!!

2/12/2008 8:40:11 AM
Add video with STEREO audio to your IAC page and blog - New SuperPuss project

2/2/2008 8:54:32 PM
Well, here's the video - SuperPuss Refrigerator prog rock - "Outburst"

2/1/2008 11:43:48 AM
SuperPuss plays Progressive Refrigerator Rock!.....um WHAT??!!!

1/27/2008 10:44:03 AM
Video of my very RAW noodling!!

1/18/2008 5:03:41 AM
Does anyone still believe 911 was NOT an inside job?

1/5/2008 6:33:42 AM
SuperPuss is still alive and well and travelling between universes!!

11/17/2007 11:02:01 AM
SuperPuss Feline Asylum Radio - Something REALLY nutty!!!

10/6/2007 12:35:01 PM
SuperPuss Trivia - Pink Floyd and The Beatles quiz

10/5/2007 8:54:52 AM
SuperPuss Live video clip

9/16/2007 9:54:40 AM
A SuperPuss first on IAC.....

9/13/2007 6:38:47 PM
Here's where the 'Super' part of SuperPuss comes from....

9/6/2007 4:23:10 PM
Pub carpet, ash tray hair and free beer!

8/28/2007 12:13:31 AM
Tech support needed

8/23/2007 8:01:23 AM
Yay! I'm in the Big50!!

8/8/2007 10:34:51 AM
Chart idea for IAC home page... need YOUR opinion!

8/5/2007 2:43:50 PM
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8/5/2007 7:42:59 AM
SuperPuss at number 1

8/2/2007 2:34:28 PM
Updated SuperPuss song now online

7/30/2007 12:29:43 PM
SuperPuss sponsored by CM Labs!

7/27/2007 3:35:20 AM
Check out my friends Lash78!!

7/24/2007 2:23:06 PM
I have a top 5 song!!!

7/18/2007 9:06:48 AM
New SuperPuss website design

7/8/2007 10:48:46 PM
Surround mixes of classic albums and new formats for artists

6/27/2007 10:05:39 PM
SuperPuss Funky Feline Radio Updated!

6/27/2007 4:03:35 AM
New song "Outside Everything" added to my page


IAC Prime Member


Pulse Eternal

5/16/2008 2:42:00 AM

*** IAC Exclusive!! *** - SuperPuss pre release song preview
OK boys and girls, cats, dogs, roaches in your nose, fleas, flies, bugs and other insects......

I have been working on a brand new SuperPuss song which I am really excited about called 'Remember' and was inspired to write the lyrics for it two nights ago. I had just finished watching a Mel Gibson movie many of you will know well 'Mad Max - Beyond Thunderdome' and when it finished, the words to my song spontaneously appeared in my head so I wrote them down!!

I still have to record the vocals and add some instrumental breaks (yes, Father Time, this one will have solos!!) but I am just too excited to keep it to myself so I thought I'd share a sneak preview with my IAC friends here :-)

I am aiming for the warmth and fullness of some of my favourite recordings from the late 60's to mid 70's, notably that lovely Abbey Road sound with this song.
Anyway, have a listen and let me know what you think.

SuperPuss - Remember (IAC preview)

Here's the lyrics and some details from my song page....

This song is about a woman who had a vision for a life of thrills fulfilling the fantasies of others.

Song lyrics

Who is she, this saviour of lost souls?
Who are these people who crave her control?
What is it, this land of lust and power?
What do they gain for their sacrificial hour?

Where are they now?
How much have they grown?
How do they feel?
Enlightened or alone?

Where does she go, when her mind is at bay?
What about the people who saw her today?
Is she still dreaming of the things she has planned?
Will she find it tomorrow, her once promised land?

All for a life,
Somewhere away.
Locked in a cage,
Surrounded in play.

What do they gain,
At the end of the day?
A memory of thrills,
No longer her play.

What does she find, when she walks in the door?
The one who she loves, wants even more.
They once were entwined, with magical dreams,
But somewhere they drifted, apart at the seams.

The one who she loved,
Now under control.
No longer her own,
A different soul.

Her journey moves on from her comfortable zone,
And now she feels frightened, all lost and alone.
But her guides are about and they are not ones to quit,
They help her to remember and they keep her path lit.

A journey of love,
Inspired insight.
Her vision is clear,
Free to take flight.

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5/16/2008 4:07:01 AM

You tease! I wasn't paying attention to the 'progress bar', and was just enjoying the music (while reading the lyrics) when it started to loop. I can't wait to hear the finished version, Ti, because what you have right now is very strong and the words have a great storyline. I understand your excitement. It sounds beautiful, and it leaves me wanting more (sort of like Chinese food- LOL)!

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Hugh Hamilton

5/16/2008 6:31:04 AM

Did somebody say SOLO?

I am SOOOO jealous that you've got a grand piano - what's up? Do you go somewhere, or did you acquire one? Sounds lovely, Titania.

Seriously, I'd love to play some guitar if you're interested. And backing vocals could be a possibility too, if you don't mind messing things up with a male voice.



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Conversation Suicide

5/16/2008 6:38:28 AM

very nice superPuss, but me want more. only about a minute in and I'm ready for it to crash into your vocals! Looks VERY promising!


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5/16/2008 7:45:52 AM

here goes watching movie may be good ;)

the cool thing is that the song could be a great fit for movies so you got "totally" inspired by the movie :)

I like it, the tempo, the style reminds me a bit of a movie 'Hell's Kitchen' (with Angelina Jolie (early) ), the arrangement good one, definitely has space for solos ;)

looking forward to listen the final version :)

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Slimdog Productions

5/16/2008 8:39:58 AM

Can't wait to hear the rest SP...Like the others, I want to hear more!!!

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Hop On Pop

5/16/2008 10:48:52 AM

What everyone else said.

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Pulse Eternal

5/16/2008 11:58:35 AM ---- Updated 5/16/2008 12:00:20 PM

Thank you so much guys and girls. I really wanted to post the whole thing as it is now but, I don't want to water down the finished version with familiarity ;-)

I originally had the idea of putting a sax solo in this song and am still going to explore that idea but I'm open to you giving a guitar solo a shot too. I might even use both :)
I am into the idea of you adding some vocals in parts too (whether it be shared lead in some parts, backing or a combination).
I'm most definitely into you adding some tasty axe licks between vocal lines in the verses too. Cool stuff 8-)
Oh...and I don't (yet) have a grand piano!!! But I do have access to the one in this song whenever I need it :)

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Hugh Hamilton

5/16/2008 1:11:21 PM

Just say the word when you're ready...!

Tell us about your mobile recording rig sometime...and how you're miking up the piano...?


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Pulse Eternal

5/18/2008 9:41:35 AM

Will do and will do Hugo. I'll post about my mobile setup here in this thread when I've had some sleep ;-)

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