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8/19/2006 9:20:57 AM
itunes - i'm coming.....

8/6/2006 7:51:07 AM
progress report

8/1/2006 7:27:17 PM
right... this is becoming a pain!

7/29/2006 6:45:57 AM
still essentially lazy

5/12/2006 7:37:03 PM
project:bluebook enters the blog generation - and we do it with style


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5/12/2006 7:37:03 PM

project:bluebook enters the blog generation - and we do it with style
alright then, lets get this off to a flying start...

even though i set this myspace thing up a while ago, i'm essentially quite lazy at this typing and blogging malarky and most of the time just really can't be bothered. that being said, i know you all care so it's only fair that for all the interest, love, devotion and admiration that the public shows project:bluebook - we should give you something back.

the best way is to tell you what goes on in our world so here it is...

by now you will already have read my biography on the webpage (by the way, when i say 'my' of course i mean stuart mulder) so you know i was born 17 april 1974 in banbury, oxfordshire, uk. but, the biography is so much more involved than that but frankly, who gives a monkey.

what's so much better is the complete lack of any kind of grasp on reality i sometimes suffer - i have been watching angel whilst i type this, which for some reason is a show i really like - i think i want to be the one who fulfills the prophecy - actually, not necessarily the prophecy in angel - just any prophecy. i have therefore decided that i am going to write my own and begin the long arduous, often dangerous and harmful, but ultimately rewarding journey towards self-fulfillment. hope you're ready....

right, as far as i can tell there needs to be a quest. i fear that i don't have a quest so lets pick one of those first. i quest to solve the problems of the world one by one, case by case (by the way, i'm a lawyer) and then once i have earnt the right through my own self-sacrifice through law toeards the pursuit of justice, i earn the right to be a fulltime musician...

this is the thing that sometimes really fires me up - during my work as a lawyer - i suppose some background here would be useful, i'm an asylum and immigration lawyer and also a housing lawyer in the uk - i find some incredible stupidity in the world and this invariably comes from those who would seek to damage the idea of justice for economic or political reasons.

take for example housing, or specifically homelessness, the stupidity here comes solely from the inherent ability of those in power to abuse, corrupt or fetter their discretion for the purposes of ensuring that economic goals are met at the expense of human needs. the same principles apply to asylum and/or immigration. there of course, the needs of a person are second to the political capital that can be gained from the misuse of power by those who have too much of it.

anyway, i don't want to rant, this is the first blog of the day and i need to save some energy for other things. so with the first step of the prophecy underway, i.e. i think we may be establishing the quest - i think we can move on

what of course we are aiming for is complete world domination throught he music and trust me....it's coming. so take a walk on the wildside and go to bluebook.spymac.com

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5/12/2006 11:56:49 PM

so are were you actually a member of Project Bluebook and have you seen the Condon memo firsthand ? :)

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8/1/2006 7:20:35 PM

sadly i was not originally a member of the us government/usaf project:bluebook - i'm too young - got to be honest don't know what the condon is.... sorry

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