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Views for this Topic: 1163

4/4/2016 12:05:09 PM
Anybody know a good way to contact support......

9/18/2009 6:59:08 AM
Little Feat - Electrif Lycanthrope

7/24/2008 9:36:09 AM
Is having a sense of humour essential to get you through your day?

5/1/2008 11:23:42 AM

10/11/2007 1:42:35 PM

8/21/2007 9:40:52 AM
Anagram Fun

8/20/2007 8:13:25 PM
Whilst on the subject of giants of the rock world......

8/20/2007 4:48:12 PM
Lucky escape for goat............

6/16/2007 10:30:13 AM
Our Kinda Guy.......

6/8/2007 8:45:46 AM
Robot Teddy


IAC Prime Member



10/11/2007 1:42:35 PM

An octopus walks into a bar and says 'I can play ANY musical instrument you like'. An Englishman gives him a guitar which he plays better than Hendrix. An Irishman gives him a piano which he plays better than Jerry Lee. A Scotsman throws him a set of bag pipes. The octopus fumbles about for a couple of minutes, then the Scotsman says 'Whats wrong - can ye no play it?'. The octopus says 'Play it ? -I'm gonna fuck her brains out once I get her pyjamas off !

he he he


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Hugh Hamilton

10/11/2007 1:55:32 PM

Och, aye, Laddy! Ye'd better serve up a wee dram before laying such jokes upon us...

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Alberto Martinez

10/11/2007 1:55:48 PM

This is a poem of T. S. Elliot. I remember I read it in high school.

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Pulse Eternal

10/11/2007 5:40:17 PM

ROFPMSL!!!!!! :-D

Nice one Eaglehead!!


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