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Brian Booth
Views for this Topic: 964

9/22/2006 9:02:31 PM
IAC band names

8/4/2006 9:47:57 AM
Those old lo-fi recordings we all have somewhere...

7/14/2006 9:40:07 PM
IAC station contest for June

6/30/2006 7:34:43 AM
Have you recorded anything with another IAC member?


IAC Prime Member


Brian Booth

7/14/2006 9:40:07 PM

IAC station contest for June
Am I being a bit dense? I can't find the results anywhere, although there's at least one station manager who has announced where he/she has been placed... would love to see what the range is, and the different styles

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7/14/2006 10:02:22 PM

Hey Brian! Here they are, on the forum. The broadcast of the winning station, Indie Rock Revolution, aired last night & it was great!

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7/14/2006 10:03:10 PM


come to the forums, that's where all the info is. :)


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Brian Booth

7/14/2006 10:22:49 PM

Thanks for the directions - it's gratifying to see the stations I like are all there, the ones where people put in an effort - but I wonder, couldn't IAC put a link on the front page somewhere, to trumpet these achievements to those of us who may not be frequent forum visitors? - Brian

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