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Hugh Hamilton
Views for this Topic: 4793

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To the Voxmobile, Robin!

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8/18/2009 8:14:51 PM
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8/18/2009 6:58:08 PM
Hey all you political bloggers

8/17/2009 11:34:03 PM
"What Grace Slick is doing now?"

3/29/2009 10:52:57 PM
Hugo to Los Angeles in April

3/13/2009 5:29:49 PM
Link to live recording with Joe Jack Talcum

3/13/2009 3:38:24 PM
Video...but which tune?

3/9/2009 9:03:16 PM
Hugo's Big Adventure - Phase II

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Recording/Video Live Performance (went well, pix)

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2/4/2009 6:54:17 AM
Eddie Van Halen - interesting interview

2/2/2009 8:54:36 AM
Upcoming Gigs


IAC Prime Member


Hugh Hamilton

8/17/2009 11:34:03 PM

"What Grace Slick is doing now?"
Warmed my heart to see this headline. Haven't made it through the accompanying article, but it feeds my...umm...illness...lol:


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8/18/2009 1:13:49 AM

CNN: Do you still sing?

Slick: I sing around the house, or I sing at the top of my lungs in a car. People go by -- there's this old lady singing at the top of her lungs with the radio up to about 130 decibels, smoking cigarettes and drinking coffee. The only thing I don't do [while driving] is text. But yeah, I have a good time.
Thank gawd...she's an icon - at 70...unbelieve-able. Everyone go fire up "White Rabbit".

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The Velveteenies

8/18/2009 3:36:39 AM

We're fired, white, black and brown with our tribute song soaring up the charts, not so old and not so loud but with the same sentiments.

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The Fluffy Bunny

8/18/2009 4:07:09 AM

Hugh, you must've started this thread to help promote us, as we just released the best ever version of White Rabbit.

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8/18/2009 5:00:44 AM

Well, that's the version I meant, of course!

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Conversation Suicide

8/18/2009 7:07:02 AM

Tee Heee....

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Jeff Allen Myers

8/18/2009 8:36:10 AM

I saw an interview with her a couple weeks ago...she is an artist now. Her hair is white in a pony tail...she looks hard, and she is a no nonsense smart ass in the best way.
She is comfortable in her own skin, and referred to her outer appearance as just "Meat", and emphasized what is inside is all important.

She said something that struck home in referring to humans and how far we have progressed technologically. She said there will always be wars and fighting because human beings have the nervous system of a Rabbit. Perhaps a White Rabbit Grace? :)

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