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Hugh Hamilton
Views for this Topic: 2072

3/9/2013 9:51:17 AM
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5/25/2010 7:11:31 AM
Upcoming Gig - Friday 5/28 at Princeton, NJ

4/3/2010 1:10:07 PM
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1/3/2010 12:59:06 PM
Greetings from Hugo

11/23/2009 11:47:21 AM
To the Voxmobile, Robin!

10/12/2009 2:49:57 PM
Gritty little amp...! (Hey Duane!)

10/2/2009 10:28:01 AM
For Guitar Gearheads

9/23/2009 1:44:18 PM

9/8/2009 10:14:52 PM
Guitar Heaven

9/7/2009 7:43:51 PM
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8/18/2009 8:14:51 PM
Allman Bros. show - 8/22/2009

8/18/2009 6:58:08 PM
Hey all you political bloggers

8/17/2009 11:34:03 PM
"What Grace Slick is doing now?"

3/29/2009 10:52:57 PM
Hugo to Los Angeles in April

3/13/2009 5:29:49 PM
Link to live recording with Joe Jack Talcum

3/13/2009 3:38:24 PM
Video...but which tune?

3/9/2009 9:03:16 PM
Hugo's Big Adventure - Phase II

3/4/2009 2:31:03 PM
'Twas only a matter of time - Masters Degree in "Beatles"

2/22/2009 10:34:10 PM
Recording/Video Live Performance (went well, pix)

2/14/2009 1:21:29 PM
GIG TONIGHT! (Well, it ain't last night anymore, but here are some PICS)

2/4/2009 6:54:17 AM
Eddie Van Halen - interesting interview

2/2/2009 8:54:36 AM
Upcoming Gigs


IAC Prime Member


Hugh Hamilton

9/8/2009 10:14:52 PM

Guitar Heaven
Anybody who feels like a competent guitar player should be careful about watching this - I feel like I've died and gone to Guitar Heaven...dunno whether to work my way through each lick of this for the next 6 months until I can do it or just burn my guitars:

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9/8/2009 10:44:35 PM


Thanks 4 the post Hugo!

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Jeff Allen Myers

9/9/2009 12:12:03 AM

Don't worry about it hugh...If I felt that way I would have burned my Guitars years ago!!!

This is recorded at Musicians Institute in Hollywood. I went there in 89, The BIT and PIT behind him stands for Bass/Percussion Institute of technology.

They always had guest musicians come in....real monster players that made us all want to crawl under a rock.


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Hugh Hamilton

9/9/2009 12:31:08 AM

Hi Colin - glad you enjoyed it...

Hi Jeff - Ahh...don't worry, I'll take the middle road - no flames to emanate from this quarter...

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