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Product Recall
Views for this Topic: 1376

11/17/2009 3:00:27 PM
Inflatable Dart Board Sale

11/13/2009 1:04:16 PM
Latest Product Recall . Diet low calorie ice

10/17/2009 1:26:19 PM
What are we????

9/22/2009 12:29:02 PM
Kurt Cobain and Nirvana

9/21/2009 2:26:10 PM
how about a band face off

9/21/2009 2:20:35 PM
So the Beatles sucked hey.......

9/2/2009 12:52:20 PM
So the last one was a bit strange this one how ever

9/1/2009 7:27:05 PM
not too sure how to take this but.............. Its review time

8/30/2009 12:06:05 PM
how much is too much

8/20/2009 9:30:39 PM
everyone should just vote for PhLeGm

7/23/2009 8:30:31 AM
guess who i met?

7/11/2009 10:28:42 PM
music management anyone?

7/11/2009 10:22:21 PM
we got our first record review today

7/7/2009 9:58:56 PM
Flavour of the month

7/1/2009 9:30:58 AM
Thank you IAC

6/23/2009 7:08:29 PM
pushing my luck

6/12/2009 11:31:55 PM
fuck me!, we're on the front page!!!

5/3/2009 8:55:42 AM
who/where is the next true rock star?

4/6/2009 9:00:53 PM
whats on your ipod?

4/5/2009 4:30:49 PM
musicians V's music video games

3/31/2009 11:51:48 AM
new love to spread

5/13/2007 5:25:29 PM
I am the one

4/1/2007 3:19:23 PM
Wizard wisdom words

3/8/2007 6:18:19 AM
be myself

3/5/2007 2:53:10 PM
Do you have a staion on IAC?

2/27/2007 5:44:17 AM
Bassist needed. Please

2/8/2007 1:12:08 PM
go on give it a go.

2/5/2007 12:43:11 PM
out of how many??

9/19/2006 8:43:13 AM
audio visual,


IAC Prime Member


Product Recall

9/19/2006 8:43:13 AM

audio visual,
Hey y'all every one. Just to let you know I have just updated our page. We recently decided to re-record some of our songs, a lot of the previous recordings found here were made with single mic recording so the quality was rather poor. So we have tried to do them justice by spending a little bit of time and effort on them this time. Check out our nursery rhyme ditty, Twinkle twinkle little star, bahh bahh black sheep and ABCD in about 35 seconds.

Talking of twinkle twinkle i have transfered over the music video from our my space page along with a new video of Smug you are, so please check them out all comments and feed back would be real great.

thanks for your time

Old School

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9/19/2006 1:52:25 PM


I thought this was going to be a blog rant about the good old A/V boys and girls, the pseudo-nerds of high-school. The nerd kids that volunteered to setup the film projector or the PA for school functions. The nerds that grew up into web-wise IAC members posting their songs and messing with IAC personal page layouts .... heh

I include myself because I used to volunteer to setup the film projector just to ditch out of class. And look at me now. Nerds rule. I cite Jobs and Gates as prime examples.

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