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Product Recall
Views for this Topic: 1252

11/17/2009 3:00:27 PM
Inflatable Dart Board Sale

11/13/2009 1:04:16 PM
Latest Product Recall . Diet low calorie ice

10/17/2009 1:26:19 PM
What are we????

9/22/2009 12:29:02 PM
Kurt Cobain and Nirvana

9/21/2009 2:26:10 PM
how about a band face off

9/21/2009 2:20:35 PM
So the Beatles sucked hey.......

9/2/2009 12:52:20 PM
So the last one was a bit strange this one how ever

9/1/2009 7:27:05 PM
not too sure how to take this but.............. Its review time

8/30/2009 12:06:05 PM
how much is too much

8/20/2009 9:30:39 PM
everyone should just vote for PhLeGm

7/23/2009 8:30:31 AM
guess who i met?

7/11/2009 10:28:42 PM
music management anyone?

7/11/2009 10:22:21 PM
we got our first record review today

7/7/2009 9:58:56 PM
Flavour of the month

7/1/2009 9:30:58 AM
Thank you IAC

6/23/2009 7:08:29 PM
pushing my luck

6/12/2009 11:31:55 PM
fuck me!, we're on the front page!!!

5/3/2009 8:55:42 AM
who/where is the next true rock star?

4/6/2009 9:00:53 PM
whats on your ipod?

4/5/2009 4:30:49 PM
musicians V's music video games

3/31/2009 11:51:48 AM
new love to spread

5/13/2007 5:25:29 PM
I am the one

4/1/2007 3:19:23 PM
Wizard wisdom words

3/8/2007 6:18:19 AM
be myself

3/5/2007 2:53:10 PM
Do you have a staion on IAC?

2/27/2007 5:44:17 AM
Bassist needed. Please

2/8/2007 1:12:08 PM
go on give it a go.

2/5/2007 12:43:11 PM
out of how many??

9/19/2006 8:43:13 AM
audio visual,


IAC Prime Member


Product Recall

3/8/2007 6:18:19 AM

be myself
Hello there please could you check out a new song we have just posted, Be myself. It's a fast, enegetic and angry little number, any feed back would be greatly appreciated.

thank you for your time.

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Dr Terribol

3/8/2007 12:46:08 PM

Hi I had a listen and I liked it, it was heavy but it was light, how it was light was in that it had a good vibe about it, and I can feel the humour in it, yeas, it definitely comes across, that you lot are about fun it makes te quality that much better, in fact, even if it were poorly recorded (not saying yor stuff is poorly recorded) or whatever, it'd still be better than all the other pretentious stuff, the do-as-if but the not-real-thing.

like it, and it surprised me because I wouldn't have said I would like that genre, but it sounds real, andthat is more valuable than all the rest.
Remember, there are stars busy stealing peoples work/words/inspirations, and presenting it as their own, so for that, I value your imput greatly because it is your own, and you are not thieves, not musical thieves. Be a thief but own up to it, thieves who do not are crooks!

and, I guess nobody has the slightest idea about what I am on about, nevertheless, I'll leave it as it is, for some bright spark to come up with

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Product Recall

3/9/2007 3:47:43 AM

Dr Tirribol,

Thank you for you kind words, we dont try to rip any one off, we try to maintain a high level of honesty, none of our songs are from pre planned riffs, what we come up with is just generally what is unleashed on a wednesday night, both musically a nd lyrically. It helps us maintain a certain level of honesty. Our singer has never once written the lyrics down either before or after a song is finnished, it happens there and then, its easier to recreate a feeling than it is to recreate a story. As to whom we sound like? the obvoius answer is Nirvana but it was never intentional, its just the way it comes out, i wouldn't want to compare us to the great Cobain, but i guess we just share the same type of honesty in our simple songs (and lets be honest they are simple songs).

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Dr Terribol

3/9/2007 5:58:36 AM

Hey yeah thank u too, you're ok, I mean things when I say them too. And I don't say it otherwise, I am very critical but I won't slag (put down) anything off just to be nasty, ever. I find it pretty amazing what you said now, that about doing everything by spontaneous means, that's hard.
I have had to do things that way, when playing, it puts you right out on a limb that's true, on the edge, where music out to get to anyhow, because the safe and secure doesn't cut it really, it's the progressive in the thing that makes it that much more special and happening.
I was wondering though, how you manage to come up with the goods but I expect if you get used to doing things in a certain way it doesn't let you down.

Hey and I am sorry to hear about the probs your band had and about the illness bit, that sounds pretty heavy duty, so I'm wishing you good health.
Being ill can be pretty frightening, when you realise maybe you took things for granted, and that your body is not indestructable after all.
This is how I've been feeling anyhow.

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Dr Terribol

3/9/2007 6:00:39 AM

I have had to do things that way, when playing, it puts you right out on a limb that's true, on the edge, where music ought* to get to anyhow, because the safe and secure doesn't cut it really, it's the progressive in the thing that makes it that much more special and happening.

(my typos* again ((and again)

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Product Recall

3/9/2007 2:07:10 PM

ok an explanation of Product Recall.

The first rule is to keep it simple, never overload it with so much confusion, the simpler it is the easier it is to follow. i always believe too much can and will work against you and turn the listner off, and there's less chance of forgetting whats next. Next we get a little drunk, to heat up the juices, then either myself or ben will let rip into something for ten minutes, if its good the drummer puts something to it and then we dicect it and say which parts we like, then we mess around with for another ten minutes to see where it can go (bridges, pre chorus etc) and then we see what we got. if its us we keep it if its not we ditch, the singer will start making sounds over top (see the firstscreams in 'be myself'), its not words it's a hummalong melody in the making. slowly the more times we go over it it evolves in to something simmilar to a song.

My favourite example is 'smug you are', that was something we bashed together in about 15 just to bulk out a demo cd we were going to send to Wizard X. Another example is 'brain machine' that one didn't even get a chance to evolve, Jay (ex guitarist) started playing three chords and that was it, some times its better that way. if your playing a cover or you try to make force something and make it what it might not be it can start to sound too rigid and too manufactured, if that makes sense,like i said its easier to re-create a feeling than it is to tell a _scripted story, i guess baceuse that way you have rules you have to follow, where as we just feel for the most natural (and sometimes more obvious) path.

Thaks for you concern about the operation, it was a bit of a testiong time, but by all rights i should be dead now(which is a heavy thing to accept), but i have cheated death once i'm sure i can do it again one day. Everyone tells me i have a second chance on life and how i should grab it and use it properly, but i'm not about to start climbing everest or something. The hardest part was the 4/5 months away from doing what i love and thats getting drunk and rocking out. I have never played a show sober and fingers crossed i never will.

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Product Recall

3/9/2007 2:13:42 PM

also check out tickle my feltch on our page, it was recorded at the half way stage between being noise and a song, its now complete as a song hope fully we should have it re-recorded in three weeks or so, but you'll understand the process a little more.

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Dr Terribol

3/10/2007 5:46:15 AM

Quote from Product Recall:

The more times we go over it it evolves in to something similar to a song.


That's hilarious how you put that!

I told you there's humour in your stuff.

Humour as in not taking yourself too seriously, which in due course does not imply that you do not take your music seriously.
The description up there you gave of how you get your music together, I can identify with it, it would be kind of the way I've always envisaged of doing it, like not all sat alone somewhere then coming together but actually having a live and living experience together.
Only, then you do need a certain attitude to play together, in order to allow for it, and yeah, having a laugh is the best way of doing that, I suspect.

I'm pleased for you that you survived then.
At times I tell myself I'm not afraid of death and other times, I think I am, in fact, mostly, I mean who wants to spend time thinking about it that is worse than being it, dead I mean, it'd be better not to have to think about it, and when it happens, ok, then be not it, ha ha, as in brown bread, dead, in Scottish pronounced in places something like, wait for it, wait for it, I'm trying to imagine how to spell it, I think plain "DID". Hi hi hi, maybe someone Scottish can tell us.

Anyway not thinking about being it, just being it, but if we are it, dead that is, then if it's true that there is no reincarnation and no God and no afterlife, then we'd be it but not know it!
This is getting more and more insane as I go.

It's then that we get to my variation on a theme, no not the Spice girls all in different coloured underwear, but to to be or not to be

Now that fella we all know or don't know but heard some posh twat ranting on about Shakes Pear, or Shakes Spear (natives) said it but nobody could say rightly or wrongly what its intended meaning was.
To be or not to be

What did he mean? Alive?

Yeah it might be

To be or not to be
What? Dead?
Yeah it might have been

But that's what intellectuals mess about doing making simple things dead hard to understand
If Shakes his spear had said
To be dead or not to be dead that is the question
Then we might have been able to come up with an answer.

Is it about choice
To be or not to be dead that is the question

Answer: Rather!!! old bean, let me live old chap.

Then there'd have been no long-winded plays in theatre to go on and on and on

But probably Shapespeare was a mediaeval drug addict, he was probably on laudanum, and hashish, so he'd forget where he was, so none of his works make any sense, not to the ordinary peasant.

No I shouldn't take the piss out of the British heritage but all those young people of today already with ASBOS or anti social behaviour orders (a fashion in Britain right now where the government tries to solve the problems which are caused by a lack of respect towards all of the people where the over-abundance of authority, which has always been rife in British culture is actually the cause of a lot of the problems seeing as this approach, th eauthoritarian one, leaves no space for people to gain an own sense of self respect for their own intelligence, and now, seeing as this approach has not and never has worked they wish to curb the violence and the illness in society where all of it is expressed in crime and violence, by just simply imposing more authoritarianism onto the masses= Is it any wonder that music of rebelliion has always been part of British culture, as the only outlet valve available?) attached to their feet like a ball and chain too, might be forced into speaking as if they lived a few hundred years ago, probably the next government will come up with a scheme to throw the nation and nations of the world back a few hundred years, I mean after hundreds of thousands of dead in Iraq, all as the conservative would-be next prime minister from public school can say - whilst acting like an alley whore shoving it to get into governmen

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Dr Terribol

3/10/2007 8:41:33 AM

Hi will check the rest out

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Product Recall

3/10/2007 4:29:18 PM

To be or not to be???????

Well i was never one who studied much shakes spear, only the obligitory Macbeth the scottish plat where every one ended up 'DID'. But i always saw 'ti be or not to be' as a more of a battle cry, you know as in grow some balls and do something about it.

I have uploaded a song on our page called Breeders, it was the first thing we wrote as a spontaneous thing, the first demo album we recorded was made up oh half my songs and half bens songs and half spontaneous stuff, but although there are some good nuggets on there it was a little obvious who wrote what song as our writting styles are so different, and the other stuff was generally better and more enjoyable.
I'm going to try and upload the whole album at some point but i'm a busy man at the moment.

Yes yes yes you must come to one of our shows at some point, don't worry about the drinking contest we wont tell anyone about how badly defeated you would be (smug). I also have recently qyit the Jonny Cash after 14 years of daily abuse, and yes coffee is a good substitute, not only because its allittle more accepted in shopping centre's etc, but doesn't mean i'll ever go to a starbucks or anything, let the little man win. are you still based in London? i guessed you were probably based in holland after reading your page. It looks like we could be having our first show back on April 6 (good Friday, i think) some where near Finsbury park ( krapy rub snif backwards) the venue is Lark in the park, its just a pub but its not too bad we have played there a few times. I'd love to buy the great doctor a beer and tackle that collosus of a mind of yours.

Check out breeders, its a quirky little number but thats the humor comming through again. Enjoy

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Product Recall

3/11/2007 6:07:19 AM

The first demo album was called Return the goods, Product recall - return the goods ( get it) we recorded it in three days in a studio in leatherhead, surrey, 13 songs in three days the engineer was rather tired at the end of it, its rapidness and bulk was a large contribution to the poor sound but we're proud of it all the same, the recording quality is good bur there's no variety in tone. same guitar sounds all the way through. Bridge, slapstick fiend, come on (get movin) and littlest hobo were taken from it.

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Dr Terribol

3/11/2007 6:07:03 PM

Hi Recaller (S)

Going to check out your songs.

I just looked at your picture gallery, and wow, now I know what you mean, you aren't kidding about the health, the operation, heavy duty, I think I understand now, how, you aint kidding.
Thank heavens (wherever they are) that you survived.

What can I say!
It just hit me that something like that must knock you into some type of common sense, and more into uncommon sense, as in, ''Realising what you have, don't have, where you are, where you are not, I mean, it must be such a testing time.'

I assume you are ok now if you are playing and allowed to drink.
Good for you.
Yeah I am in Holland.
I seem to have run full route here though.
I started travelling at 16.
Went to Morroco, played guitar all day, whenever we could, 8 hours a day.
Then at 18 I went to Asia through all of what now sounds like dodgy countries such as Iran, Afghanistan. Yeah, I was in those places before it turned bad, I mean things were never like in europe but, there'd been no invasion in Afghanistan by the Soviet Union, and he first time I travelled through Pakistan, there was not a military government, but the second time I travelled to Asia, Pakistan had thrown the government out, and it was all military, it's all a bit much to take in if you come from London and most you've had to deal with is bobbies being nasty.
In Pakistan I had a policeman plant a lump of hash, only about 5 ggrams, then keep on asking me if I had any, then kept telling me when I said no, to have another look.
I was so naive I had no idea of what he was doing, I just never expected it. I just thought, in some amazing way, I'd had some with me, though I knew I didn't, as I'd just crossed the Irani border, and I wanted a smoke but sidn't have any.

So, then when I found this bit of hash, he said, he was going to arrest me now.

Luckily, this nutty fruitcake of an Australian guy, who I was travelling with, who I'd met in the Magic Bus from Amsterdam, had the gift of the gab, and immediately started on about,
"Well Terry, that's gonna cost ya mate, baksheesh, that'll cost you 20 dollars"
I was real low budget I only had about 120 dollars to my name. The police guy started raving, " No, it is 100 dollar" Foaming at the gob/mouth as he were! Fucker!

The Ozzy guy had already been robbed in Thailand, so he knew how to handle things, because things in places like Pakistan, don't run anything like in Britain, it's true, I could have landed up in jail.

I mean, I met very helpful people in Pakistan, but the police, they had their own ways.
This was in Quetta, the place which is often on the TV nowadays. There is no industry there and it is in the Baluchi region, which crosses, Afghani, Pakistani and Irani vborder lines, The Baluchi people area proud tribe, and they always had their own rules. So the people lived by smuggling but the smuggling, it was and I wasn't, the police were all paid-up at the border check-points and though the people hid all their stuff in the train roof, at the actual border they just all stormed across the border lines and the lpolice and soldiers just stood and watched, nobody showed any passports because it was just the way it was, these people had no other means of making a living.
Anyway, we were the only people to be questioned, someone had left a box with a chicken init, and these guards talked to us sternly, ""Is this yours"

Hahahaha, it was so funny, because we were the only ones left sitting in the train , and well our mouths were agape, because what we just saw, was more wild thanin one of those Mexican pistolero films, like where they have those big hats on and keep saying gringo and shooting bullets in the air, with big smiles on their face, shooting the chuch bell six times, horses hooves, a senorita, then the Mexican guy wipes hias smile of his face, and they tear up trhe town, and everytime he does or they do, something awful you see the leader with the big old dirty grin

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