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Product Recall
Views for this Topic: 1685

11/17/2009 3:00:27 PM
Inflatable Dart Board Sale

11/13/2009 1:04:16 PM
Latest Product Recall . Diet low calorie ice

10/17/2009 1:26:19 PM
What are we????

9/22/2009 12:29:02 PM
Kurt Cobain and Nirvana

9/21/2009 2:26:10 PM
how about a band face off

9/21/2009 2:20:35 PM
So the Beatles sucked hey.......

9/2/2009 12:52:20 PM
So the last one was a bit strange this one how ever

9/1/2009 7:27:05 PM
not too sure how to take this but.............. Its review time

8/30/2009 12:06:05 PM
how much is too much

8/20/2009 9:30:39 PM
everyone should just vote for PhLeGm

7/23/2009 8:30:31 AM
guess who i met?

7/11/2009 10:28:42 PM
music management anyone?

7/11/2009 10:22:21 PM
we got our first record review today

7/7/2009 9:58:56 PM
Flavour of the month

7/1/2009 9:30:58 AM
Thank you IAC

6/23/2009 7:08:29 PM
pushing my luck

6/12/2009 11:31:55 PM
fuck me!, we're on the front page!!!

5/3/2009 8:55:42 AM
who/where is the next true rock star?

4/6/2009 9:00:53 PM
whats on your ipod?

4/5/2009 4:30:49 PM
musicians V's music video games

3/31/2009 11:51:48 AM
new love to spread

5/13/2007 5:25:29 PM
I am the one

4/1/2007 3:19:23 PM
Wizard wisdom words

3/8/2007 6:18:19 AM
be myself

3/5/2007 2:53:10 PM
Do you have a staion on IAC?

2/27/2007 5:44:17 AM
Bassist needed. Please

2/8/2007 1:12:08 PM
go on give it a go.

2/5/2007 12:43:11 PM
out of how many??

9/19/2006 8:43:13 AM
audio visual,


IAC Prime Member


Product Recall

3/31/2009 11:51:48 AM

new love to spread
Since recording a record with Kenny Colgate (The Wizard X) Product Recall have undergone a few changes in line up and location, now that everything is sorted out and put in place the creative juices are flowing more than ever before, here are a couple of demo's we have been playing a lot lately in rehearsals and at the live shows, I hope you guys enjoy them as much as us.

Ladies and Gentlemen i give you 187 Bitchslap and Godsend

Spread the love


Product Recall

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Conversation Suicide

4/1/2009 4:09:41 PM ---- Updated 4/5/2009 4:24:46 AM

Both tunes are VERY diggable, can't wait to hear the finished "product". ..ur..., PRODUCT Recall....

DOH! That was pretty lame, eh?

Anyhoo welcome YET again to PHLEGM PHAVORITES and REAL HARD Alternative , my phuture UK label mates & musical brethren....


SO here's the LINKS to these TWO hot-off the press DEMO tunes by PRODUCT RECALL:

187 Bitch Slap



love this line- "if you're a godsend, then I'm fucking SATAN..."

I know music is a subjective thing, and your killer grunge/punk/metal/rock & roll style might NOT be everyones cup o' tea... but it SURE fuckin' SHOULD be !!!

Or at LEAST their TALL glass of Gin & Tonic with a lime twisted in....

GAAAAHHH!!! only a few hours of sleep & now I gotta go work for the man. PEACE School, my talented friend !

GO FUCKIN" PRODUCT RECALL One of IAC's BEST new bands, and one of THE WORLD's best.

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4/5/2009 4:13:11 AM

mAN, y'all are missin' out.

THESE guyz do GREAT --well orchestrated NEW grunge/metal/punk/ROCK & ROLL music.

They should be listend to more up in here. THEY'RE AMAZING @!!!!!! GODDAMIT !!!!!!

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Conversation Suicide

4/5/2009 4:26:39 AM

I mean -- FUCK -- they're mix of MELODIC with SCREAMING -- and CATCHY hooks -- OLD "School" meets NEW "School" is phreakin' phenomenal, CHECK THEM OUT -- and do yourself & YOUR KIDS a damn favor.

-phlegm'd again

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Product Recall

4/5/2009 12:01:21 PM

Phlegm. I cant phank you enough for your love and continual endorsements.
Your understanding and joy of the music we make is why we continue to persuing our passion, when we started making our brand of noise some things were never important to us, fame and fortune isn't really something we wanted or really want to achieve, sure making enough money to live, eat and tour would be nice, but for us the only thing that was our main goal was for a handfull of people to get it to really understand it, and it warms my heart for someone like you who in my opinion is a great musical talent to get behind us and appreciate what we do, as all we do is try and explain or souls and hearts in three chords and a scream.

PhAnK YoU PhLeGm My PhiNne PhEllOw AnD PHriEnD

Bring on May


Keep spreading the love

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Conversation Suicide

4/5/2009 4:11:21 PM ---- Updated 4/6/2009 12:11:22 AM

Been having a REAL tough weekend with TOO much day job (it'll be 14 days with NO time off by this NEXT weekend) & Music/ Band practice takin' me completely away from the family. Lots of tension & arguments with the wife & kids, as we practice in the VERY house they live in, due to only being able to afford ONE lebensraum payment per month.... ur... I mean gaff.

ANYHOO your messages in your blog here, and on my page made my Sunday a little more bearable.... THANKS School and ROCK the FUCK on You've got the RIGHT attitude - it's gotta be about the love....riches are fuckin' fleeting anyway look at the damn economy, ya know?

PRODUCT RECALL ROCKS IAC, the UK, and around the world - Comin' to Nueva York in JUNE !!!!!!!!

Peace. -pHLeGm

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jingo (what remains)

4/6/2009 8:45:36 PM

ALL RIGHT. I did PhucKiN click it and pHukIn listen to it, both demos and a few from the page. The song 187 Bitchslap caused me, for some reason, to recall one little Betty, who ate a pound of aspirin she got from a shelf upon the wall, and, consequently, became one Dead Baby. I think this caused me to develop a slight case of Alice Copper googles, because I started thinking I heard other influences here and there on other tracks. Just wondering?

In general I am not a big fan of the screaming vocal, but I didn't have a strong objection to these, you can either tell me to STFU or take that as a "win", it's all good either way.

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Product Recall

4/6/2009 9:07:29 PM

I am a huge Alice Cooper fan, but this is the first time anyone has ever said they can hear him in me, which to me is a big surprise because i never ever thought it came out. So thank you very much Jingo. And thank you for stopping by and giving us a little listen, i realise the screaming vocals are not everyones cup of tea, i hope you got us and understood us and our honesty. Thank you for making my day.

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Conversation Suicide

4/9/2009 11:54:30 AM

Rock on boyz !!!!

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