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Product Recall
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11/17/2009 3:00:27 PM
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10/17/2009 1:26:19 PM
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9/21/2009 2:26:10 PM
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9/21/2009 2:20:35 PM
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9/2/2009 12:52:20 PM
So the last one was a bit strange this one how ever

9/1/2009 7:27:05 PM
not too sure how to take this but.............. Its review time

8/30/2009 12:06:05 PM
how much is too much

8/20/2009 9:30:39 PM
everyone should just vote for PhLeGm

7/23/2009 8:30:31 AM
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7/11/2009 10:28:42 PM
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7/11/2009 10:22:21 PM
we got our first record review today

7/7/2009 9:58:56 PM
Flavour of the month

7/1/2009 9:30:58 AM
Thank you IAC

6/23/2009 7:08:29 PM
pushing my luck

6/12/2009 11:31:55 PM
fuck me!, we're on the front page!!!

5/3/2009 8:55:42 AM
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4/6/2009 9:00:53 PM
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4/5/2009 4:30:49 PM
musicians V's music video games

3/31/2009 11:51:48 AM
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I am the one

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3/5/2007 2:53:10 PM
Do you have a staion on IAC?

2/27/2007 5:44:17 AM
Bassist needed. Please

2/8/2007 1:12:08 PM
go on give it a go.

2/5/2007 12:43:11 PM
out of how many??

9/19/2006 8:43:13 AM
audio visual,


IAC Prime Member


Product Recall

4/5/2009 4:30:49 PM

musicians V's music video games
Just out of curiosity

Where do IAC'ers stand on music based Video games like Rock band and Guitar? I know a few musicians who are too purist to have fun and hate them "why not just pick up a real instrument" etc. Do you even play video games? Do you have time to?

Cos personally i love them, they encourage me to listen to music i wouldn't normally listen to, they increase rhythm and help strengthen finger muscles.


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the perfect banana

4/5/2009 4:40:57 PM

You shouldn't need a video game to encourage you to find music.

Personally I think those games are pathetic. They teach the lesson that there's always a short cut. Don't actually make music, pretend you are instead.

There are a lot of kids who think this is what making music is, now. It's sad.

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The Man With No Band

4/5/2009 5:38:57 PM

What's a video game ?

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Conversation Suicide

4/5/2009 11:54:09 PM ---- Updated 4/6/2009 12:09:20 AM

We've had this discussion a few times before, School, and I always said ROCK Band & Guitar Hero are cool for music appreciation, and teaching a geeky/gangly teen or young kid, with no prior musical knowledge, who's still becoming aware of movement/music/rhythm -some basic timing concepts. So I agree with you there for sure, School.
In some ways I agree with P.B. that there is a danger of somebody young, thinkin' that's all there is to playin' a guitar or bass..... As for me, I feel compelled to put time in on practicin' with an actual bass guitar 'cause I got LOADS more to grow using REAL instruments...... 'course if they're smart enough to get good at the game.... and have some innate musicallity in their soul, they might be a potential guitarist/drummer/bass player in the making!

BUT: The VOCAL side of the game STILL lacks quite a bit I can get a 99-100% on vocals on songs even if I grunt out the lyrics in an old man voice.... and your tones can be totally fucked up and still do well......urrr I've also sang a few songs HORRIBLY that weren't in a range I could handle, and still got a 98% on HARD setting so they need to make the MIC side of the game a little closer to reality, I think!

UH.... FINAL thought- I've said this before, but they should take it to the NEXT LEVEL with these games Make a "GUITAR GOD", where you actually TRICK a gamer into learning to play GUITAR, on an actual guitar.... that is setup up with ALL the frets/strings & all the graphics & everything of the game itself.... COULD be a WHOLE bunch more new young bands in the next few years, if they go THAT route with the game, ya know?
Honestly, I've seen my KIDS still play around with the household-shared GUITAR (entry level) we gave 'em, even though they're into the games too..... So maybe there's really no harm done, and it'll generate more musicians either way!

-pHLeGM's LONGWINDED crazy-ass thoughts on the matter at hand

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4/6/2009 1:00:01 AM

I did try a drum one a couple times that my kids have (can't remember the name of it)

For me, it was bad practice, but a bit of a laugh as a game. Instead of drumming to a tune, I end up looking at the screen and kind of killing the drum beats as the come alond.... then there's the bit you just do a drum roll as fast as you can... nothing to do with staying in time with the song.... that is really bad practice. (But it was good for a laugh for a wee bit)

I've never tried any of the guitar ones, I'd rather play a real guitar.

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