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Product Recall
Views for this Topic: 1630

11/17/2009 3:00:27 PM
Inflatable Dart Board Sale

11/13/2009 1:04:16 PM
Latest Product Recall . Diet low calorie ice

10/17/2009 1:26:19 PM
What are we????

9/22/2009 12:29:02 PM
Kurt Cobain and Nirvana

9/21/2009 2:26:10 PM
how about a band face off

9/21/2009 2:20:35 PM
So the Beatles sucked hey.......

9/2/2009 12:52:20 PM
So the last one was a bit strange this one how ever

9/1/2009 7:27:05 PM
not too sure how to take this but.............. Its review time

8/30/2009 12:06:05 PM
how much is too much

8/20/2009 9:30:39 PM
everyone should just vote for PhLeGm

7/23/2009 8:30:31 AM
guess who i met?

7/11/2009 10:28:42 PM
music management anyone?

7/11/2009 10:22:21 PM
we got our first record review today

7/7/2009 9:58:56 PM
Flavour of the month

7/1/2009 9:30:58 AM
Thank you IAC

6/23/2009 7:08:29 PM
pushing my luck

6/12/2009 11:31:55 PM
fuck me!, we're on the front page!!!

5/3/2009 8:55:42 AM
who/where is the next true rock star?

4/6/2009 9:00:53 PM
whats on your ipod?

4/5/2009 4:30:49 PM
musicians V's music video games

3/31/2009 11:51:48 AM
new love to spread

5/13/2007 5:25:29 PM
I am the one

4/1/2007 3:19:23 PM
Wizard wisdom words

3/8/2007 6:18:19 AM
be myself

3/5/2007 2:53:10 PM
Do you have a staion on IAC?

2/27/2007 5:44:17 AM
Bassist needed. Please

2/8/2007 1:12:08 PM
go on give it a go.

2/5/2007 12:43:11 PM
out of how many??

9/19/2006 8:43:13 AM
audio visual,


IAC Prime Member


Product Recall

9/21/2009 2:26:10 PM

how about a band face off
While every one is doing song face offs with music from way back when, i'd like to fast forward every ones attention to two bands from the here and now (cos thats where we are), two bands from the same genre but with totally differing styles but similar principles, i was just wondering about peoples opinion of two of my personal favorite bands (more preferred than out right fav's)




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Hop On Pop

9/21/2009 2:27:20 PM


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Product Recall

9/21/2009 2:31:56 PM

But why Todd?

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Hop On Pop

9/21/2009 2:34:12 PM

Why Rancid?
They get me going.

The songs are great, they're propulsive, and they keep my interest. I love Tim's voice and the (some say too obvious) Clash influence. The reggae flavors are a really nice touch, too. Also, Matt Freeman is a MF of a bassist!

I was also a big Op Ivy fan, and this is a logical extension of that great band.

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Product Recall

9/21/2009 2:44:45 PM

Fuck yeah Op Ivy were fucking awesome, me and my girl friend argue so much over Tim Armstrongs voice, there aren't too many bands that get me as revved up as Rancid do, have you heard their latest offering 'Let the domino's fall'? their fire seems to have burnt out a little of late, 'Lets go' and 'Life wont wait' are my favorite albums of theirs. i also love tim's solo work 'a poets life' and The Transplants. Sure their clash influence is all too clear to hear but it works cos they have the same motivations of late 70's punk, Freemans a fucking genius.

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Product Recall

9/21/2009 2:44:48 PM

Fuck yeah Op Ivy were fucking awesome, me and my girl friend argue so much over Tim Armstrongs voice, there aren't too many bands that get me as revved up as Rancid do, have you heard their latest offering 'Let the domino's fall'? their fire seems to have burnt out a little of late, 'Lets go' and 'Life wont wait' are my favorite albums of theirs. i also love tim's solo work 'a poets life' and The Transplants. Sure their clash influence is all too clear to hear but it works cos they have the same motivations and desire of late 70's punk, Freemans a fucking genius.

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Conversation Suicide

9/21/2009 2:59:43 PM

NOFX, Phat Mike and FAT WrekChords are ALL critical to the RE-juvenation of PUNK in the 90's and NEW millenium, and THEY had the NEW school punk sound, that has been copied, time and again. GREAT fuckin' GENIUS punk rock/reggae/ska.

BUT --- I am SO fuckin' influenced by the Reggae/Strummer/Ska of TIm Armstrong's Op Ivy and RANCID --- THOSE were the FIRST tunes I learned to SING, as a COVER tune kARIOkI kING, BACK in the day (LATE 90's....) SO, I'm kind of partial to Mr. Armstrong, for that reason alone...

Wait'll I send you the latest Version of FUCK BUDDY -- and you'll hear the Op IVY/CLASH influence.....in our latest and greatest fuckin' HIT tune, as yet to be professionally recorded.

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