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11/11/2007 3:21:45 PM
---- Updated 11/12/2007 4:50:08 PM
bands you like that your friends have never heard of....
i went to see 'animal collective' the other week (absolutely amazing and recommended) and was telling the people at work about it, and i got totally blank faces.
so... who do you like that draws confused looks and awkward silences when dropped into the conversation?

11/11/2007 4:16:35 PM
Little Feat!

11/11/2007 9:54:12 PM
I'm somewhere in my '40's and I work mostly with "kids" in their 20's. So the answer would be, pretty much all of them. I can't seem to get any of them to take an interest in any of the music I listen to, including my own. I find it very frustrating. Of course I'm not interested in most of what they listen to either, but at least I've heard of them and have educated myself enough on today's pop culture to know what they're talking about.
But anyway - here's an example: Porcupine Tree. Hey! I see that blank face!
11/11/2007 11:01:38 PM
hmm, let's see, Jim Carroll but he's on IAC now. World Party. The Church (also on IAC), X. Steve Forbert. I know people who haven't heard of Buffalo Springfield also.

11/12/2007 12:15:54 AM

11/12/2007 1:35:09 AM
well, there you go!
the thing is, i have heard of most of these, but they're not bands i'm into, do you think its because of the circles we move in, i work in a book store and i know some of my colleagues DO listen to some obscure music...but the other day, i couldn't find anyone who had even heard of 'captain and tennille'... maybe they weren't so big in norway?

11/12/2007 9:16:59 AM
I know I'm not playing the game right but . . . . Joe Strummer. Can you believe the youngsters haven't heard of him?????
Plenty of others. In fact, nobody's heard of most of my favorite artists. You're one of them, Mr. Central.

Hop On Pop
11/12/2007 9:20:38 AM
Tom Zé
King Khan & The Shrines
Emitt Rhodes
Happy Ashtray
The Format
Shrimp Boat
...and, of course most of the folks on IAC (Steve Ison, Hugh Hamilton, JAWZ/MUSIC MISTRESS/whateversheistoday, etc...

11/12/2007 9:30:29 AM

Hop On Pop
11/12/2007 9:36:21 AM
Oh yeah, and
Martin Newell/Cleaners From Venus
Linus Of Hollywood

11/12/2007 10:05:42 AM
John! I was going to say Be Bop Deluxe and at the last minute I switched to Porky Tree because they're at least still around. I loved Be Bop Deluxe back in the day but I couldn't even get my bandmates to like them. They've come around since, though. But blank looks abound today when you mention them. "You mean Ducks Deluxe?" Ok, nobody knows them either.
I would have thought Captain and Tennille would have been big in Norway since they were right on the same road as Abba.
I'll admit I've never heard of Animal Collective either. And with the exception of Cleaners from Venus, Todd has a blank look from me too.
Plastic Eye Miracle anyone?

Hop On Pop
11/12/2007 10:14:25 AM
For Stegor:
Tom Zé - Brazilian weirdofreak that inspired David Byrne's forays into Brazilian music. Equal parts samba, pagode, Beatles, ad Frank Zappa
King Khan & The Shrines - Newer garage psuch band. Equal parts, punk, hard RnB, and Syd Barrett freakouts
Emitt Rhodes - What Paul McCartney's solo debut SHOULD have been.
Happy Ashtray - Chicago band (actually, I went to JHS with him). Think Yo La Tengo meets Guided By Voices, meets Beck.
The Format - New Mexico band that put out the most perfect pop record of the last decade last year.
Shrimp Boat - Another Chicago band. Simply indescribable. Although, the lineup included Sam Prekop (The Sea & Cake) and Brad Wood (Liz Phair, Veruca Salt)
Linus Of Hollywood - Syrupy sweet pop music.

Steve Ison
11/12/2007 10:56:07 AM
Caetano Veloso...Brazilian 'Tropicalia' artist..His late 60s music is utterly brilliant.

the kozy king
11/12/2007 10:56:07 AM
Considering the length of there career and the tremendous scope of their output i think XTC should be one of the most famous groups of all time. I've always slapped those blank faces with: "They're like the Beatles with teeth and claws."

11/12/2007 10:58:34 AM
"Caetano Veloso...Brazilian 'Tropicalia' artist..His late 60s music is utterly brilliant."
-Steve Ison
You know, I was gonna use him to help describe the Tom Zé thing, but figured that nobody else had heard of him either. Actually, Caetano lists Tom Zé as an influence. And yeah, Caetano Veloso is brilliant. I love Transa.

Hop On Pop
11/12/2007 10:59:14 AM
...and I have to remember which band I'm logged in as.

Hop On Pop
11/12/2007 11:04:30 AM
Now, I'm gonna list other great Brazilian pop artists that you should love too, Steve. Tell me what you think of:
Gilberto Gil
Os Mutantes

11/12/2007 12:23:46 PM
I'll have to remember that XTC description, Kozy King! That's perfect. Then again The Beatles had teeth and claws when they wanted to bare them, and XTC had velvety skin when they wanted to bare it.
And Andy Partridge admits a Be Bop Deluxe influence too.

11/12/2007 12:33:49 PM
thanks for those descriptions h.o.p, as i was guilty of a blank face there....
in equal measures those bands sound horrifying and wonderfully intriuging, will check out Emitt Rhodes - Happy Ashtray & Linus Of Hollywood for sure...
and the only brazillian act i like is astrud gilberto, any of the gilbertos i guess, but i think she is awesome... er, she is brazillian, isn't she?

the kozy king
11/12/2007 12:42:20 PM
Stegor. Yeah you're right about the Beatles bite and the XTC caress. Both great, great bands. I'm going to check out some of the talent mentioned in this thread that I've never heard. ("Blank Face" here -- sorry!)

Steve Ison
11/12/2007 1:05:39 PM
Todd..I've only recently got into all the 'Tropicalia' music and went mad investigating as much late 60s Brazilian music as i could..
Os Mutantes are wonderful-I've got none of their albums,but have heard alot of songs/seen video's on myspace pages..Gilberto Gil i really like too,the few tracks i've heard..
I must confess i havn't heard of Timbalada or Gonzaguina..
Ceatano Veloso's definitely my favourite tho..Just the voice and his songwriting..I brought his first self titled album-and really wanted to get his 2nd 60s 'white' album(recorded while in prison i think) but the prices are utterly extortionate-even for CD it was like $60 or something..

11/12/2007 1:37:02 PM
Steve - try these links:

Hop On Pop
11/12/2007 2:09:18 PM
Here's another one"
Wizz Jones

11/12/2007 2:34:57 PM
Kozy Kings, in case you didn't know, XTC has a page on IAC.

11/12/2007 2:43:18 PM
just realised i rather terribly have spelt 'your' wrong in the thread title, can you change it....
11/12/2007 3:00:28 PM
Hi GC, well It's easily done haha! You can now edit/change you're/your title by selecting the first post in the 'edit blog comments' amending and submitting, it changes instantly. Great thread by the way. You should do more - Verity

11/12/2007 3:59:25 PM
Anyone heard of "Kings of Conveniece" Scandenavian I think!
I've seen the original "Little Feat " when Lowell George was still around--------------
Paul Barrere, the guitarist and I share distant relatives----------

11/12/2007 4:51:05 PM
thanks verity, now i don't feel so dumb...

11/12/2007 4:53:02 PM
silverwood - KoC are norwegian, from bergen, i believe... and a wonderful band, i was actually listening to them today.
when i lived in leicester, hardly anyone had heard of them, in oslo... it's a bit different!

11/12/2007 4:54:58 PM
Anybody heard of "Here and Now"? A UK Festival band from the Stonehenge festival days, still going now, really good!

11/12/2007 6:10:51 PM
Gavin - Some of my favorites are Scandinavian:
The Flower Kings
Imagine the blank looks I get from those. Are these bands popular up there or are they obscure there too?

11/13/2007 12:56:36 AM
stegor, yes there is so much great music up here, the level of musicality for such a small population is great.
komeda are great, they are swedish, i picked up on them in england at the same time as a band called cinnamon (quite similar).
um, the others i do not know, what sort of music? to be honest norway have rather too many metal bands, although artists like tom hell and cortina are great, the swedes seem to do pop and indie the best

11/13/2007 10:58:35 AM
I'm not surprised Anglagard and Anekdoten aren't well known. Anglagard is no longer together, but they did some very intricate and ambitious symphonic rock very similar to early Genesis. Anekdoten is similar except they are much more raw and lean a little more metallic.
The Flower Kings is one of those bands that everyone should know but no one does. They're from Sweden. Their music ranges from smart pop to epic adventures. They are some of the best musicians I have ever heard or seen. And beyond their technical abilities they have personality. They have a live video called Meet the Flower Kings that just blows me away. I know a lot of people get bored with 20 minute instrumental workouts but these guys are never doing it just to show off. Every note is important, they don't play a lot of little ones in between the important ones just because they can.

Hugh Hamilton
11/13/2007 11:32:59 AM
Just wanted to express my admiration of you well-listened individuals and confess my ignorance...I dunno how you do it...

Hop On Pop
11/13/2007 12:52:02 PM
Jonathan Richman/The Modern Lovers

Steve Ison
11/13/2007 5:28:22 PM
Satch..Thanks so much for those Caetano links..The album i'm after just released on CD Nov 17th! I can buy it for £15!
Todd..I've never heard of Wizz Jones-But just from the influences etc and stuff i know i'm gonna probably like him..Will search round the net to see if i can hear a few tunes..

11/13/2007 5:56:41 PM
Excellent Steve - glad to help!

11/13/2007 8:28:08 PM
---------from left field--------the best lyric man in New Zealand--------Don McGlashan, you can always find him on my--- Myspace site top friends
Steve I -----I think you'd dig his style!!------------------------- he has been in 'The Muttonbirds' and 'the Front Lawn-'------------

Tulla's Headspace
11/14/2007 12:30:38 PM
one of my all time favorite bands that alot of people go "....who?" is Sevendust. I took my son to see them in concert at the House of Blues in Anaheim. They kick ass.!!

11/14/2007 12:45:08 PM

11/14/2007 1:51:14 PM
stegor - the description of those bands doesn't surprise me at all, the musicality here is phenomenal, never saw any exciting jazz bands in england, for example, even in london, whereas here you see 18 year olds playing this really knarly music.
another band, now on IAC, that i don't know anybody else who''s heard of, is the free design, but they are just wonderful...

11/14/2007 2:12:03 PM
Yes of course - The Free Design's Kites are Fun! I was wondering if there's some connection with your project called Kites are Fun? Coincidence? I mean, you can't deny that kites are fun, but are they really that much fun?
And Gong is one of my favorites, especially the Invisible Gnome Trilogy.

11/14/2007 2:58:45 PM
Gong?? Are you guys serious???
I spent a very happy 6 months on the road doing front-of-house sound for Gong during the '90s... we had an absolute ball, they are lovely people - a little crazy, but lovely! We toured Canada, USA, UK, Japan, Canada (again), the USA (again) and then Europe before enough was enough! But man, I could tell some tales....
Susan and I still work with their sometimes guitar and synth player Steffe Sharpstrings.

11/14/2007 3:06:30 PM
You'all must be pothead pixies then???

11/14/2007 3:13:16 PM
Hahaha - well we do live in Wales where the mushies grow wild on the hills... :)

11/14/2007 3:16:37 PM
Been there! Lampeter! love the hill walking!!!

Steve Ison
11/14/2007 6:04:50 PM
Kites Are Fun is an ace track..

11/15/2007 1:36:35 AM
heh, no coincidence, stegor - great band, great song... and i thought it made for a good band name, now all i need to do is get the missus to do some singing, in the meantime, have you checked out the instrumental track (link on my page)?
can't believe it, talking to someone yesterday about 'bread', and they were like 'who'? - i mean, everybody knows bread!
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