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Black Velvet Lace
2/11/2008 12:35:08 PM
::Tears hair out::
... first it was the studio moving holding up putting up another song... then it was the holiday.. then I got the flu which sufficiently trashed my vocal and has clogged my right ear since New Years.
And so last week, as I sat with headphones on, ready to begin programming the bassline for my next choice, I thought it ODD that the bass was recorded in stereo (could only hear it in my left ear). Then it gradually dawned on me. Switched the headphones to opposite ears and yep, I was doomed, bass wasn't recorded in stereo, I simply COULD NOT HEAR ANY LOW FREQUENCIES IN MY RIGHT EAR. Bassline? Zip.. gone.. nadda.. nothing but a VERY faint buzz where the tones should be.
This better be temporary.......................
2/11/2008 1:16:50 PM
I'm sure it'll pass, just the remnants of that flu!
Hugh Hamilton
2/11/2008 1:28:14 PM
Geez, maybe you need to read up on Oflockit's "cold remedies" blog - dunno if they'll clear your ear...glad you're feeling better anyway...
Two Silo Complex
2/11/2008 1:48:54 PM
Hey Lace,
When it rains it pours. Don't let it all get you down. I also get impatient when things are not working the way I want them too. I know that when you get it done the song will be great and that makes it worth the wait for me.
Wishing you the best success in 08.
2/11/2008 2:03:17 PM
Go and see a doctor - NOW!
This happened to me a few years back and apparrently whilst blowing my nose I had blown my eardrum.
Thankfully it fully recovered but it took some weeks. (a bit of a problem for a mastering engineer)!
Some good news you can take from this is that I now still have perfect hearing, as I'm sure you will, but best get medical advice in my opinion.
Black Velvet Lace
2/11/2008 3:24:20 PM
I knew I'd feel better with cheering up from IAC doods.. reading Flockits flu remedies.. and the doctor. Saw her and it's some fluid buildup in the middle ear/no infection. She said it would clear itself with time, and a night mist + day steamer. The flu/cold is actually mostly passed, just this ear thing is a real bother. But I checked since I posted and I can actually hear the bass in my right ear now. ~Phew~
Thanks for all of the great advice.. TNT, weeks with a blown eardrum for a mastering engineer IS a bit of a problem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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