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Steve Ison
Views for this Topic: 1946

1/28/2019 12:53:55 PM
Thanx So much !

9/8/2018 10:45:09 AM
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3/5/2017 4:41:37 AM
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Suggestion for new feature

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How Come Certain tracks don't play?

10/29/2007 2:07:15 PM
The Big 50

3/23/2006 2:33:07 PM


IAC Prime Member


Steve Ison

11/12/2007 6:49:27 AM

Suggestion for new feature
I think it'd be a good feature for bands to have a 'reached # 24 or #15 in The Big 50 or Underground 40' or whatever they did appearing on their page next to their song..
It would give them a good feeling,give the song a sense of succesful history and give people surfing around a taste of what songs have reached where in what charts..
I dunno whether that would be a logistic nightmare to implement tho

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Steve Ison

11/12/2007 6:53:40 AM

I noticed you don't have a feature for 'Now in The Underground 40' on songs ,like for those in The Big 50 too,which seems abit of a shame..

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Tony Vani and Debbie Hoskin

11/12/2007 7:25:21 AM

What is the difference between Big 50, Underground 40 and the songs on the front page hit list? I still don't understand that piece. deb

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Hugh Hamilton

11/12/2007 10:03:49 AM

Deb - there's a site "FAQ" list, accessible from the front page by choosing "Site Info" then an "FAQ" drop-down. I'm sure every new user (and even long-term ones) would benefit from exploring that page. It doesn't have a whole lot of info about the playlists discussed in this blog, but I'll do a cut & paste of what I found there:

Q: What is the KIAC Big 50? When is it updated?
A: It's the main feature chart on the site, our simulated radio playlist. It is compiled by the programming department. The new KIAC Big 50 comes out on Sunday afternoon.

Q: What is the "underground 40?"
A: It's an alternate chart for some of the styles of music that aren't represented as much in the KIAC Big 50, which is more focused on rock and pop music. It's an eclectic mix of quality music.

Q: How do songs get on Hitline?
A: Hitline is a function of the programming dept. Those songs are chosen and changed frequently - every day or so.

Hope that helps, Deb!

Steve, I have some elaborate views on all this which I'll mostly keep to myself. BUT, I have come to personally view these playlists as an acceptable effort by management to draw attention to songs and artists that they deem enjoyable. While I've appeared on the Hitline and am grateful for any "bump" in visibility it provides, I have not and don't really expect to appear on the other two lists. That used to bother me, but it doesn't any more. What I really love about this site is that there is complete freedom to explore all by yourself, and to present your finds via stations. And what I REALLY REALLY love is that the supreme compliment for any artist here is the "Golden Kayak" - because that recognition is bestowed by fellow subscribing artists - it's a case of "the people speak".

For my own listening pleasure I check out the DJs I've come to enjoy and I also always explore the work of people who contact me, whether they shout on my station or choose my stuff for theirs. I especially figure if they're musicians too and they like my stuff there's a good chance I'll enjoy something on their page as well - this is almost always true. I have come to completely disregard charts and these playlists as a listener. I understand it must be a very time-consuming and difficult task to assemble the lists, and no matter who would be involved in compiling them there will always be bruised egos and unhappiness. It's not a job I'd want.

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Hugh Hamilton

11/12/2007 10:06:20 AM

Sorry - forgot to mention that I LOVE the fact that the "new songs" list is on the front page and available to all. THAT is my main list I check out.

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Steve Ison

11/12/2007 10:44:06 AM

Hugh..This wasn't meant as a back-handed attempt at another critique of selections based on either chart,merely a suggestion which i thought would give artists recognised on either a good feeling-plus giving those surfing an idea what songs have been selected for either..

I totally agree that the songs represented on either chart(and Hitline) are basically,in the end, another 'station' here that reflect the tastes of those who compile them......Just like our stations reflect ours.

Thinking about it a little more in light of what you said-and some of the potential consequences,maybe my suggestion isn't so great after all..

Tho i think a 'Now in the Underground 40' next to a song appearing on that list is definitely a good idea....

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Hugh Hamilton

11/12/2007 10:57:35 AM

I guess I didn't address your suggestion at all (oops) - I'm totally neutral on that. Sorry if I got off-topic.

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