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Steve Ison
Views for this Topic: 2639

1/28/2019 12:53:55 PM
Thanx So much !

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IAC Prime Member


Steve Ison

4/3/2009 10:49:43 PM ---- Updated 4/3/2009 10:50:53 PM

Scammers using my e mail address
Some scammers have obvously got into my hotmail account and sent out the message below to all the people in my contacts-(plus all their e mail addresses at the top)....So now my friends think i'm spreading this spammy sh*t..
I can't find where i can report it in hotmail-or what i should do to stop it-or whether its my computer thats been hacked or just my e mail account..
Any advice?


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Bryon Tosoff

4/3/2009 11:02:19 PM ---- Updated 4/3/2009 11:29:20 PM

I sent info for you to your email account that should help, but will post here as well
here is the right place to send your complaint


dont know if it will do anything, but give it a go.

This happened to a number of people a few years back including one member of my family and I think Slywit got it right , change your password, but what a few people did was get a whole new id at hotmail. and possible infiltration of a virus as indicated by slywit is highly likely


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4/3/2009 11:03:23 PM

thanks Steve

This happened to us a while back---where our myspace account was hacked and bulletins were sent out in our name---change password for starters!!!

good luck with this---we also have a pop up that attached itself to our domain site---


have written to the company and the host many times---no result!!

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Sly Witt

4/3/2009 11:23:25 PM ---- Updated 4/3/2009 11:24:07 PM

Hi Steve,
The first thing you should do is change your password in hotmail, and make it something difficult (with caps, numbers, and symbols). Also make sure that they didn't change your alternate email address. If you have a 'personal question' to retrieve your password, you should change it too. You can get to those options by going to the 'options/more options' dropdown on the right hand side of the page and then going into the 'account management' section.

It's likely that they picked up your userID on some board, bundled it with others then ran a password guessing program until they came up with it.

You should ALSO make sure that your computer hasn't been infected by a virus. This is a distinct possiblility if you use a program like outlook to read your email. Some of them send spam out from your computer to all your contacts, although I'm not sure if this would work with hotmail.

Whatever, it's a bummer for sure. Sorry you got hit, man.

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Steve Ison

4/3/2009 11:35:36 PM

Thanks for the info and suggestions guys..OK i've already posted to the place you suggested Bryon and am just off to change my password

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Kevin White

4/3/2009 11:54:59 PM

Another tactic I use is to save client contacts on a separate server from the one regularly used for mail services.

For instance, if you use hotmail for sending and receiving emails, put your contacts on Yahoo.

I know that sounds counter intuitive, but it's a pretty easy system to work with w/ cut and paste ... and you just call both up side by side.

... so viruses that might be incoming on an email never get outgoing ... because there's no contacts to send to ... they're in a totally distinct and separate place.

Sorry about the trouble, Steve.


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Paul groover

4/4/2009 12:10:30 AM

Weak password course anything that has a name or meaning is open for attack. Use a combo of caps,numbers and anything else on the keyboard no spaces. Here is an example w3AkpAss8or/ something you can remember though. Happened to me in Myspace and IAC. Learned the hard way lol

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Gary Stockton

4/4/2009 12:45:17 AM

Sorry man. I got one of the messages.

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Bob Elliott

4/4/2009 5:29:58 AM

And here I was gettin' ready to support your business,


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Hugh Hamilton

4/4/2009 1:00:08 PM

I've just (hopefully) gotten through several months of viral nastiness due to my own inattention and am still pulling my hair out over annoying system error messages that make me wonder if I'm done...you'd be well advised to install a robust anti-virus package (there's one called "AVG Free" that I can recommend if you don't feel like paying for one, and Symantec's "Norton" suite seems good if you do feel like paying - I'm using AVG on one machine and Norton's free trial on another). If you go to download AVG just be careful not to get lured in to the "upgrade" button - click on "download now"...

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Gary Stockton

4/4/2009 3:51:27 PM

I've been using Kaspersky Internet Security Suite for a while now and have been quite happy with it. It does not appear to use a lot of system resources, and allows me lots of control over settings.

There was a chilling story on 60 minutes last week about computer hackers that would send anyone rushing to upgrade their PC security. Kind of unnerving watching how a hacker armed with a key logger could see everything you type, every web site you go to, including your bank or credit card, scary.

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4/4/2009 5:13:55 PM

Time to get a gmail account, Steve! I sent you an invite a couple of weeks ago, but you don't actually need one. Just go to mail.google.com and sign up. They have much stronger security than hotmail, the spam filters are great and you don't have to log in every 30 days to keep your free account open.

I think there may be a way to forward hotmail directly into gmail though I don't personally know how to do it. What I do know is that I used to use hotmail and had a lot of problems with it. Since changing to gmail five years ago I can honestly say it's been pretty much trouble free.

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