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Beth Fridinger
Views for this Topic: 1402

4/30/2010 4:11:10 AM
I was on television tonight because of a subway fire!

8/30/2009 8:08:03 PM

8/30/2009 8:02:43 PM
Afghan poet killed by husband and he gets away with it

8/21/2009 7:14:43 PM

8/17/2009 8:16:15 AM
how to nonmembers vote?

8/15/2009 6:22:31 PM

8/8/2009 8:27:22 AM

7/21/2009 5:21:27 PM
I went to Grey Fox

5/12/2009 6:52:11 AM

4/4/2009 6:48:39 AM
I have a cold

3/30/2009 6:13:48 PM
youtube-can't upload videos

3/29/2009 5:45:38 PM
more pics in the Boston Globe

3/29/2009 5:33:09 PM
question on video editing

3/23/2009 5:32:45 AM
I will be in Boston Globe tomorrow

2/26/2009 8:28:21 PM
computer problems anyone? HELP!

1/27/2009 4:48:08 PM
bluegrass music needed for new station

1/27/2009 10:56:41 AM
Old Joe Clark

1/25/2009 11:57:42 PM
I was robbed tonight

1/21/2009 10:43:42 PM
looking for fiddle, banjo, back up vocals

1/16/2009 9:54:33 AM
winter colds

1/11/2009 7:52:18 PM
music industry bites the hand that feeds it; live music venues are closing

12/29/2008 10:58:19 PM
RIP Freddie Hubbard

12/28/2008 10:06:58 PM
Christian the Lion

12/28/2008 3:34:31 PM
This is a great story

12/24/2008 10:02:00 PM
Holiday Lights

12/14/2008 10:21:58 PM
another song..this one is a Christimas tune

12/1/2008 2:13:23 PM
Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds need chord fix

11/28/2008 11:31:04 PM
Hope your Thanksgiving was great!!

11/22/2008 10:57:39 AM
photo taken yesterday

11/22/2008 9:56:14 AM
Video of me in the subway

11/7/2008 2:14:30 AM
Purple Threads

11/5/2008 12:42:40 AM
Busking on Halloween

10/31/2008 2:35:33 AM
My Halloween tune "Goblins Lookin at Me"

10/29/2008 11:13:32 PM
Happy Halloween!!

10/19/2008 5:30:45 PM
Photos of Beth in the subway

10/19/2008 8:03:03 AM
posting a picture here & photos & video

10/7/2008 9:36:41 PM
preventing chest congestion

10/6/2008 1:53:29 AM
feeling better

10/1/2008 6:12:05 PM
voice, strain, allergies?

9/29/2008 12:58:03 AM

9/25/2008 9:20:19 PM
singing in the subway

9/22/2008 6:09:46 PM
guitar stand damage

9/20/2008 10:06:25 AM

9/2/2008 12:38:29 AM
playing the streets/subways & learning many lessons

8/11/2008 9:33:12 PM
Sore fingers - still

7/12/2008 12:39:52 PM
pain/numbness fretting hand need help/advice

7/10/2008 5:17:00 AM
Busking News

7/3/2008 9:28:19 PM
singing a lot ; how much is harmful?

6/29/2008 5:31:29 PM
need a sturdy cart ASAP to push amp and mic stand and bag with chords etc. around

6/25/2008 11:23:21 PM
playing the street

6/25/2008 11:19:56 PM
playing in the street

6/18/2008 9:55:55 AM

6/11/2008 11:34:53 PM
I had a successful evening busking!

6/10/2008 12:27:41 PM
Glad to be back

5/24/2008 2:42:29 PM
Utah Phillips has died

5/22/2008 11:28:30 AM

5/21/2008 9:56:29 PM
open mic

5/19/2008 2:48:20 PM
CD mastering

5/16/2008 6:17:50 PM
Progress - stage fright, and mandolin

5/13/2008 7:39:07 PM
topics here

5/11/2008 3:11:15 AM
Any experienced buskers out there?

5/11/2008 2:49:46 AM
CDs - why are they skipping in the car

5/8/2008 1:49:23 AM
dealing with stage fright

5/2/2008 10:50:48 PM
car key problems clicker doesn't work

5/2/2008 6:59:07 AM
Music in Iraq

4/30/2008 12:02:30 AM
keyboard and bass!!

4/23/2008 6:51:28 PM
guitar paint patch job question

4/20/2008 1:04:40 AM
Big Toe

4/14/2008 1:39:01 AM
different instrument; keyboard or other??

4/11/2008 12:44:55 PM

4/6/2008 11:25:22 AM
Best time of year to post songs on IAC

3/30/2008 9:01:54 AM

3/17/2008 4:46:10 PM
tendonitis anyone?

3/17/2008 5:06:00 AM
This flu is terrible

3/15/2008 9:51:16 PM
well now, stage fright anyone?

3/14/2008 6:40:59 PM

3/12/2008 7:35:47 PM
New Song

3/10/2008 2:03:23 AM
Buddy Miles has died at 60 (drummer with Hendrix)

2/28/2008 12:15:11 PM
hello to folks here

2/22/2008 1:23:50 PM

2/20/2008 11:56:32 PM
Lunar eclipse

1/29/2008 8:14:06 PM
song in Neil Young's Living With War web site

1/16/2008 12:57:28 AM

1/12/2008 11:51:54 PM
New Songs

1/2/2008 7:19:14 PM
New song

12/5/2007 8:28:49 PM
collaboration anyone?

8/30/2007 1:13:25 AM

7/16/2007 11:11:40 PM
Hello everybody

7/16/2007 1:36:10 PM
slide show


IAC Prime Member


Beth Fridinger

7/3/2008 9:28:19 PM

singing a lot ; how much is harmful?
got my spot today in the subway and sang for 4 hours. I did well in the first 2 hours...when the trains come in I stop singing until the train noise is gone. I was set up at the base of the stairs where everyone enters the platform...very interesting...I'm getting an idea how much I can make...If I did this twice a day with a break inbetween, would this be OK? Don't want to ruin voice.

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Steve Ison

7/4/2008 12:02:13 AM

As long as you don't feel your voice getting worse or straining-i'd guess its ok-tho i'm no expert Beth..

I've done serious everyday busking when i was travelling in europe..The first thing to go was my falsetto-thats when i knew i'd have to take a few days break from doing it..

My friend Abi was telling me i should always do some sort of warm-up before singing-tho i've never done that.Its kinda difficult n embarrasing in public to start goingh so-fa-lee-da-so etc like you're Julie Andrews or something...

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Hugh Hamilton

7/4/2008 5:55:56 AM

I figure vocal chords are like muscles, in the sense that they become stronger and more skilled with use...when I have my periodic "home alone" music-making time, which can last up to a week or so, the biggest difference I notice is in the improved quality of my singing...so I applaud you, Beth, for doing a lot of it...as with the rest of your body, I figure you should just pay close attention to how you feel and sound, and when you start to fee strained head back to the studio to record your version of "Twist and Shout" before calling it a day (lol)...seriously, pay attention and call it a day when you get more than a little strained. Rock on!

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Beth Fridinger

7/4/2008 7:41:18 AM

Well how about sore fingertips....I have callouses hard as rocks but they still hurt! I think the mandolin especially...puts these little double grooves into my fingertips...I have heard of folks getting vocal cord nodules...and I wonder about that...from over singing...which is what I don't want to get!

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fly on the wall

7/4/2008 8:03:48 AM

Steroids might help.

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7/4/2008 12:14:25 PM

Christmas, I got myself a singing exercise program which has alot of exercises that are strenuous even though it teaches to sing easier then I used to. I sometimes put in 6 to 8 hours of practice a day along with singing Led Zeppelin and believe me you will know when you have had enough. Like Hugh said, your vocal chords are like muscles.
If you are singing correctly you can go hours and hours. P.S. How much can you make? Just curious? Baby

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Hugh Hamilton

7/4/2008 3:28:32 PM

I have to laugh a little about the calluses, Beth - every time I get a new guitar I play it about 10 hours a day for three days and nearly destroy my left hand in the process.

I don't know a thing about "nodules". I figure just pay attention to what your body's telling you.

It sounds like you're enjoying a productive period of musical obsession! I'm glad for you - just don't hurt yourself, Kiddo!

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Beth Fridinger

7/4/2008 9:07:12 PM

Well I played today from 1:30 to 10pm in the subway...did not leave the spot...today I sold 2 CDs,..yesterday I sold one CD...two times they told me they wanted the CD that had the Pearly Gates song on it. The mandolin really does a number on my fingers with those double strings...I noticed to day my fingertips are flattened...they are deformed...geez.
The first night I did this I made $__ and that was very unusual as some guys asked me to move near their table for offered me $___+then bought $50 worth of CDs....and I don't expect that to happen again; I kinda consider that my first solo gig...I think the average is about $10 to $12 an hour, and depending on where you are and luck you will get more or less....and I have had someone throw in a $10, a $20 also...and one night I had four $5 bills in there...It really is very hard work and very tiring to play that long without much of a break...just inbetween
I am a natural ham and love being behind a mic...now the stage fright is gone...playing the street is very hard work though...very tiring...in the subway...no bathroom break for all that time.

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7/5/2008 4:55:18 AM

Hi Beth

If your voice is a bit rough the next morning, it's a good indication you we're near the limit. But puting a time to that limit is not easy. Short breaks of not sining do help a lot.

I saw a busker at my local station the other day and she talked a good bit in between songs to sell her CD. She also had a neat poster advertising the CD. It seemed to work well for her. She offered to sign each CD and got a pretty good queue. That gave her voice a break while making money from the CD sales.

Anyway, it's great to hear you getting into it and doing it.

Next time I get to Boston, I hope I can catch a show.

Keep on buskin'



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7/5/2008 6:10:37 AM

10 P.M. in a Boston subway? Be careful. Do you have a gun in your guitar case?
Someone might steal your hard earned cash as well as your guitar. Sounds like your doing pretty well and having fun.
I have noticed when I have good callouses the dents stay longer as the skin looses its elasticity. Very cool your doing this. I would say drink lots of fluids but you would have to go pee pee to much. Thanks for the info. Baby

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7/5/2008 6:11:22 AM

10 P.M. in a Boston subway? Be careful. Do you have a gun in your guitar case?
Someone might steal your hard earned cash as well as your guitar. Sounds like your doing pretty well and having fun.
I have noticed when I have good callouses the dents stay longer as the skin looses its elasticity. Very cool your doing this. I would say drink lots of fluids but you would have to go pee pee to much. Thanks for the info. Baby

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7/5/2008 6:39:19 AM

Sorry. I meant to write "short breaks of not singing"...

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Taylor Mills

7/5/2008 9:00:48 AM

I always say... listen to your body. You can strain your vocal cords too much so just take it easy when you feel it. I always swear by my Throat Coat Tea from Traditional Medicinals. It's a lifesaver when you are feeling strained. Don't push it in your throat - let the air come from your diaphragm .... it should flow out easily like it's bubbling out. You probably feel the strain because you are pushing from your throat to hear yourself. Try not to sing over the loud noises if you can... I know that's a hard one to do. Yes, take breaks and drink the Throat Coat tea. If you lose your voice - remember not to whisper because that is actually harder on your vocal chords.

Well, I hope this helps a little bit. When I'm on tour and everyone is feeling the strain, we ALL go for the tea - even Brain Wilson has a cup of Throat Coat to help him through a long night of lots of vocals. : )

Cheers! Keep singing and good luck... Hope you sell tons of CD's!!!


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7/5/2008 9:48:06 AM

taylor, i take my hat off to you, you're a real pro - and i never knew that about whispering!

and speaking of illness, i thought it was really brave of you to sing from back stage in london last year at the 'lazy old sun' premier, even tho you were poorly, but it seemed like your throat was still ok!

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Taylor Mills

7/5/2008 10:35:31 AM

Hey Gavin!

You are so sweet! Thanks!

That first show of "That Lucky Old Sun" in London was very hard for me. I was very sick, but yes, my voice was working. I couldn't stand and I was a mess. They told me I didn't have to sing, but I really wanted to and I knew my parts would be missing if I didn't. I was so happy to just be off stage and do my part.

Hey, if you have a chance - go to BrianWilson.com and check out the video on the front page of our recording of "TLOS" CD/DVD that is coming out in the Fall. I think it will touch everyone in the deepest parts of your soul. Brian is the sweetest guy and he still has such beautiful music to give us all. I am truly blessed to be a small part of it all.

Thanks again for your kind words. : )


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7/5/2008 11:01:45 AM

you're welcome, taylor...

to be honest, when you didn't come out, i was worried, brian really knows how to use female voices, so i was concerned you were going to be absent, phew!

i wil check out the BW site, of course, it's a fine piece of music, i'd love to know how much BW was involved (a lot, i hope), but we'll save that for another thread...

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Beth Fridinger

7/6/2008 8:30:36 PM

I felt OK in this station but I would not be at all stations after 9pm. I know a friend was mugged between 11pm and 12am at Park St. Station Red Line and I think that's a creepy station...playing there you feel like you are in a wind cave.
Yeah I drink what I need to drink but not enough to have to pee...ha ha...I also use menthol cough drops to help the throat...I'll look into Throat Coat tea. I rested my voice today...will play a little guitar tonight but will play my strat with #9 strings...
One night on Newbury St. some crazy dude, looked like he was on crack...came by threw in some coins then came back near my case and another man went over and stood looking at him to drive him away...interesting...

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Vincenzo Pandolfi

7/7/2008 6:31:36 AM


You go girl, I think you are doing great!! No more stage fright, that's fantastic too...

I think that if you use your voice carefully you will get better at managing it so you don't strain it. By the way, my fingers have been tingling quite a bit from the guitar and I can feel little calluses developing already....



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Beth Fridinger

7/8/2008 1:30:18 PM

Last night a taxi driver pulled over at the corner got out and put $ in my case with a big smile...it was heartwarming...I did the cat song last night and some lady gave me a tip...I sold a couple of my CDs the other day because they liked the Pearly Gates song. Simply amazing.
I have discovered that the population suffers MASS DEPRESSION on Mondays!! It'z funny to watch all the people getting out of work on Monday night...Monday is a slow day/night on the street...people are burned out from the weekend and looking forward to their work week with great gloom...it is kind of sad to see and I never noticed this before. The mood on the street is so different on Monday!

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