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Beth Fridinger
Views for this Topic: 1311

4/30/2010 4:11:10 AM
I was on television tonight because of a subway fire!

8/30/2009 8:08:03 PM

8/30/2009 8:02:43 PM
Afghan poet killed by husband and he gets away with it

8/21/2009 7:14:43 PM

8/17/2009 8:16:15 AM
how to nonmembers vote?

8/15/2009 6:22:31 PM

8/8/2009 8:27:22 AM

7/21/2009 5:21:27 PM
I went to Grey Fox

5/12/2009 6:52:11 AM

4/4/2009 6:48:39 AM
I have a cold

3/30/2009 6:13:48 PM
youtube-can't upload videos

3/29/2009 5:45:38 PM
more pics in the Boston Globe

3/29/2009 5:33:09 PM
question on video editing

3/23/2009 5:32:45 AM
I will be in Boston Globe tomorrow

2/26/2009 8:28:21 PM
computer problems anyone? HELP!

1/27/2009 4:48:08 PM
bluegrass music needed for new station

1/27/2009 10:56:41 AM
Old Joe Clark

1/25/2009 11:57:42 PM
I was robbed tonight

1/21/2009 10:43:42 PM
looking for fiddle, banjo, back up vocals

1/16/2009 9:54:33 AM
winter colds

1/11/2009 7:52:18 PM
music industry bites the hand that feeds it; live music venues are closing

12/29/2008 10:58:19 PM
RIP Freddie Hubbard

12/28/2008 10:06:58 PM
Christian the Lion

12/28/2008 3:34:31 PM
This is a great story

12/24/2008 10:02:00 PM
Holiday Lights

12/14/2008 10:21:58 PM
another song..this one is a Christimas tune

12/1/2008 2:13:23 PM
Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds need chord fix

11/28/2008 11:31:04 PM
Hope your Thanksgiving was great!!

11/22/2008 10:57:39 AM
photo taken yesterday

11/22/2008 9:56:14 AM
Video of me in the subway

11/7/2008 2:14:30 AM
Purple Threads

11/5/2008 12:42:40 AM
Busking on Halloween

10/31/2008 2:35:33 AM
My Halloween tune "Goblins Lookin at Me"

10/29/2008 11:13:32 PM
Happy Halloween!!

10/19/2008 5:30:45 PM
Photos of Beth in the subway

10/19/2008 8:03:03 AM
posting a picture here & photos & video

10/7/2008 9:36:41 PM
preventing chest congestion

10/6/2008 1:53:29 AM
feeling better

10/1/2008 6:12:05 PM
voice, strain, allergies?

9/29/2008 12:58:03 AM

9/25/2008 9:20:19 PM
singing in the subway

9/22/2008 6:09:46 PM
guitar stand damage

9/20/2008 10:06:25 AM

9/2/2008 12:38:29 AM
playing the streets/subways & learning many lessons

8/11/2008 9:33:12 PM
Sore fingers - still

7/12/2008 12:39:52 PM
pain/numbness fretting hand need help/advice

7/10/2008 5:17:00 AM
Busking News

7/3/2008 9:28:19 PM
singing a lot ; how much is harmful?

6/29/2008 5:31:29 PM
need a sturdy cart ASAP to push amp and mic stand and bag with chords etc. around

6/25/2008 11:23:21 PM
playing the street

6/25/2008 11:19:56 PM
playing in the street

6/18/2008 9:55:55 AM

6/11/2008 11:34:53 PM
I had a successful evening busking!

6/10/2008 12:27:41 PM
Glad to be back

5/24/2008 2:42:29 PM
Utah Phillips has died

5/22/2008 11:28:30 AM

5/21/2008 9:56:29 PM
open mic

5/19/2008 2:48:20 PM
CD mastering

5/16/2008 6:17:50 PM
Progress - stage fright, and mandolin

5/13/2008 7:39:07 PM
topics here

5/11/2008 3:11:15 AM
Any experienced buskers out there?

5/11/2008 2:49:46 AM
CDs - why are they skipping in the car

5/8/2008 1:49:23 AM
dealing with stage fright

5/2/2008 10:50:48 PM
car key problems clicker doesn't work

5/2/2008 6:59:07 AM
Music in Iraq

4/30/2008 12:02:30 AM
keyboard and bass!!

4/23/2008 6:51:28 PM
guitar paint patch job question

4/20/2008 1:04:40 AM
Big Toe

4/14/2008 1:39:01 AM
different instrument; keyboard or other??

4/11/2008 12:44:55 PM

4/6/2008 11:25:22 AM
Best time of year to post songs on IAC

3/30/2008 9:01:54 AM

3/17/2008 4:46:10 PM
tendonitis anyone?

3/17/2008 5:06:00 AM
This flu is terrible

3/15/2008 9:51:16 PM
well now, stage fright anyone?

3/14/2008 6:40:59 PM

3/12/2008 7:35:47 PM
New Song

3/10/2008 2:03:23 AM
Buddy Miles has died at 60 (drummer with Hendrix)

2/28/2008 12:15:11 PM
hello to folks here

2/22/2008 1:23:50 PM

2/20/2008 11:56:32 PM
Lunar eclipse

1/29/2008 8:14:06 PM
song in Neil Young's Living With War web site

1/16/2008 12:57:28 AM

1/12/2008 11:51:54 PM
New Songs

1/2/2008 7:19:14 PM
New song

12/5/2007 8:28:49 PM
collaboration anyone?

8/30/2007 1:13:25 AM

7/16/2007 11:11:40 PM
Hello everybody

7/16/2007 1:36:10 PM
slide show


IAC Prime Member


Beth Fridinger

9/22/2008 6:09:46 PM

guitar stand damage
Well I have one of those small stands...had my mandolin on it...picked up the instrument from a sitting position...the bar caught the sound hole and made a nick on the finish on my mandolin! I am very upset...it's a small nick...the stand is supposed to protect the thing and instead it damaged it. The prongs that hold the instrument had something at the end that caught on it...I am not happy about this...and now I gotta figure out how to fix the nick.

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never never band

9/22/2008 7:23:46 PM


I feel your frustration..

do you know what kind of finish it has?
Nitro Cellulous?
or a hard lacquer?

What is the brand and how old is it?
I'm pretty sure we can make the nick disappear

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tom lee

9/22/2008 8:20:05 PM


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Beth Fridinger

9/23/2008 12:41:27 AM

It is a fairly new Michael Kelly Legacy...a brown orange color...I think it's walnut...not sure...I did email them to find out what the finish was...It bothers me these things are so delicate! So there is a small white area where the finish came off and maybe some wood...I hope this doesn't make it vulnerable to more damage.
A couple weeks ago I was playing my guitar standing in the subway...I have an Alvarez...the strap came off the strap button and my guitar crashed to the hard floor! it was a sheer miracle that it did not have one dent or scratch as I was standing. I stopped using the strap button and attached a device I have that attached up by the headstock as I never had a problem before with the strap coming loose.
This mandolin is my first solid top instrument and I was very very upset...and want to fix it so you can't see it and the instrument is not vulnerable to more damage! Yykes!

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Beth Fridinger

9/23/2008 1:01:10 AM

It is a fairly new (just bought in July) Michael Kelly Legacy...a brown orange color and shiny...I think it's walnut...not sure...I did email them to find out what the finish was...It bothers me these things are so delicate! So there is a small white area where the finish came off and maybe some wood...I hope this doesn't make it vulnerable to more damage. What can I do about a stand for it!!??
A couple weeks ago I was playing my guitar standing in the subway...I have an Alvarez...the strap came off the strap button and my guitar crashed to the hard floor! it was a sheer miracle that it did not have one dent or scratch as I was standing. I stopped using the strap button and attached a device I have that attached up by the headstock as I never had a problem before with the strap coming loose.
This mandolin is my first solid top instrument and I was very very upset...and want to fix it so you can't see it and the instrument is not vulnerable to more damage! Yykes!

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never never band

9/23/2008 9:02:03 AM

strap locks!
I have em on all my guitars, it's another $25 you'e gotta spend...

That Mando is spruce, and the reason the finish is thin is so you can hear the wood!
It's actually a good thing.
As long as the nick isn't seperating the the top from the binding or isn't an actual crack, it's gonna be fine.

Buy some Lemon Pledge (yes I'm serious) and start cleaning you mando and guitar with it.
That's what I use, even on my nitrocellulous finished guitars. It's the best stuff. I've seen luthiers use it on $10,000 instruments. Get the NAME BRAND.
the best is the liquid in the bottle, but the spray is fine.
Get a good cleaning cloth, Micro Fiber.
I know it's a drag to invest in strap locks or buy a $15 piece of cloth to wipe your instruments, but really you just have to do this stuff.



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Beth Fridinger

9/24/2008 1:14:52 AM

How do strap locks work? Do you have a link for them where I can look? I haven't heard of them.

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never never band

9/24/2008 9:53:27 PM ---- Updated 9/24/2008 9:55:58 PM

Beth, these are the kind I use.

the piece with the washer goes on your strap, it gets sort of sandwiched on and it stays on your strap.
The other side replaces the strap pin on your guitar.

You bush that button on the strap part and the strap will clip onto you guitar, it will not fall off.
To take the strap off you just push the button

They are easy to install, the only problem I ever has is that on my les paul custom the screws on the original pins are bigger in diameter than the screws on the strap locks so the strap lock pins wouldn't catch, and I couldn't use the screws from the Original pins because the hole in the strap lock pin was to small in diameter.
does that make sense?
so I had to get out my dremel tool and widen the holes in the strap lock pins to fit the original screws...

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9/25/2008 7:12:40 AM

Yes... strap locks are good. If you don't want to take out your original screws you can get (cheap) plastic locks that just go on after your strap.. cost about $4 (300 yen in Japan) each..... and there's no need to change anything on your guitar.

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Hugh Hamilton

9/25/2008 7:26:25 AM ---- Updated 9/25/2008 7:27:32 AM

Here are a couple of other kinds of instrument damage from stands to watch out for - some Multiple guitar stands are designed so that you lean the back of the guitar directly against a rubber bushing on a support. I was a little careless with releasing my hollowbody electric one time when I was putting it in the stand and heard a sickening "crack"...dang...so I resolved only to put solidbodies on that particular stand.

I had a small stand for years that had a "C" shaped, padded support that the neck rested on. Unfortunately the padding was not sealed at the ends, so the interior metal supports protruded slightly. When I would rest the guitar on the base of the stand, the stand would tilt forward and those metal ends would often bump the neck - it took me a long time to realize or care, but it left a bunch of nicks in the neck.

I've learned generally that a certain amount of "battle scarring" is absolutely unavoidable...I often bang the headstock of my Rickenbacker bass on the CEILING (lol), even after all these years - thank goodness I've never whacked it with the ceiling fan (yet, and fingers crossed...). Just remember to move cautiously when handling an instrument, and accept that fate will leave you both with some blemishes that ultimately add some character...


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9/25/2008 2:14:24 PM


Unrelated to fixes and locks, if the damage is purely superficial, after I completed an apprpriate period of mourning for the lost perfection of my instrument, I think I'd try gently easing into the "God it's beautiful...and such character!" mindset.

I've had to do this a few times with my Guild 12 string (1979 vintage), and I'm learning to live with it guilt free!

Best of luck, Kurt

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