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Beth Fridinger
9/25/2008 9:20:19 PM
singing in the subway
Well I've been singing/playing for long times...the question is...how long can one sing and not damage their voice?
Now I am worried about breath support...sometimes I think I am forgetting to breath, and then have to get air at the beginning of a line...I've just started having this problem and it happens when I am playing guitar...If I do an acapella I don't have a problem breathing.
I have been getting hoarse...and then having to rest my voice....if I sing maybe 3 hrs it's not a problem but I will go 3 to 5 hrs and sometimes 6 to 7 hrs and after 8 or 9 hrs I am really sore...did that twice...gotta not do that...so what is the limit? I need the money so I want to sing longer but should not. How long can one safely sing...and how do you know you are doing it right so as not to damage? How do street performers make a living doing this? yykes!
never never band
9/25/2008 9:55:43 PM
7 hours!!!
I used to Busk in Denver and Boulder in the 80s, but I had a lot of instrumental guitar stuff to fall back on...still, 3 hours or maybe 4 and I was done.
You're a braver heart than I was...
I used to pack up if I hit $20 or so, that was enough to eat, gas up my van and get a little pot.
9/25/2008 10:52:16 PM
7 or 8 hours!
To paraphrase, "Superman and Green Lantern ain't got nothin' on you".
I'd go for shorter gigs....that just sounds like way too long....ya gotta take care of yourself!
Beth Fridinger
9/26/2008 11:18:26 AM
yeah I have been trying to switch to shorter...if I did 4 hours a day everyday...the problem is...on a Friday I can sometimes make $100...and I need the money...this is the problem as now I have no other income! I don't want to get vocal nodules and ruin my voice...so I am concerned...there is no money to see a vocal teacher...so I gotta really think about breathing from the diaphram and drinking water...I've been told I have a great voice...so I don't wanna ruin it...a friend of mine ruined hers not singing correctly...I should learn some instrumentals...thinking of learning instruments on the mandolin...need to know crosspicking...if I can master some of that...I could do some of that...but I am pretty simple on the guitar...just mostly rhythm...I do some leads at home in my living room on my strat but don't know how I can do that in public...need some effects pedals and practice...should learn some Hendix probably...
Beth Fridinger
9/26/2008 11:19:55 AM
Sometimes I make a lot of money so I want to keep going...and sometimes not enough money and I am desperate....LOL
I know a sax player who plays everyday 3 hours and pays his rent and lives on it. He swears by "The Law of Attraction" I have started paying attention to this law and find it seems to apply very much to performing and perhaps everything else.
Hugh Hamilton
9/26/2008 11:22:10 AM
Just pay attention to your body and don't push it beyond its endurance...in my opinion it's almost like a sport, in that the more you DO, the more you CAN do...training...but be careful, I agree that you are risking real injury by overdoing.
Beth Fridinger
9/26/2008 11:33:27 PM
Tonight I went in...and only played for 2 hours...and I thought...I had to rest....it wasn't worth it. I need the money real bad...but...I don't know what to do.
never never band
9/27/2008 12:15:01 AM
well, what I did was I got a job....
I still played, I rehearsed bands and practiced just fine, it meant I stayed up late and read and was always trying to make some crazy idea come to life..and If I hadn't lucked out and met my saint of a wife who puts up with it I'd still be single.
But really Beth, your dedication is noble and wanting to make it solely on your art is admirable, but life is compromise, love is compromise, and the best things are usually not the stuff we plan but the stuff that catches us..
I actually am fully self employed now and I do my art for a living..
I restore antiques, Gig a little and teach music..
It took a long time to get here! And a lot of work I didn't really want to do...
but thats life!
It's pretty god once you get used to it!
Beth Fridinger
9/27/2008 10:53:03 AM
Well I can't decide what to do...I worked as a secretary for years till I got laid off, then I photographed weddings for awhile..very high stress...now I am not sure what to do for other work....I could use a part time job...but I absolutely can't decide what to do...I've never been like this before...always worked my butt off...I am afraid if I get too stressful a job I won't be able to do any art. The secretary thing...well...not sure I want to return to that....
9/27/2008 12:48:05 PM
hello Beth
what about a part-time job in a wedding* shop? Since you certainly got in touch with wedding organizers & furnishers and could cite your experience in this segment. That wouldn't be too stressful, would leave you with enought time to make music, and enough money to eat & live healthily.
all the best to you!
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