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Beth Fridinger
11/22/2008 9:56:14 AM
---- Updated 11/22/2008 11:00:32 AM
Video of me in the subway
Here I am playing "Honey" in the subway and the train comes through on the break.....
11/22/2008 11:26:34 AM
You go girl!
The Man With No Band
11/22/2008 12:43:46 PM
Nice train effect ! ... :)
Chris Hance
11/22/2008 12:52:19 PM
Cool as f*kc!!!
Diego B
11/22/2008 1:34:43 PM
Hey that's cool, it's like a natural fade out! Äh...in reverse, 'cause it's getting louder... :-)
Tony Vani and Debbie Hoskin
11/22/2008 2:06:41 PM
That's very cool Beth. You've got way more guts than I've got. I can't even imagine myself doing such a scarey thing. :-) deb
Andy Broad
11/22/2008 3:35:01 PM
Neil w Young
11/22/2008 3:56:46 PM
I'll lay odds that was the "BOB DYLAN EXPRESS" rolling through the station there Beth, and Bob himself was the engineer giving you the big "Thumbs Up" .. Well, I just did!!!
A great display of true troubadouring spirit gal.
With much affection, appreciation and with warm and sincere respect, I dub thee, "Boxcar Beth". Ride those rails gal. Wish I was there to share the tracks with you!!
never never band
11/22/2008 4:06:06 PM
You sound great!
I think you're the hardest working musician on this board.
I'm developing a crush...especially after that groovy purple suit pic!
11/22/2008 10:41:26 PM
I LOVE train songs!!
Black Velvet Lace
11/24/2008 8:15:35 AM
Beth, you couldn't have planned that effect. Awesome.
11/24/2008 8:40:09 AM
Steve Ison
11/24/2008 9:34:23 AM
Nice one Beth..That was cool :)
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