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Views for this Topic: 1046

8/3/2009 11:11:00 AM
New station - Suggestions?

7/30/2009 8:04:05 PM
Cool way to get new listeners for IAC!!!

7/26/2009 9:58:48 AM
Any thoughts on categories on here?

7/25/2009 9:07:40 AM
Genius or Insane?

7/24/2009 8:42:30 AM
Harley Davidson Vs Gods Design - Amusing!!!

7/23/2009 9:32:30 PM
I'm back.... So what have I missed???????

1/5/2009 8:58:22 AM
New Video on our page!

8/31/2008 4:13:31 AM
Just a few sexist jokes that made me laugh today.

8/28/2008 8:57:03 AM
Children say the finniest things!

8/26/2008 9:45:55 AM
This amused me also!

8/26/2008 9:32:41 AM
I found THIS quite amusing!

8/25/2008 11:50:17 AM
Who'd be a TV commentator?

8/25/2008 11:46:16 AM
Dogs or Cats, Which sort of person are you?

8/24/2008 2:46:42 AM
Something that made me smile today!

8/24/2008 2:40:19 AM
Think about your website address first please!!!

8/24/2008 2:37:27 AM

8/23/2008 2:06:05 AM
Birth control method!!!

8/22/2008 12:46:36 AM
Anger Management!

8/22/2008 12:37:50 AM
IAC Featured Artist - TNT, Wow.

8/21/2008 4:01:28 AM
Response to Kyle Whiddieker's post on English!

8/7/2008 9:05:46 AM
Finally - a new guitarist!

4/9/2008 9:21:19 AM
Please give some feedback on this track!!!

3/21/2008 12:28:36 PM
New band coming to IAC soon.

2/15/2008 10:37:40 AM
First gig in years!!

2/7/2008 9:19:27 AM
No Radio at work!!!

2/5/2008 9:15:31 AM
The American/Brit musical divide?

2/4/2008 10:24:36 AM
Another guitarist bites the dust for TNT!

1/28/2008 9:33:50 AM
Song play updates?

1/25/2008 1:04:52 PM
New TNT songs added.


Basic (free) Member



2/15/2008 10:37:40 AM

First gig in years!!
Well the time has finally some an Saturday-16th-February-2008, will be TNT's first gig in 6 years.
I'm very excited, and can hardly wait!
I remember the very first gig TNT did way back, and this feels like a bigger deal somehow.
Perhaps it's because I remember how much I used to enjoy it back then.
The nerves start to creep in a couple of hours before you go on stage, then slowly build until you finally walk out, and the everything just disapears in a haze of playing and exitement.
Other than the general feeling, I can hardly remember ANYTHING alse about that first gig with this band.

Can anyone else rember their first gig?

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Hop On Pop

2/15/2008 11:00:06 AM


I do remember my first gig.
I just happened to be at the very best club in the whole world -- The Blue Note in Columbia, MO. In the previous week they had hosted: Bob Mould, Buddy Guy, Ziggy Marley, Uncle Tupelo (who called the club their home base), and a whole ton of others.

Only sat about 1000 people, but that didn't keep me from freaking out. The rush was amazing. I was shaking when I came off the stage. And I would love to play there again... the best. Only the old Lounge Ax in Chicago came close.

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Village Jammers

2/15/2008 3:18:12 PM

Sure do....a little 2x4 Italian restaurant that seated only 50 (can't blame you for shakin', Todd). I was playing a Japanese guitar (Black Jack) through a Sunn 2x12 amp. I couldn't get rid of the 60 cycle hum, so I put the amp on standby, muted the strings and "played" rhythm all night. Passing one of the tables later on, I overheard someone comment on how GOOD the guitar player sounded ("...you can hardly hear him..." does that tell you anything?) ha ha ha!
Play yer butt off, brother. Have a great gig!

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2/16/2008 1:03:14 AM

Thanks both.

It's only 9 am and the nerves thing has started already.
Only a very small venue (about 100-150 folks in there). But they're usually the ones that where you can really feel the audience up close and personal.

Looking forward to it now.

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the kozy king

2/16/2008 4:46:29 AM

You'll do great.

i can't remember my first gig as I eased into playing by appearing with other musicians for a tune or two.

But I do remember absolutely slaughtering a few songs with were cheered wildly anyway.

You'll do fine...

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2/17/2008 12:55:03 AM

What a night!!!

The first set was a bit stiff, but we let rip in the second and everyone got into it.
We even picked up a biker rally gig off the back of it.

Thankyou to everyone here for your encouragement, it was much appreciated.

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