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8/3/2009 11:11:00 AM
---- Updated 8/3/2009 1:44:22 PM
New station - Suggestions?
I've just created this new station:
Clik Here For New Station
and would welcome your suggestions for appropriate songs to add.
By the way, how the hell do you insert a link into these posts, my brain isn't working well today?

Chris Hance
8/3/2009 12:47:55 PM
(a href="http://iacmusic.com/Stations/KIAC6868.htm")Clik Here For New Station(/a)
now substitute these brackets ( and ) for these brackets < and >

8/3/2009 1:43:29 PM
Cheers for that, I've gotten way to used to using frontpage out of lazyness recently!

8/3/2009 3:44:09 PM
Choose an inoffensive name!!!

8/3/2009 6:08:00 PM
Sorry, I'm on a "slow" day today...... what was offensive?

8/3/2009 6:15:05 PM
Nothing - I'm just saying it's a good idea. Speaking from experience. :)

8/3/2009 6:19:32 PM
---- Updated 8/3/2009 6:21:27 PM
INoffensive? Add THIS song:
Link to IN "Offensive song"
where the link looks like
< a href="http://iacmusic.com/songs.aspx?SongID=55911&ArtistID=11981">Link to IN "Offensive song"< /a> (remove spaces between < and A href and < and /A
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