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kranky king
4/26/2008 5:39:18 PM
When you read blogs, do you skip the long-winded posts?
Even the people I love the most are skipped if I see that their post in a blog requires scrolling.
Even if the comments are addressed to me, I skip the post if i see that it requires scrolling.
Do some of you really have a lot to say or are you simply impressed with yourself? Or are you unable to examine your writing somewhat and get to the point without wasting my time.
fly on the wall
4/26/2008 5:49:25 PM
Yeah I skip yours. :~D
kranky king
4/26/2008 5:57:44 PM
Kevin White
4/26/2008 6:04:24 PM
Nope. I read it all. I don't like missing things.
Like JFK ... I read fast ... covering a lot of ground quickly ... and I remember at least 14% of what I see ... Kinky Kong ...
4/26/2008 6:05:23 PM
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Praesent nec felis. Pellentesque ac nulla vitae ligula ultricies scelerisque. Nam nisi. Quisque malesuada arcu vel tellus semper pulvinar. Mauris sollicitudin mi vitae purus. Nam volutpat, sem sit amet ornare tristique, nunc augue dapibus turpis, ut vulputate massa orci et justo. Vestibulum nunc elit, consectetuer eu, dictum vel, semper eu, risus. Fusce pellentesque, neque vel vestibulum suscipit, elit quam dignissim sapien, sit amet faucibus lorem nibh eget nunc. Praesent ligula. Donec orci nunc, egestas non, consequat a, commodo in, elit. Etiam sollicitudin, augue at mattis dapibus, nunc ipsum suscipit lacus, id porttitor eros purus in eros. Fusce pharetra, urna vel varius convallis, leo risus pellentesque enim, sed porttitor tellus tortor id turpis. Mauris iaculis cursus risus. Mauris feugiat tellus. Nulla lacinia suscipit odio. Sed vestibulum luctus nunc. Sed orci.
Praesent lacinia, massa a adipiscing volutpat, est erat congue nisi, non ornare dolor nisl ac metus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Donec pulvinar consequat dui. Phasellus blandit condimentum lectus. Pellentesque ut diam sed pede feugiat dapibus. Ut id arcu. Ut vestibulum, lectus vel aliquet rutrum, enim quam eleifend augue, et rutrum elit dui at metus. Nunc et diam. Vestibulum ultricies. Cras augue.
Curabitur euismod interdum nulla. Suspendisse sed nunc sed sem lobortis varius. Cras tristique nulla eget nibh. Vestibulum faucibus turpis et eros. Cras viverra fermentum magna. Nulla facilisi. Sed ut nibh. Quisque molestie ultrices augue. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed sit amet est. Donec consequat congue justo. Ut vitae pede sit amet risus accumsan tempus. Mauris eget pede at odio fringilla vulputate. Ut ultrices nibh. Nulla eros.
Praesent convallis, tellus ut laoreet tristique, neque erat dignissim leo, sit amet mattis nisl odio a felis. Vivamus eleifend pharetra diam. Suspendisse viverra. Mauris eget est sed enim auctor ullamcorper. Curabitur purus. Phasellus fringilla. Aliquam erat volutpat. Integer id felis in est cursus fringilla. Praesent pretium sem ut mauris. Nullam ac nulla. Duis convallis. Ut sed lacus.
Nam a ante nec lorem rutrum semper. Pellentesque faucibus nisl ac turpis. In semper. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Etiam magna. Nulla facilisi. Quisque eu augue quis nunc pellentesque vehicula. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur leo orci, porta eget, iaculis elementum, euismod ac, augue. In scelerisque tempor felis. Phasellus leo. In hac habitasse platea dictumst I always have something to say even if you don't understand it so you better read every fagment.
Kevin White
4/26/2008 6:06:55 PM
Suspendisse viverra?
You MUST be joking!
kranky king
4/26/2008 6:08:36 PM
I read every word of that, Dan, just to spite you...
kranky king
4/26/2008 6:10:15 PM
No I'm Kanky Kore, Kev.
kranky king
4/26/2008 6:16:03 PM
"Suspendisse viverra?"
Everybody knows that except in cases of ex tedium hoc it should read "suspendissum vivandi."
4/26/2008 6:41:50 PM
Que? Sorry, I flunked Latin. Otherwise I'd be a surgeon.
Conversation Suicide
4/26/2008 6:48:49 PM
Usually read the long ones...sometimes write 'em. -Phlegm
Conversation Suicide
4/26/2008 6:50:02 PM
Usually read the long ones...sometimes write 'em. Try to long only when it seems necessary to get the points across. -Phlegm
4/26/2008 6:55:35 PM
Vestibulum ultricies!
Short enough?
4/26/2008 8:44:13 PM
It all comes down to time, interest, relevance, articulation, personality and patience. I admire Pipliners who entice me to delve into their psyche, who have a certain expertees, who have a good grasp of creative writing and probably know how to inject a little humour to their prose - I do draw the line at Latin but admit that those guys certainly knew how to sum things up economically so the odd quid pro quo doesn't go amiss.
Have to admit however that I rarely open up videos, although I concede that a vid will eliminate the need for a 1000 words on occasion.
4/26/2008 11:42:05 PM
4/27/2008 3:04:35 AM
....LOL :-) at many of the above posts - I've read them all.
I try and read all blog posts but sometimes I'm short of time here and quickly 'speed read' them but will stop and read properly if something said particularly catches my attention.
Why write 500 words when 5 will do.
Anjuli's posts are invariably loooong but they there always nuggets of gold in them making them worth the extra effort reading.
4/27/2008 3:07:19 AM
....Ooops! I meant to write: Why write 5 words when 500 will do.
Being an arrogant egoistic troublemaker, I always read every single word of my own posts!!
4/27/2008 3:34:38 AM
I'll keep it short and simple for you....
either you have attention deficit disorder...or you are lazy....or you are just simply too dumb to understand what you are reading,sorry if this comes across as a bit rude but i think it's incredibly rude to ignore a post addressed to ones self especially as you have moved someone enough to reply to you in the first instance...it seems pretty disingenuous........
Btw, i realise this may not be scroll proof as it's more than one paragraph....
4/27/2008 4:25:52 AM
Man. The 'logic freeway' is taking some twists and turns today!
kranky king
4/27/2008 5:38:01 AM
Indoors, you seem kinda hostile. I think you need to get out more.
Anyway, thanks. I'd much rather be shot down in five seconds (especially when I deserve it!) than bored by some RUDE person who thinks I've got all day to spend on the Pipeline.
4/27/2008 6:10:52 AM
Dear Kranky,
you wrote....
"Even the people I love the most are skipped if I see that their post in a blog requires scrolling.
Even if the comments are addressed to me, I skip the post if i see that it requires scrolling."
I am not being hostile to you in anyway or for that matter,rude, merely commenting on the tenet of your initial post,in my opinion what you originally posted was rude...
if you post something and someone responds,it's usually good manners to read it through and not scroll down and ignore it because it's an in depth reply and someone has taken the time to respond to what you said...most people can speed read,can't they ?...also if you've got enough time to be on here and blogging in the first place, it strikes me that you'd have time to read at least something that related to you ? why post anything or respond to anything if you haven't got time ? you are on here scrolling ,so you must have time ?!.....I rest my case........
with love and best wishes from The Great Indoors
btw: i make no assumption on the time you have to spend on the Pipeline only that it seems you have plenty of time to get vexed enough to be spending time on the Pipeline......
kranky king
4/27/2008 6:14:29 AM
HaHa Good one! Of course you're right.
Signing off now...
4/27/2008 6:18:09 AM
Have a great day Mr Kranky King..if it is indeed daytime over thar...
All the best to you.......
Jeff Allen Myers
4/27/2008 6:54:33 AM
Laree, there are a bunch of hilarious phrases in your post, too many to post...did you write them all?? Non sequiters and random prose can be quite effective :)
Kevin White
4/27/2008 9:59:58 AM
Yes, pool the begg and pass the kish for crawsakes!
We waitn't linger o' lang!
4/27/2008 10:28:09 AM
....Larree! My brain now hurts!! :-)
Richard Scotti
4/27/2008 11:07:42 AM
Sounds like an old Dylan song! But the answer to Kranky's question is I read every word of every post that interests me.
4/27/2008 11:20:46 AM
that has to be James Joyce & Finnegans Wake...doesn't it ?...or am i way wide of the mark ?
...pretty fine bit of prose either way....
Jeff Allen Myers
4/27/2008 12:45:29 PM
yes I believe it is..I did a google search on one of the phrases and Finnegans wake got a hit... Gotta Love Google. :)
Jo Ellen
4/27/2008 3:37:06 PM
Larree (lol)! In all honesty sometimes I skim read if I am trying to read everyone's posts. It is not because I am not interested, it is simply a time issue. I try not to ramble. If I write a paragraph it is because I have something (hopefully relevant) to offer. I am good for typos & improper spelling usage though. I don't tend to proofread my blogs for some reason. I hope you have a less Kranky day! :-)
Vincenzo Pandolfi
4/27/2008 4:01:38 PM
If it is interesting, I try to read it all.
LyinDan where did the latin come from. I am afraid I was fed a lot of Latin when I went to school in Italy, but I don't remember any of it!! I guess it wasn't my favorite subject. Now I regret that I forget...
kranky king
4/27/2008 5:18:33 PM
Laree I believe that's a quote from Finnigan's Wake by James Joyce.
I don't know for sure, because it was long book and I didn't finish it. (Involved turning pages :-)
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